Last Updated on October 6, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2015: Sectional time constraint-a blessing in disguise; tool to maximise your scores

60 minute sectional time constraint in CAT 2015 can prove to be a blessing in disguise in the 3 hours and 3 section exam leading to IIMs in 2016

CAT 2015: Sectional time constraint-a blessing in disguise; tool to maximise your scores

Reintroduction of 60 minute sectional time constraint in CAT 2015 can prove to be a blessing in disguise in the 3 hours and 3 section exam leading to IIMs in 2016. CAT has the history of constant evolution and CAT 2015 is no exception to it.

Common Admission Test (CAT) 2015 is the gateway to 19 existing and 1 proposed IIMs in 2016 apart from other highly ranked B-schools. For the first time CAT 2015 has brought with it the type of questions the wrong answers of which will not be penalized with negative marking.

Deviating from CAT 2014 when sectional time constraint was removed and the candidates were allowed to switch from one section to other, CAT 2015 has not only reintroduced the sectional time constraint but has also increased the number of sections from 2 to 3. CAT Centre 2015 clarifies Candidates will be allotted exactly 60 minutes for answering questions in each section and they cannot switch from one section to another while answering questions in a section.

A blessing
In view of the mentor on CAT 2015 preparation and verbal ability expert Prof S K Agarwal the time limit of 60 minutes allotted to each of the 3 sections has not only increased the total time by 10 minutes making it to full 3 hours as compared to CAT 2014 which had 170 minutes, the additional 10 minutes in the last section of Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension (VRC) will also add to improve your score in CAT 2015.
The number of questions in CAT 2015 has remained same 100. For many test takers in CAT 2014 the facility to move between the sections had resulted in devoting too much time to one section and losing their percentile on other section due to very less time left.

The timer was ticking on computer screen but the temptation to solve more questions in one section made its grip high upon the test takers that they forgot to timely move to other section. As a result while they scored very high percentile in one section, they were not so lucky in other section.

Since IIMs prescribe minimum qualifying percentile in each section, aspirants with overall percentile as high as 98+ lost the battle as their score in one section was around 100 percentile but in other section they had less than 80.

How to make the best use
With the thought that the freedom of moving from section to another without time constraint could prove to be a trap, CAT Centre 2015 has made it go for good. Now you have to solve 34 questions of Quant followed by 32 questions on DILR and of course the 34 questions in VRC section in the allotted time limit of 60 minutes to each section.

The sectional time limit will work as balancing act to maximize your scores in the 3 sections of CAT 2015 as you will not have to worry about the lapsed time and will devote your time on the existing section. You have approximately 2 minutes per question to solve in each section. If you are able to crack 22 to 24 correct without showing temptation to solve such questions that you think may consume more of your time, you may get a percentile beyond 98 or 99.

You can maximize your attempts taking your strong domain questions first and more difficult questions later. Complete your one section within 50 to 55 minutes and go for checking whether you have marked/reviewed and then finalized the answers of the questions you attempted. This will help you to minimize the errors and thereby losing your marks due to wrong answers.

Adapt well to MCQs and Non-MCQs
Whether it is Multiple Choice question (MCQ) or Non-MCQ, it need not make any adverse impact on your attempting strategy. If you know the concept on which the question is based, you can solve it and arrive at the correct answer option and when there is no answer option it is even better as you have no confusion points and can type the answer straight on the computer screen.
When you know the concept and can solve one type of question you can solve the other type too. The need is to know the topic and the process how to solve.
Aspirants, at least for CAT 2015, should prepare for different type of questions on all the old and new topics and should practice as much as possible. Please do not take it for granted that this year in CAT 2015 difficulty level will be low and questions will be on similar pattern.

Art of sitting for long hours
CAT 2015 aspirants especially those who find it difficult to sit and study continuously for long hours, need to develop this habit and should start studying at least for 3 hours in a row. If they find it difficult, they should gradually improve but the target should be 4 hours. If you focus on it, you may end up finally with 3 hours. It will be better to take 2 past CAT papers without any break and assess yourself.
In fact those who are working professionals or are in their final year of graduation may have to go for more such practice sessions as 3 hours sitting and using your brains consistently might have become the thing of past.
No one studies for 24 hours nor does anyone continues sitting for such long hours at a stretch that too studying. But once you begin and gradually improve your study hours without compromising your physical health, you will become used to it and will face no difficulty while taking CAT 2015 on November 29, 2015.

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