Last Updated on July 11, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

8 types of Professors you will find at your MBA College; Get ready to adapt

During your MBA course you will find a rather different kind of Professors. This article lets you have an idea of the top 8 probable types of Professors you might find in your MBA colleges.
Surely you all have already seen more several dozens of teachers and professors in your life till now while studying in school and then in to graduation, etc.
But, dont think that you have mastered the art of dealing with Professors!
Welcome to MBA Degree. Here you will find a rather different kind or should I say species of Professors, quite different from the ones you have already encountered. While you might be a bully in your school days or know how to butter up your professor for extra marks in graduation viva-voce, this is a totally different turf.
Get your thinking cap on, get ready to adapt and be in routine and of course learn some acting. You will need it specially that plastic smile and sincere nod of head with a straight look into your professors eye as if both your thoughts are in sync with each other than anyone in your class right now.
Lets take you to a tour of your 2 years MBA degree course and let you have an idea of the top 8 probable types of Professors you might find in your MBA colleges.
1. The No Exam Professor
No exam! He is the best professor hands down, isnt it? The next time you get to fill the Faculty feedback form, this professor is surely getting an A+ from you. May be thats what he desires, being the most loved professor.
But heres the catch, you cant have no exam in MBA course. Hence be ready for a final assignment or project which will take out all your pleasure of leisure time spent throughout the semester. But you will still love this professor as he was the reason for you to be able to leave for home couple of hours earlier or missing an extra lecture.
Enjoy this professor while you can, chances are he might get fired soon!

2. Professor Miser
Remember Uncle Scrooge (Scrooge McDuck) from Duck Tales, this Professor will be more miser in giving away his marks than Uncle Scrooges love for his money.
One exam down and you will think of ideas to drop his subject as your specialization. You might possess all the tools and brains to top his subject, but he wont let you do that so easily. With all your hard work you might be the topper in his subject in your class, but hey you got 55 out of 100 marks. You would have never felt so grumpy being a class topper earlier in your life.
This professors subject marks is directly proportionate to your final semester overall percentage. Beware!

3. The Brilliant One
This will genuinely be your favorite kind of professor. You dont want to miss any of his lectures as every bit of information they throw out is precious, soak up all you can.
This professor probably knows a little bit about every subject you are being taught. He can crack a science joke or give an example of Micro- economics to explain you the need of Corporate Social Responsibility. He will be fluent in English, Hindi and probably one or two more foreign language and has published numerous scholarly articles or even novels.
These are the types of Professor who will encourage creative thinking and learning and will force you to think outside the box.
The time seems to fly away during their lecture and you just wish for more time. Spend your time soaking up as much of their knowledge as possible.

5. Dr. Hitler or the Head Honcho
As the name suggests, this Professor will refresh your dreaded schools days when you were afraid of your that one particular Maths or Chemistry sir or English madam.
This professor will run his subject class as a business and you are his employees or rather interns (who dont get paid either), your projects will be your targets and there will be no flexibility in deadlines. These classes are great for a senior or career oriented student.
But if you are a fresher, embrace yourself for the torture. And dont dare to complain, as he is making you ready for The Real World.

6. The Bore One
Although being highly educated and several years of experience under his sleeves, this professor will ignite your favorite idle time task day dreaming. The more experienced one can do it with their eyes open!
The class of this professor would be so bland and monotone that you will crave for a pillow with just 10 minutes into the class.
With due respect, this Professor will be a very kind personality and might not even bother you in your attempt be build castles in air. However, avoid having the spotlight on yourself as it might sting you in your back when you get your internal marks. Lowest in the class! Never underestimate a silent professor.

7. The Revengeful Junior Professor
This cannot get worse than this. If you are unlucky, you might get a Professor who has just been into this domain after doing his MBA.
What makes him unique? Well, to start with, he knows all your tricks and spoofs. He had done it all, and knows your weak points. He knows the difference between a real headache and a fake medical report. This professor class will be a battle ground with Tit-for-Tat action from both parties: students and Professor. There is nothing worse than a peer with authority, right!
Get ready for extra assignment of just 5 marks over the festival holidays and be prepared for this dude to give a lot of seen it all, done it all advice about establishing yourself in the field.

8. The Admired One
Last but the most favorite one. This professor works hard to make their students experiences pleasurable in the class. Usually the Professor in this category would be a lady.
She is always available for out of class counseling and works hard to remember each of her 200 students names. She would be the in charge of cultural fests, placement services, etc. She offers guidance in not only academic matters, but even personal and career topics. She is mobbed by students especially girls for advices on various matters and this in turn force the boys too.
Other professors might get envious that her classes fill up so quickly and a high percentage of attendance ratio. This is a professor you will remember for years. You may even look to this professor during your early career. This Professor will be your friend and a mentor.
This list in not conclusive and might get several others. But, you are sure to meet them in your 2 years at your B-school. Best of Luck!
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