Last Updated on July 3, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2015: Get ready to face tricky Questions on genders & Plurals; know the strategy to score high

One of such topics on usage of grammar is to know well the correct usage on genders and Plurals.

CAT 2015: Get ready to face tricky Questions on genders & Plurals; know the strategy to score high

Correct answers to more questions based on English language grammar usage in CAT 2015 could improve your percentile to the extent that you would get shortlisted by your preferred IIM but the wrong answers could also lead to lower your percentile. One of such topics on usage of grammar is to know well the correct usage on genders and Plurals.

Both the parts on English basics are all time favourite of examiners in CAT exams. The easy and simple looking singular and plurals as well as syntax formation in gender usage could be as tricky for you as a typical Quant or DI question. Prof S K Agarwal, Expert on Verbal Ability shares the importance of usage and tips on how to prepare and solve the questions on Genders, Singular and Plural in forthcoming CAT 2015 examination.

Everyone reads usage on genders, singulars and plurals right from the 1st or 2nd standard and is fairly conversant with their usage. Preparing on such primary parts of fundamentals of English language in fact is revisiting and refreshing the practice lessons. You have to remember that those who are setting the CAT 2015 Verbal Ability test papers may be asking you these basics of English grammar which you are supposed to know well.
There is no point in arguing what you learnt in your childhood as it has probably never been put to practice usage. CAT 2015 is approaching in 100 days and all the forgotten stuff is being retrieved and new study material with a search for whole hearted guidance from everywhere is sought. The best part is that the same is available but you have to make some efforts for it.

The facts are contrary to general belief of high level of difficulty since it is a subjective thought. CAT 2015 wouldnt like to place typical errors in sentences and paragraphs which may be worthy of being attempted by a Professor of English language. On the contrary, you are expected to find petty errors in CAT 2015 that you are most likely going to skip in your frenzy of quick reading. These simple errors in usage of gender, singular and plural when clubbed to other parts of subject, predicate or object in the sentence, paragraph may create a good amount of confusion among the CAT 2015 aspirants. It happened in past CAT examinations when such questions couldnt get the attention of number of the CAT examinees as the errors were small ones.

Usage confused CAT takers in past also
Spotting the Error in CAT questions with wrong usage of plurals like Stimuli, criteria, data in place of singulars stimulus, criterion, datum has always confused the aspirants. Number of such questions have marked their presence in CAT, session after session and year after year.

It is no doubt easy to catch the plurals ending with s or -es or genders in simple form- like men to women (Remember the catch in using singular or plural number of gender), Male to female but sometimes it is difficult to determine what gender should go with Child, should it be-his/her or its.

Besides, what should follow when two different genders are present in a single sentence or what should we place when two genders- one in singular and other in plural form are present in a single sentence. Should it follow according to the first subject or according to the latter one?
These are all mind boggling and error driving problems which are difficult to be solved unless we are clear on the concept.

Its therefore of utmost importance to know, understand and practice the questions based on such concepts else be ready to lose a few marks

Forming and using Genders
Many common nouns, like engineer or teacher, Manager, officer can refer to men or women. Many English nouns would change form depending on theirgender.
Formation of Gender- The rules for formation of gender from Masculine to feminine are of utmost use while using the correct vocabulary.

Three ways to form the Feminine of Nouns-

By using an entirely different word from Drone to bee, Colt to filly, Monk to Nun etc.
By adding suffix (-Ess, -ine, -trix,-a etc)- Baron to baroness, Count to Countess, Steward to Stewardess, Viscount to Viscountess. Duke to Duchess, Testator to testatrix, czar to czarina, fox to vixen.

By placing a word before or after, as from peacock to peahen, milkman to milk woman.

Tricky part
Now the most tricky situation is to know what objective word should follow when different genders, in different numbers Singular and plural are present in a sentence.
Look at the following sentences on objective and possessive usage of genders
1.Neither my girl friend, who is out of station nor I am(A)/is(B) guilty
2. Either the Minister or the ministers wife will have to excuse themselves(A)/ himself(B)/herself(C) from the reception to speak to caterer
3. Either the team members or the team manager performed their(A)/his(B) duties in a perfunctory manner
4. Either the Prime Minister or a few of his cabinet members may not present himself (A)/ themselves(B) at the prestigious interview session.

