Last Updated on November 17, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2015: Learn how to crack 4 Non-MCQ Jumbled paragraph questions in 5 minutes; boost your percentile

CAT 2015 VARC section with 34 questions proposes to place 4 Non-MCQs on jumbled paragraphs on November 29, 2015

CAT 2015: Learn how to crack 4 Non-MCQ Jumbled paragraph questions in 5 minutes; boost your percentile

CAT 2015 VARC section with 34 questions proposes to place 4 Non-MCQs on jumbled paragraphs on November 29, 2015 as revealed by the practice test made available by IIM Ahmedabad in public domain. It is worthwhile mentioning that all the Non-MCQ type questions will not attract penalty of negative marking even if you insert a wrong answer in the given space on the computer screen.

Correct answers to the 4 Non-MCQs on Jumbled paragraphs can add 12 core marks to your score and can boost your percentile up by 24 to 28 points. This will be a substantial gain which is not marred by the fear of negative marking.

It therefore implies that you should continue practicing hard on parajumbles without break and ensure to score the maximum score of 12 marks by following simple shortcuts and connectors leading to decode the scattered sentences and put them in coherent order.

Changes in PJ questions Unlike the previous CAT exams, the Common Admission Test (CAT) 2015 has changed the structure of questions on Jumbled paragraphs. Now instead of 4 sentences, candidates will have to put in sequential order 5 sentences to make a coherent paragraph.

All the sentences will be labeled 1,2,3,4,5 and will be placed in random order. According to Prof S K Agarwal expert on Verbal Ability and mentor on CAT 2015 preparation, there may not be jumbled sentences with opening or closing sentence already given in the question.

Moderate LOD The level of difficulty on questions framed on Jumbled Paragraphs is not expected to be very high in CAT 2015. Candidates who have practiced well and have understood how to begin would be able to solve these questions quickly.

All questions of Non-MCQ type According to Prof S K Agarwal, expert on Verbal Ability, all the 4 questions on jumbled paragraphs in VARC section of CAT 2015 are expected to be of Non-MCQ type. The biggest feature of these Non-MCQs, introduced for the first time in CAT 2015 is that there is no penalty of negative marking even if you write a wrong answer for them. So you stand to lose nothing but can gain all the credit attached to these Non-MCQs.

No confusion The already given answer options for MCQs at times distract and confuse your mind when you try to decide among 4 or 5 answer options. Despite arriving at the right answer the close options create confusion due to which you get tempted to mark a wrong answer.

There is no fear of getting confused in Non-MCQs. You would solve and arrive at the right answer and will then key in your answer instead of searching for an option. This will boost your confidence level as well.

How to answer The given space for answer needs to be inserted with the order of labeled sentences like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Since there would be 5 sentences you will have to write the correct sequence of 5 sentences in the given space. You can write the number or can click on the given number which would automatically insert it in the given space.

Short cuts & Tips to crack

-- Mark & strike out the words & sentences that create confusion in your mind -- Find out the linking words e.g. conjunctions, pronouns e.g. He/she/it/who/ this/ these/that/which etc. as they indicate that they must have been used in place of some nouns. These words would help to find the link between the sentences. -- Find out, if there is any historical or chronological event based on time factor so that the same may be connected to opening sentence or may lead to closing sentence -- The use of words like therefore, however, summing up, hence, henceforth, hitherto etc. will either lead you to closing sentence or to next paragraph-meaning change of idea, so wath out for the same. -- Now, you will be able to Connect and replace the marked out confused words & sentences.

Sample question for CAT 2015 Direction-The five sentences (labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced form a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer

-- Reform at home has dictated that foreign policy be recast. Tippex has been applied to the script from which the late Mr. Gromyko read so glumly and for so long. -- The soviet leaders siren song about a common European home has beguiled large numbers of West Germans, and for many in the Federal Republic reunification is ceasing to be a repressed dream. -- No has given way to maybe and even occasionally to why not? it is in West Germany that Mr. Gorbachovs charm offensive has made the deepest inroads -- He has also discovered, however, that when Molotov put his hasty signature to the agreement with Ribbentrop, he and Stalin started the clock of a sizeable time bomb. Its tick is heard louder by the day, especially in the Baltic Republics and what is now Soviet Moldavia. -- The relationship between Germany and the soviet Union is once again of major importance in Europe

The blank space is meant to write your answer while you are supposed to choose the correct sentence number from the table given below the backspace and write the numbers in correct order.

For example the correct sequence of sentences in the above jumbled paragraph is 41325, so you are supposed to write it in the same order. Going by the above scattered sentences, if you read a bit more closely you will find that Opening sentence 4 is towards the end of jumbled paragraph- introducing the cause putting of signature; effect to begin-1; changes to be brought 3; moving towards the finals 2 and conclusion-5.

How to prepare With the technology getting improved day by day, reading habits are getting a little cozy and aspirants now prefer to read and practice work-sheets on line. Good Study material is also available on various sites. So now, it should give a boost to the study pattern as we can devote and divide our studies in the most suitable manner between hard copy and soft copy material. Prof S K Agarwal expert on Verbal Ability shares below a few meaningful suggestive ways to ace on jumbled paragraphs that can be followed

Read good books in English by a variety of authors, past and present like James Thurbar, George Bernard Shaw, Evelyn Waugh, Anthony Burgess, Graham Greene. They use easy to understand language along with various tones that make you understand the thought and flow of the paragraph. Use your travel time or Bed time for this substantial reading.

Editorials and articles in English Newspapers give you the opportunity of reading rich in less time. Ideas and thoughts in Paragraphs in news paper give an insight on various situations, problems and imaginations. In order to emphasize the view point, it may begin with an adverb, adjective, superlative, comparative, negation, interrogation etc. ( More importantly, Frankly speaking, in a rhetoric, with malice, at a time etc.). This is important since it will equip you to understand the various types and styles in which the paragraph may be formed. This reading can be done any time during the day as you get the newspaper before your bed-tea time and the same is available till the next one arrives. So you have 24 hours to finish chewing the news paper.

When you are at home, in office or have decided to study at the designated hour, start reading and following various types of jumbled paragraphs, on line as well as off line, try to solve them, find out the committed mistakes, read it afresh and again follow the guidelines. If you are able to solve five to ten parajumbles with 95 percent accuracy every day, rest assured you will begin having fun with them and they will become one of your most favourite pastime.

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