Last Updated on August 23, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

SNAP 2016: Reasoning and GK trimmed; Exam pattern overhauled; introduces uniform sectional marking

SNAP 2016 exam pattern has been changed with reduced maximum marks to 150 from 180 and reduced weightage per question in Analytical & Logical Reasoning section

SNAP 2016: Reasoning and GK trimmed; Exam pattern overhauled; introduces uniform sectional marking

SNAP 2016 exam on December 18 will have an entirely changed face with reduced maximum marks to 150 from 180 and reduced weightage per question in Analytical & Logical Reasoning as compared to last year exam. In the process General Awareness section has also been trimmed to fewer questions. SNAP 2016 will have uniform sectional marking process for each question as against earlier marking system which awarded higher marks for correct answers in Reasoning section and lower marks for other sections.

Interestingly, the number of questions in reasoning section has been increased but the erstwhile higher weightage of 2 marks in marking for this section has been reduced to 1. Similarly, number of questions in GK section has also been reduced in SNAP 2016 making it a 150 marks test instead of earlier 180 marks exam.

Key changes in SNAP 2016
Since inception SNAP, the admission test for all the Symbiosis institutes has remained paper pen based and SNAP 2016 will also maintain this legacy. Paper pen based format in SNAP test is proposed to continue not only for SNAP 2016 but for future exams also till the zero error in computer based format especially while copying the Data Interpretation questions is ensured.

The paper pen mode SNAP 2016 with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) will be of 2 hours duration from 2 PM to 4 PM to be held in a single day on December 18, 2018. After many years, SNAP has effected changes in its exam pattern. The key changes are as follows-Candidates have the facility to attempt any section in any order within overall allotted time of 2 hours. Candidates will be allowed to mark their answers with blue or black ball pen on OMR sheet.There will be 4 sections in SNAP 2016.

Maximum marks: 150
Earlier SNAP used to have 150 questions carrying maximum weightage of 180 marks. The SNAP 2016 has changed this pattern and now there will be 150 questions carrying maximum 150 marks.

Analytical & Logical Reasoning section: Changed
This section used to carry highest weightage in SNAP exam with 30 questions carrying 60 marks. Now SNAP 2016 has changed this pattern by awarding uniform weightage to the questions in this section. Out of total 150 questions, Reasoning will have 40 questions carrying a maximum scoring weightage of 40 marks. The section reports a loss of 20 marks as in SNAP 2016, all the 40 questions in this section will carry a weight of 1 mark.

Comparative weight table: Reasoning
Till SNAP 2015
SNAP 2016

Total number of questions

Marks per question

Total max marks for the section

Current Affairs (GK): Qs reduced from 40 to 30
The General Awareness section has been totally revamped and is now made much easier than earlier ones. It has been specified that the section will be limited to last 2 years of current affairs questions. It means no conventional or past static GK would be asked in this section.

Accordingly, you may not expect a question on what happened in 2010 or 2011 but you must go through the minute details of what happened during 2014 to 2016.
This section used to have 40 questions carrying the credit of 1 mark each. However, this pattern has been changed and now there will be only 30 questions, although the maximum mark per question would remain the same at 1 mark and the total marks for the section would be 30.

2 sections with No change
Following 2 sections will remain same without any change in total number of questions, marking pattern or content
General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability
SNAP 2016 will keep this section same as past years without any change. Total number of questions in this section will remain 40 with 1 Mark for each correct answer and total maximum marks for the section being kept at 40.

Quantitative Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency
No change is proposed in this section also in SNAP 2016. Total number of questions will remain the same at 40 carrying 1 mark for each correct answer and 40 as total Maximum marks.
Sectional Composition of SNAP 2016

Section name
No. of questions
Total marks
General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability

Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency

Current Affairs (of last 2 years)

Analytical & Logical Reasoning


Negative marking
SNAP 2016 will contain objective type questions. Each question has 4 responses. Candidate should choose an appropriate response. Each wrong answer attracts1/4 negative marks.
SNAP 2016 is the gateway to 15 Symbiosis management institutes including SIBM Pune.

This year SNAP 2016 will be conducted across the country in 32 test cities by Symbiosis International University (SIU) Pune on the 3rd Sunday of December i.e. December 18.
High scores in SNAP 2016 will offer admission to MBA 2017-19 programmes in all 15 Symbiosis institutes namely SIBM Pune; SICSR; SCMHRD; SIIB; SITM; SIMS; SIMC Pune; SIOM Nashik; SCIT; SIHS; SIBM Bengaluru; SSBF; SIMC Bengaluru; SIBM Hyderabad and Symbiosis School of Sports Sciences (SSSS). All the 15 B-schools are affiliated to SIU Pune.


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