IIM Nagpur

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Nagpur

Nagpur, Maharashtra | Established in 2015 | Approved/Accredited by Autonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament | Government | NIRF Rank: #31 MBAUniverse.com Rank: #26 Business Today Rank: #23 MBAUniverse.com Grade: AA+
IIM Nagpur
Last Updated on November 8, 2024 by Prof. SK Agarwal

Mentored by IIM Ahmedabad, Indian Institute of Management Nagpur is a new generation IIM that started its journey in the year 2015. The Institute’s first batch of Post Graduate Programme (PGP) in Management passed out in 2017. IIM Nagpur aims to create value-driven leaders, global managers, and entrepreneurs with strong conceptual foundations and analytical approach. 
A member of International Accreditation Body, AACSB, IIM Nagpur is a highly ranked B-school. In Govt of India NIRF Ranking 2023 IIM Nagpur was Ranked # 43 among top 125 management institutes in the county. 

IIM Nagpur has a consistent record of 100% placements. In the final placements 2023, the large batch of 236 students at IIM Nagpur received offers from 100+ recruiters. The average salary for the 2021-23 batch has gone up by 10% at Rs.16.74 LPA, from Rs.15.21 LPA last year. The Highest Salary has gone up at Rs.64 LPA from Rs.31.54 LPA last year. More than 70% offers came from IT/ITES, BFSI, Consulting sectors. Top recruiters include Accenture, Microsoft, Adani, ICICI Bank, Bank of America, BNY Mellon, Mahindra & Mahindra, Yes Bank, KPMG, Deloitte, Infosys, IBM, HCL Tech, TVS Motors among others. 

IIM Nagpur offers 2 year full time residential PGP program leading to MBA degree; Executive MBA and Doctoral PhD programs in Management. IIM Nagpur PGP admission is through CAT exam score. The PI round is through Common Admission Process (CAP) conducted for new IIMs.

IIM Nagpur shifted to its new 132-acre spacious green campus, situated at MIHAN, Nagpur, Maharashtra, in November 2021. The state-of-the-art campus is well equipped with all modern gadgets and facilities.

Establishment Year2015
Ownership TypeGovernment
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament
Rankings MBAUniverse.com #26
Business Today #23
NIRF #31
Courses OfferedMBA/PGDM, Executive MBA, PhD/Fellow Program

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Nagpur


Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Program Highlight
Program TypeMBA/PGDM
Program NameMaster of Business Administration (MBA)
Duration24 Month
Mode of StudyFull Time
FeesRs. 19.25 Lakhs
Average SalaryRs. 16.74 Lakhs
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament
Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
Program Highlight
Program TypeExecutive MBA
Program NameExecutive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
Duration24 Month
Mode of StudyPart Time
Residential/Non-ResidentialNon Residential
FeesRs. 9.50 Lakhs
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament

More Executive MBA Programs

Programs NameTotal FeesAverage SalaryAdmission Status
Executive MBA at IIM Nagpur Pune CampusRs. 9.50 Lakhs-Closed
PhD in Management
Program Highlight
Program TypePhD/Fellow Program
Program NamePhD in Management
Duration48 Month
Mode of StudyFull Time
Approved/Accredited byAutonomous B-school Created by Act of Parliament

More PhD/Fellow Program Programs

Programs NameTotal FeesAverage SalaryAdmission Status
PhD in ManagementRs. 6.50 Lakhs-Closed

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Nagpur


Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Application Status: Closed Apply Now

Application process for admission at IIM Nagpur opens with the start of CAT  registration process. Candidates have to apply for CAT by the last date. There is no need to apply and pay separately for IIM Nagpur Admission at this stage.

Admission/Selection Process for Candidates for MBA program at IIM Nagpur is through CAT Exam and IIM CAP PI round. The selection of the candidates for admission to the MBA at IIM Tiruchirappalli is a three-step process- Pre shortlisting, Shortlisting, and participation in IIM CAP PI round

In the first step, candidates are screened as per the IIM Nagpur admission policy on performance in CAT exam and in the second step they are considered on various parameters for shortlisting for Common Admission Process (CAP) comprising Personal Interview (PI) from among the candidates who have a valid CAT score, who have applied to the programme and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme. After the PI round, IIM Nagpur prepares merit list for final admission as per its final selection weightages. Detailed Admission process is as below:

  • The candidate must have appeared and scored the minimum required percentile in CAT. Candidates are short-listed for CAP round which is the common PI round for CAP participating IIMs. 
  • Candidates are shortlisted from among the candidates who have a valid CAT score, who have applied to the programme and have their interest and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme   
  • After the PI round, IIM Nagpur will award weightages to various parameters and admission offers are made by IIM Nagpur to successful candidates. 
  • The final selection is based on a diverse set of attributes which includes performance in CAT, performance in CAP round, academics, co-curricular and extra-curricular achievements, work experience among others

Admission offer letter would be sent to all successful candidates. Candidates, who are offered admission, need to confirm their acceptance by completing all the required formalities by the stipulated date

Exam Accepted

Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
Application Status: Closed Apply Now

Candidates are required to fill a detailed application form within a stipulated date for MBA Executive Programme offered at Nagpur Campus and pay the requisite application fees. 

