CAT 2015: IIMs disqualify hundreds out of 1814 with 99 percentile; not shortlisted by any of 19
None of the IIMs would shortlist hundreds of candidates with 99 percentile scored in CAT 2015 because of one reason only
None of the 19 IIMs would be going to bestow blessings upon hundreds of candidates out of total 1814 with 99 percentile scored in CAT 2015 by shortlisting them for PI round. The fact that despite scoring a percentile as high as 99 and above, these candidates remain deprived of getting a call from any IIM for admission 2016 is as true as their scores in CAT 2015.
The fact appears to be so shocking but it is altogether true. Many of these candidates have excellent academic profile, good work experience required by the IIMs but all has gone in vain as the dream to get into an IIM is shattered.
IIMs disqualify 99 percentilers? CAT 2015 conducted by IIMs, is probably the only exam that awards a score of 99 percentile and also goes to disqualify a candidate from becoming eligible for admission to any of the participating 19 IIMs, if the test taker misses a high sectional percentile despite scoring many times higher than the required score.
Surprisingly, if you have scored as high as 99 or perfect 100 in 2 of the 3 sections in CAT 2015 but have scored even 70 in the 3rd section, your over all percentile could be above 99.5 but you will not be shortlisted by IIMA, IIMB, IIMC, IIML or any other ones.
The candidates who have prepared hard, burned midnight oil, quit their jobs to prepare for CAT 2015 and also scored a percentile quite decent enough to be shortlisted by any top rated B-school, still dont get the opportunity to show their skills in final admission round.
Is there problem in scoring pattern? The equating of scores and normalization process in CAT 2015 may or may not be faulty but the IIMs have no system and procedure to award even the grace marks to these high percentilers who could have got shortlisted by all the IIMs, if only they had added a little more percentile to their 3rd section.
Ankit with 99.01 percentile scored 98.46 and 99.99 in 2 sections but lacked in one section where he scored 63.9; Shivam scored a decent 98.2 with 99.93 and 96 percentile in 2 sections but could hit 79.6 percentile in the 3rd section and therefore both of them despite scoring so high, wouldnt be shortlisted by IIMs now.
99 percentile - no relevance Are these candidates less intelligent? Dont know how to prepare and score? Shouldnt IIMs take cognizance of this fact that the scoring process in CAT 2015 is ruining their own reputation of awarding a high percentile of 98 or 99 which has no relevance.
The shortlist announced by IIM Ahmedabad contains 97 percentilers also but hundreds of candidates with 99 to 99.98 percentile have not found any place in the recently announced shortlist by IIMA.
High score in CAT 2015: Better or worse? Only 1814 candidates out of 179602 CAT 2015 test takers have been awarded 99 and above percentile. One has to analyse how good it is to score 99 percentile when you cannot even hope for admission to an IIM. The criteria to award 99 percentile could also be a matter of analysis because when you get 99 percentile you are among top rankers but the top rank goes below the rank of many thousands who have been able to score only 90 or 92 percentile but have cleared the hurdle of minimum qualifying sectional percentile score in CAT 2015.
Getting a percentile of 99 doesnt assure you a seat in any IIM and going by the scores, it is very much possible that many IIMs might shortlist the candidates with bare minimum percentile required by them as CAT 2015 scores declared on January 8, 2016 have more sectional deviations than they had in earlier CAT exams.
Out of 19 IIMs almost all of them need minimum 80 percentile score in each of the 3 sections except the one or two of the newest IIMs who have reduced their minimum sectional qualifying percentile to 75 in only 1 or 2 sections. But still these candidates who were shortlisted by IIMs but could not convert the call last year decided to prepare again for CAT 2015 and now have been left disappointed as they have not even been able to score a balanced sectional percentile.
There were 2.18 lakh candidates registered for CAT 2015. Out of them 1.80 lakhs appeared in CAT 2015. When the result was declared there were only 17 candidates with 100 percentile and 1814 are there between 99 and 99.99 percentile. Although these 99 and above percentilers can sure boast of their overall percentile scored in CAT 2015, would IIMs understand their plight that they stand at the same ground where zero percentilers are, as far as admission process to IIMs is concerned.
Related Article CAT 2015: Result out on website; follow the key steps and instructions to know the sectional percentile CAT 2015: Result out, Can the process be termed as leaked or only a TCS technical glitch? CAT 2015: Result out fate of 1.80 aspirants decided after up & Downs; check your score CAT 2015: Result out, Score on mobile; Check Your Detail CAT 2015: Result no pre announcement of date, declare directly; Confirms Convener CAT 2015 Result : Is the score normalization process holding it back ? A different exam posing hindrance in declaration
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