Last Updated on September 24, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2015: Registration No further extension; CAT Exam Convener Prof Tathagata Bandyopadhyay

CAT 2015 aspirants have been expecting a further extension at least for the week end to finalise their registration by Sunday Sept 27, but the registration will come to close at 11.59PM on September 25, 2015

CAT 2015: Registration No further extension; CAT Exam Convener Prof Tathagata Bandyopadhyay

The extended date for CAT 2015 registration will come to close at 11.59PM on September 25, 2015. In response to query raised by MBAUniverse.com, whether the registration date is proposed to be extended further, Prof Tathagata Bandyopadhyay Convener CAT 2015 has said Registration process for CAT 2015 not possibly be extended further. Accordingly, going by the message from CAT 2015 convener, CAT 2015 aspirants should remember that the last date of registration for CAT 2015 will be over tomorrow.

CAT 2015 registration has already completed 50 days as it started on Aug 6, 2015 and is going to close just before midnight tomorrow. The registration process had number of confusions, clarifications for which have already been provided by CAT Centre 2015. As the extended registration date ends on Friday tomorrow, CAT 2015 aspirants have been expecting a further extension at least for the week-end to finalise their registration by Sunday Sept 27, 2015. However the CAT 2015 Convener appears in no mood to grant another extension in the CAT 2015 registration date even for a day and proposes to close it on Sep 25, 2015.

Register now: Dont wait
Only a day is left to finalize your CAT 2015 registration. It is not recommended to opt the last day to go for registration as any technical problem might come up due to heavy rush on the last day.
It will be surprising to note for many that number of registrations for CAT 2015 suddenly shot up by more than 65000 in a weeks time as there were only 92000+ candidates registered for CAT 2015 till Sep 13, 2015. This number got a shot in the arm and on Sept 19, 2015 there were total around 1.60 lakhs candidates who registered for CAT 2015.

Those who have not been able to register for CAT 2015 and are eligible should not wait any longer and proceed to register immediately. They should however, keep all the details ready before proceeding for registration.

Last minute rush: Be cautious
Today and tomorrow may witness a great rush of aspirants for CAT 2015 registration. Please be cautious and patiently complete the registration process since the site may be a bit slow.
Big changes in CAT 2015 registration and examination
CAT 2015 registration was opened on August 6, 2014 with many changes which are rated aspirant friendly.
-For CAT 2015 all the aspirants need to register on line and have to pay the necessary registration fee on-line only. The dual on line and off line payment facility does not exist any longer.
- CAT 2015 aspirants have to pay online only through credit cards, net banking facility
- Payment of CAT 2015 registration fee is to be made after completing and inserting all the details in the last part of the registration form. It has saved aspirants from losing the money at the time of beginning of registration process.
-Aspirants do not have to self-schedule their test, date and test centre in CAT 2015 registration process.
-Allotment of test centre and slot to appear in CAT 2015 exam will be made by IIMs after the registration process is closed.
- CAT 2015 will no longer be a multi date or multiple session exam. It will be conducted in a single day on November 29, 2015 in 2 sessions (Morning and afternoon) only
-For the first time in CAT history, CAT 2015 test paper will have Non-MCQ type of questions also without any negative marking imposed on their wrong answers. Candidates will have to solve and type the answers of these questions in the given spaces on Computer screen.
-For the first time, in CAT 2015 the test takers will have the Calculator available on their computer screen so that calculation time is saved.
-CAT 2015 will have 3 sections instead of 2. Now the sectional cut-off will apply to all the 3 sections.
-Sectional time constraint has been re-introduced
- 10 more minutes will be awarded to solve the same number of 100 questions. 60 minutes will be awarded to attempt each section.

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