The admission process for Executive MBA will comprise of the following stages:
Stage 1: Candidates are required to fill a detailed application form within a stipulated date for Nagpur Campus. 
Stage 2: Candidates who complete the application form and clear the preliminary eligibility checks will be issued admit cards for screening examination IIMNAT. 
Stage 3: Appear in Online IIM Nagpur Aptitude Test – IIMNAT. It is 90 minutes exam comprising multiple choice questions divided into three sections – Verbal Ability, Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation. 
Stage 4: A shortlist for the Personal Interview (PI) will be released for Nagpur Campus based on the IIMNAT scores.
Stage 5: Candidates who are shortlisted will have to attend the PI. Only candidates who appeared for the PI will be considered for the preparation of the final merit list. Stage 6: Admission offers will be sent to the successful candidates based on their Final Score. The Final Score will be computed based on the Screening Examination performance, past academic performance, and personal interview.

The announcement of admission to Executive MBA at IIM Nagpur will be prominently exhibited on the IIMN website www.iimnagpur.ac.in, digital media, and mails.

PhD in Management
Application Status: Closed Apply Now

Interested candidates will have to apply online at the link admissions.iimnagpur.ac.in.
Candidates can fill-up the application form online. 

The admission process at IIM Nagpur for the PhD programme is carried out over various stages as below:

  • Fill a detailed application form and submit within a stipulated date 
  • Only those candidates who meet the eligibility criteria will be considered for preparing the shortlist for PIs. The shortlisted candidates will be informed by email.
  • Candidates who accept the email invitation for PI will be called for interviews. All the candidates called for PI will have to attend area-led PI followed by programme-led PI. In case a candidate has applied for two areas of specialization, he/she has to attend the interview for each Area.
  • Candidates who appear for the PI will be considered for this stage. 
  • Admission offers will be sent to the successful candidates. The selected candidates will receive a provisional admission offer from IIM Nagpur by email. 

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Nagpur

Cut Off

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Nagpur


NIRF Rankings


NIRF Rankings – Parameter wise Scores and Chart

NIRFTotal ScoreTLRRPCGOOIPerception

NIRF Rankings is based on Total Scores attained for following five ranking parameters: a) Teaching, learning, and resources (TLR) b) Research and professional practice (RPC) c) Graduation outcomes (GO) d) Outreach and inclusivity (OI) e) Peer perception (Perception)

MBAUniverse.com Rankings


Business Today Rankings

YearBusiness Today

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Nagpur


YearAverage SalaryMedian SalaryHighest SalaryBatch Placed
2023Rs. 16.74 LakhsRs. 16.85 LakhsRs. 64.00 Lakhs100 %
2022Rs. 15.21 LakhsRs. 15.42 LakhsRs. 31.54 Lakhs100 %

Top Recruiters

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Overall Reviews

No Review available

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Nagpur


A/C Classrooms

A/C Classrooms

IIM Nagpur has spacious smart AC class rooms



There is a cafeteria at IIM Nagpur to fulfil the late night food & tea/coffee requirements of students 



IIM Nagpur has well equipped computer Lab



IIM Nagpur has well ventilated spacious Hostel blocks with AC single occupancy rooms



IIM Nagpur has well equipped Library and e-resource centre (LRC) with books, case studies, journals, databases, audio-visual materials



A spacious Auditorium is set up at IIM Nagpur campus

Convenience Store

Convenience Store

IIM Nagpur has set up a convenience store at its campus to cater to the daily needs of the students



A well equipped Gym at IIM Nagpur takes care of students’ fitness

Hospital & Medical Facilities

Hospital & Medical Facilities

IIM Nagpur has well equipped medical facilities under the supervision of qualified Doctor



IIM Nagpur has set up Entrepreneurship Incubation Centre at the campus

Shuttle Service

Shuttle Service

IIM Nagpur provides shuttle service for students, faculty and staff

Sport Complex

Sport Complex

A well equipped Sports complex is set up with Indoor and Outdoor sports

Wi-Fi Campus

Wi-Fi Campus

IIM Nagpur complete campus is Wi-Fi enabled



IIM Nagpur has a Management Development Centre for Executive Programs


Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Nagpur

Take a look at Campus


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