Last Updated on February 17, 2018 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

10 Hot Group Discussion topics: GD round in MBA Admission begins; know the key tips and avoidable mistakes

IIMs, FMS, XLRI, SPJIMR, MDI and other top MBA colleges in their final admission round use several types of Group Discussion (GD) topics to test the applicants communication skills, topic knowledge, thought process and their leadership skills

10 Hot Group Discussion topics: GD round in MBA Admission begins; know the key tips and avoidable mistakes

Group Discussion (GD) for MBA admission is getting more importance year after year and with every passing academic session more Group Discussion Topics make it to GD round in final selection process. The weightage to Group Discussion round has also been increased by top MBA colleges in the range of 10 to 15 percent. Many top MBA colleges like FMS Delhi have re-introduced the Group Discussion as a key component in the final selection round.
IIMs, FMS, XLRI, SPJIMR, MDI and other top MBA colleges in their final admission round use several types of Group Discussion (GD) topics to test the applicants communication skills, topic knowledge, thought process and their leadership skills making effect on the audience before finalizing their merit lists and offering admission
Group Discussion Topics: Key areas

Current Group Discussion topics are based on latest developments in Business & Economy; Current Affairs; Social Issues; International events, Abstract ideas which are directly or indirectly related to current socio-political, educational and other issues. Usually controversial topics are not included in Group Discussion Round.

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Latest Hot Topics for Group Discussion
Topics for Group Discussion in MBA admission round are carefully selected by the top MBA colleges. With the passing time more areas of GD topics emerge for Group Discussion to test the GD skills of the candidates who can turn the table in their favour while presenting their views for or against on any Group Discussion Topic for MBA admission
GD topics on Business & Economy
Expected GD topics 2018 on Business & Economy are:

Budget Cycle Change: Only a move of convenience;
Bank Recapitalization: NPA reduction and not bank recapitalization can cure the health of PSBs in India.
Start up India: Boosting Entrepreneurship
Merger of Public Sector Banks: How beneficial is the merger of Banks?

Read More for current GD topics on Business & Economy
GD topics on Current Affairs
Latest GD topics on current affairs are the most favourite area of GD round.Some of the expected GD topics in 2018 on Current Affairs are:

End of subsidy regime: Step needed to propel the wheel of growth;
War Kashmir Crisis: War not dialogue will end the Crisis?;
Terrorism: Is this the price we have to pay for democracy?;
Linking of Aadhaar: Is making Aaadhar mandatory a good idea?

Read more latest GD topics on Current Affairs
GD topics on Social Issues
GD topics on Social changes touch the life of common man. This is the reason that almost all the top MBA colleges including IIM Shillong, IIM Kozhikode select more GD topics on social issues for MBA admission. Some of the expected GD topics on Social Issues are:

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao: Will it abolish the orthodox mindset?;
Law should be an instrument of Social Change.

Read more current GD topics on Social Issues
Participating in Group Discussion
Group discussions are unstructured and less formal compared to other components of final admission round like extempore, case studies and PI round where candidates focus only on specific type of questions and respond to them. In the GD round an individuals thought process is influenced by the views and opinions of the other members. It can be other way round also that an individual may influence the other group members with his/her views. In the group discussion round, each participant is free to speak his views. A successful discussion involves both listeningand meaningful speaking.
The effectiveness and efficiency of the group discussiondepends, to a large extent, upon the active participation of the members. The group has to follow a pre-defined and established standards.

Read important tips to crack and succeed in Group Discussion
10 Mistakes to avoid in Group Discussion
Dont take the lead to begin, if unaware
Ignorance is a big problem in GD. Armed with pieces of advice, candidates begin to speak without giving any logical thought to the topic. If you know the topic and can express well on it, you may take the lead else may speak later. It is not important to be the first speaker but more important is what you know and how you speak. You may wait to be the second or third speaker after getting certain clues and outlining them before you speak.
Dont hesitate, if you know
This is very crucial aspect. Despite knowing the topic well, you hesitate to speak. Its all due to the lack of practice. Sometimes, you think that let others speak and only then you should speak. You go on waiting and time is over but you never find the time to speak.

Dont copy
Express your own ideas at length. If you simply follow the other speaker or his ideas, remember your elimination is imminent. Be yourself, when you speak. Your evaluator is sharp enough to judge your knowledge and skill.
Dont beat about the bush
A future manager will require to communicate with number of people in all walks of life- like their colleagues, customers, higher ups. Verbal and written effective communication will be required in making policy decisions. If you are not able to express yourself coherently and go on beating about the bush, you are wasting your time. When you speak you should speak to the point without any ambiguity of thought.
Dont contradict your points
The topics given in Group Discussion are debatable, you might like to speak for or against the topic and while speaking you forget that you are countering your own arguments. It gives a bad impact and you are judged a person who has no stand for his own thought.

For example if you are given the topic Indian politics needs new generation or Older politicians should give way to younger ones and you find yourself comfortable to speak for the topic. While you are of the opinion that young ones will be full of energy, will be more active, will do the things enthusiastically, will bring innovative ideas, you begin to say that older politicians are needed to infuse energy and provide guidance to younger generation. Now despite being correct on that point, you are crisscrossing your own point. So be careful about that.
Dont avoid eye contact
While speaking candidates are afraid of looking into eyes of their fellow participants for one or other reason. You are not a news reader but an aspirant who wants to leave a good impact of his expression. If you are speaking and looking towards the evaluator or in blank space, you are not expressing yourself. The strategy is to give a consistent look scanning all the participants in your group. Dont look to a particular one but around entire group. It gives the impression that you are keen enough to make your point clear to everyone present there.

Avoid interruption
Apart from being a good speaker you are supposed to be a good listener too. It will help you to form more points to speak on and express yourself more effectively. So do not unnecessary interrupt or bully other speakers. Listen to others, and outline your next expression points, present them when you speak.

Dont be content with only one round
Dont be content with one round of one minute or half a minute speaking in the group. Focus on key points, form the ideas and opinions to enter again. Grab at least 2- 3 opportunities to enter with effective speech of one to two minutes.
Dont lose confidence
Number of aspirants find themselves got down when one or other of their points go wrong. In fact, you have to make the same good and recover during the given time. Do not therefore think like a loser, on the contrary prepare and outline some effective points and present yourself confidently. It is not necessary that everything you speak will be acceptable but how you speak and what impression it leaves, is more important.

Avoid the fish market: be audible
The scene during the group discussion sometimes becomes a fish market where everyone is speaking but nothing is heard. If you continue speaking in the din, you are wasting time. It is not possible to win with a weak, low or timid voice. But if you have a strong voice clearly audible over the scene, this is the right time to speak in a slightly higher volume. This will bring silence and you will be able to convey your message well.
Please remember during the process of Group Discussion time is short and you have to find the right opportunity to speak and put forward your views effectively. If you can provide some fact based information, it will be an added advantage for you to get through the GD round.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on Group Discussion topics and tips

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