Last Updated on October 14, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2016 : I will crack CAT and get IIM calls , confident aspirant reveals preparation strategy

CAT 2016 aspirant Shivaraman with his changed preparation strategy plans not only to crack CAT with high percentile but also is determined to convert call to dream IIMs
What I missed last year, I will change it to success this year! Despite scoring high with dip in sectional score in CAT last year I remained out of the fray to get call from IIMs. This year I am determined to ensure not only to get high scores in CAT 2016 but also will convert the call. The sentiments are from one of the CAT 2016 aspirants Shivaraman (name changed to protect the identity) who is also a working professional and will be appearing for the second time in CAT with the determination to get into one of the dream IIMs or FMS Delhi but wouldnt like to compromise for any other B school.
Shivraman has not joined any coaching as he has less time but emphasizes on other learning and practice tools alongwith his self study to crack CAT 2016 with high score-overall and sectional to make his dream come true. Not only Shivraman is preparing hard but also is motivating his peers to crack CAT 2016 with high scores and convert the call from IIMs. It is not as tough as it seems.
One of the reasons that I could not crack CAT last year with the required sectional score was the fact that I was preparing on the lines of 2 section exam even after it was announced that CAT would comprise 3 sections. Probably I could not manage the 3 sections well and this was the reason that I did not get a high balanced sectional percentile in all the 3 sections. Besides entire pattern of the exam was changed, so it also created some confusion and above all the time management to prepare well and during the CAT exam created the problem.
My Preparation strategy
Throwing the burden away off my mind, I will talk about my strategy for CAT 2016 and the plan to crack it with high scores.
I began my preparation afresh for CAT 2016 taking a clue from last year exam since the exam is going to be held on the past pattern. The only thing is to be announced is the composition of sectional and total number of questions and the distribution of MCQs and Non-MCQs in CAT 2016.
It would not adversely affect my strategy since the pattern is to remain as of last year. Accordingly, I am focusing on the last year exam pattern and have gathered the material after clearing my concepts and fundamentals to score high.
Key points I am adhering to prepare well
-- No coaching but I have joined testing series and weekend practice sessions.
-- Self preparation offers me the opportunity of self introspection. Wherever I get stuck I get it clarified and analyse my mistakes to improve more
-- Apart from moving up to get stronger on basics and getting conceptual clarity I am taking timed tests as test taking skills will determine how much I have improved
-- Along with reading new, I dont forget to revise the concepts and practice at least a few of the questions based on each of them
-- Unlike many others who feel happy only after taking Mocks, I analyse the mock I have taken, understand the errors I have committed and devise the strategy accordingly for exam day.
-- I am gradually increasing a realistic score target in CAT 2016 according to my strengths and performance in Mocks.
My proposed testing hall strategy
To avoid recurrence of any previous mistake, I have decided to adopt the following strategy in CAT 2016 testing room
-- After due preparation and taking lot of Mocks, I propose target 100 percentile in CAT 2016
-- Since 60 minutes per section are allotted, I will maximize attempts per section.
-- The best doable questions I will cover in the first attempt followed by more difficult questions.
-- I will attempt Non-MCQs first in each section as there is no fear of negative marking and will attempt MCQs afterwards
-- I will skip the questions which I do not find doable in the first instance. If time permits will come back to it.
-- Since Quant is the last of the 3 sections, I may get tired by the time I reach to Quant section after 120 minutes. I will try not to cram my head with the unknown type of questions in other 2 sections, that may cause fatigue.
-- With DILR questions clubbed in one section, I will ensure that full set of 4 questions following the problem can be solved. It would save time on going through the content of next problem set and will save time.
-- Will go to the examination hall with open mind to attempt any type of questions.
Good strategy, comments expert
The confidence and strategy displayed by the CAT 2016 aspirant Shivaraman, according to Prof S K Agarwal, expert on Verbal Ability and mentor on CAT 2016 preparation can yield desired result with high sectional and overall scores in the exam as well as will help in converting the call to IIMs. However, the expert shares that Shivaraman should clear on 3 points namely make a balanced approach to all the 3 sections; the weightage of DILR and Quant sections is same as that of Verbal and RC section and all the questions carry equal marks.
The preparation and test taking strategy should continue focusing on all these 3 major points. The test taker will have to maintain his cool and remain motivated throughout the 3 hours of CAT 2016 exam. This can only be achieved by taking as many full length mocks at least, 2-3 a week where Shivaram should adopt the strategy to attempt doable questions first and skip the difficult ones.
This is very important as by the time you reach the last section which is Quant, the same energy level has to be maintained. Quant is more calculation and formula intensive section. A slightest wrong application can cost you loss of 3+1=4 marks for any wrong attmpt of MCQ type of questions.
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