Last Updated on August 9, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2016: 3 step Aspirant friendly Registration process; know how to fill form without mistake

CAT 2016 registration guide has clarified that in case of filling incorrect information not only the candidature of the aspirant will be treated as invalid but also the registration fee will be forfeited

CAT 2016: 3 step Aspirant friendly Registration process; know how to fill form without mistake

CAT 2016 registration is more aspirant friendly and can be completed in 3 steps. CAT 2016 registration will remain open for 46 days till September 22, 2016. MBAUniverse.com has already shared with the aspirants the check list the aspirants should keep ready before starting the registration for CAT 2016.

Important information; keep ready
Following are the mandatory items of information you will need during the registration process
-- Educational history
-- Mark sheets (10th /12th/ Degree/Diploma)
-- Work experience, if any
-- Applicable Certificates to upload
-- Scanned images of your passport size photo and signature. (The photo should not be more than six months old and should have a white background)
-- List of the IIM programmes to which you wish to apply

Registration:3 step Process
CAT 2016 registration steps are simple and can be completed within the specified time although candidate can login again and again to complete the process as follows:
-- Create a Profile
-- Log in with system generated User ID and Password
-- Submit Application after entering details and making online payment

User friendly process
CAT 2016 registration process is user friendly as the guidelines are clearer with almost negligible changes having been incorporated in the registration process. The video on CAT website is a great help to complete the registration process. It contains all the required details and instructions to complete the registration. The three step registration process is free from any technical glitches.
If the aspirants keep the required information ready, the registration process can be completed error free and may not take much time. Following is the key step by step registration process for CAT 2016.

Important points to remember
-Once you create a profile after login as new user on Register now and receive your system generated User ID and Password as SMS and on mail, next login should be as existing user with the received ID & Password
-In a few minutes of submitting the Registration Form, you will receive a User ID on the registered email with the subject line CAT 2016 Login Details. Ensure to check your mailbox immediately and in case you dont find it there also check the spam mail.
-Keep the entire information ready before filling up the application form
- The work experience is to be entered in completed months
- The application need not be completed in one go. You can revisit the form several times and complete it in steps.
- You will not be allowed to continue, if mandatory information is not filled or the required Certificates, scanned images of photographs, signature are not uploaded
- If you forget your password, you may click on the Forgot Password button on the Existing
- User login window. The new password will be sent in an email, and not as an SMS.
- Once you have completed the last section, i.e. Payment, your application to CAT 2016 is considered complete and you will receive a confirmation mail. After this, changes to any information on the application form are not possible

Dont be in haste to fill up the form
CAT 2016 Application form can be filled up in parts till you click on submit button. Earlier it was a time bound process. If you wish to complete it in one go, you have 30 minutes else you can login again after saving the data and complete the process gradually. Aspirants should read the instructions at the start of the form before they begin filling the information. They can save and exit the form any number of times to edit and complete it later or can Save & Continue each section till they submit the application.

However, if mandatory information is not filled or the required Certificates are not uploaded, candidate will not be allowed to continue. Besides after clicking on submit button, changes to any information provided on the application form are not possible. A candidate can only print or save the form from the website after that

Early or late registration at par
Aspirants who register during the 46 days registration window will be treated at par in CAT 2016 as against the earlier CAT years registration process when the aspirants could select the test date, city and test centre along with the preferred session. There was always a fear of not getting the preferred test centre and session, if the registration process was not completed early. CAT 2016 is a single day 2 session exam and does not allow any self scheduling of the test and the aspirants will be informed of the test date, test centre and the test session by the CAT Centre 2016 on October 18.

Choice of 4 test cities
CAT 2016 has allowed to choose 4 preferred test cities out of 138 testing centres which will have more than 650 testing sites. CAT centre 2016 will also take care to allot, subject to availability the most preferred or the 1st choice to the aspirant.
Register first; Pay the fee afterwards
The greatest positive change in CAT 2016 registration process is to make the on-line payment as the last step of filling up the form. This change will enable the aspirants to review the accuracy of the filled up details in their application form before making the payment.

Keep the Scanned images of photo & Signature
CAT 2016 has made it mandatory to upload your scanned passport photo and signature at the time of registration. The photo and signature apart from being kept in record with the testing IIM and testing agency are proposed to be used on your digital admit cards, the prints of which you will have to download after October 18, 2016. Please note, it will be a mandatory document to appear in CAT 2016.
Scanned image of Passport size photo with the dimensions 35mm X 45mm along with the scanned image of your signature with the dimensions 1000mm X 35 mm. is required to be uploaded at the time of registration for CAT 2016. Please note that the documents file format should be .jpg or .jpeg and the file size should not be more than 80KB each. The image should be clear with a minimum resolution of 150px.

Choose the preferred PI city
CAT 2016 has provided the opportunity to the aspirants to choose the interview city at the time of registration for each IIM programme. The Interview City can be selected from the respective drop down list.

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