Noun Plurals
-The simple s or es can also be tricky
Most nouns change their form to indicatenumberby adding -s or -es. Now pick out the correct number(Singular/plural) in following sentences:
When Matthew was small he rarely told thetruth(A)/truths(B)if he thought he was going to be punished.
Many people do not believe thattruth(A)/truths(B)are self-evident.

As they walked through the silent house, they were startled by an unexpectedechoes(A)/echo(B).
I like to shout into the quarry and listen to theechoes(A)/echo(B)that return.

He tripped over aboxes(A)/box(B)left carelessly in the hallway.
Since we are moving, we will need manyboxes(A)/box(B)

becausewhen youdo,youactivatemoreareasinthebrain.
I was flummoxed between dos and donts and needed the approval of others to work as stimuli(A)/stimulus(B)

Plurals in CAT with change of the last letter
There are other nouns which form thepluralby changing the last letter before adding s. Some words ending in f form the plural by deleting f and adding ves, and words ending in y form the plural by deleting the y and adding ies,. Now pick out the correct usage in the following pairs of sentences:

The harbour at Marble Mountain has onewharf(A)/wharves(B).
There are severalwharf(A)/wharves(B)in Halifax Harbour.

The children circled around the headmaster and shouted, Are you amice(A)/mouse(B)or a man?
The audience was shocked when all five men admitted that they were afraid ofmice(A)/mouse(B).

No singular of some plurals
Some nouns are used only in plural certain articles of dress, names of instruments which have two parts forming a kind of pair e.g. Tongs, Scissors, spectacles, jeans, trousers, annals, assets.

Deceiving plural forms
Some nouns look plural but are used in singular e.g. Electronics, Physics, news, measles, innings, billiards.
Word Means while used in the meaning of wealth, is plural. Example-Despite having small means, he has not incurred any debt and has successfully floated the company.

Plural usage in singular form
Certain nouns are used in plurals although they are singular in form.- e.g. Poultry, cattle, gentry etc. while People means a nation as a common noun and can be used in singular or plural both.
Example- Indians are hard working people. Many different peoples reside in Asia.

-Add s to Principal word in compounds
Compound noun usually forms its plural by adding s to the principal word. For example- Passer by Passers by; Looker-on Lookers on; Commander in Chief-Commanders in chief.
-No change
Some nouns have singular and plurals alike Species, series, aircraft, swine, pair, dozen, fish, hair, cod, trout, salmon are a few of such examples. Hair, fish make plurals with s/-es in special use only
CAT Replica questions
Direction-Q.1 to 2 In each question there are four sentences or parts of sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) that is/are incorrect in terms of grammar including, spelling, punctuation and usage.
Pick out the most appropriate option, out of the options that follow the question

Either the parents or the child are going to talk
to the Principal on this issue and I find many a reasons
why I cant help the child; please excuse me now as the principal
accompanied by the teachers have to go to the auditorium.

A, B & D 2. B, C & D 3. A & D 4. B & C

Q2. A. Neither the high profile Manager nor the staff members was able
B. to calm the distressed customer. On the top of it the
C. working team at this FDI funded store is always
D. fighting among themselves.
1. A & C 2. B & D 3. A only 4. D only

Answers to Objective and Possessive gender pronoun usage
1.A (am); 2. C(herself) 3. (B) his 4. (B) themselves

Answers to paired questions
Pair-1 (A) Truth; (B) Truths
Pair-2 (B) Echo; (A) Echoes
Pair-3 (B) Box; (A) Boxes
Pair-4 (A) stimuli-Music with varying effects and imagery-should have plural;

(B) stimulus- Approval is singular and will work as stimulus
Pair-5 (A) Wharf; (B) Wharves
Pair-6 (B) Mouse; (A) Mice

Answers: CAT replica questions
Q.1Ans. 1. A,B & D A- Either the parents of the child is going to talk- verb will follow the latter noun(subject); B- Many a is followed by singular noun and verb; D- accompanied/as well as/ along with do not make the plural or singular even if followed by the same. Verb therefore will have to be used in accordance with the first(former) subject.

Q.2 Ans. 1. A & C A. ...Nor the staff members were able; C. Working team at this FDI funded store are always fighting among themselves.
Please note that CAT during the last 10 years has asked number of questions based on the concept of genders, singular and Plural. Although they appear simple but the questions are tricky enough, so spend 30 minutes in all to study and equip yourself on the clarity of this concept.

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