Last Updated on November 8, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2016: Why IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta now need low scores & change PGP admission criteria? Key facts

Dont expect to secure a seat merely with a high CAT 2016 percentile in IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow or FMS Delhi

CAT 2016: Why IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta now need low scores & change PGP admission criteria? Key facts

Beware and be on your guard! No more you can secure a seat merely with a high CAT 2016 percentile in top rated IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow or FMS Delhi. With the revised admission criteria for PGP/MBA 2017-19 batch, a 99+ percentile may remain out of the shortlisting arena by these IIMs or FMS Delhi while a candidate with low percentile of 95-96 in CAT 2016 may get through.

Besides your CAT 2016 scores, now IIMs need number of other things in you before offering admission to their flagship PGP 2017-19 batch. Your 99 percentile may turn into zero percentile as far as call from IIMs is concerned unless you have complied with other key parameters. Now if you think that this percentile score in CAT 2016 will suffice to get a call from IIM A, B, C, L or FMS Delhi, you are mistaken.

Thousands of high percentilers between 98 and 99 plus in CAT 2016 may be deprived of getting any call from for any programme in IIMs and this fact cannot be denied. You can be happy on scoring such a high percentile but the situation becomes quite embarrassing when you are not shortlisted by your dream B-school and your high percentile score proves no better than your peer who scored only 30 or 40 percentile.

There are shocking but true stories of high percentilers in CAT exam who despite scoring a high percentile of 99+ remain without getting shortlisted by the top B-schools at the 1st stage even.

IIMs, FMS need beyond the CAT 2016 score now
You need to understand the complex shortlisting criteria and CAT score parameters prescribed by these top IIMs and FMS Delhi to determine what else you need along with the high CAT 2016 scores to get shortlisted by the desired B-school.
In fact only a high score in CAT 2016 may not be taken as granted to cover all the essentials for admission in IIMs, FMS Delhi in 2017. Along with high overall percentile you must qualify as per the prescribed score of IIMs, in each of the 3 sections in CAT 2016. If you have done it, your score of 95 or 99 could be an asset for you else it is of no use.

How does your 99 percentile CAT 2016 go useless?
You may have scored 100 percentile in Quant section; 95 in Verbal Ability section but couldnt score 70 in VARC. It is very much possible that your overall CAT 2016 percentile can go up to 99 but your sectional percentile reflect that you could not qualify the minimum required sectional percentile of 70 or 80 in VARC section. It takes you nowhere and you will not be shortlisted by the IIM. The sectional dip has become a thorn in flash and your high percentile is no good.
It is an astonishing fact that candidates who scored 99 percentile had very good score in 2 sections but could not score high enough in one of the 3 sections. This has not only created a gap among sectional percentiles but has also reduced their overall percentile which could have soared up, if they had scored well in the third section also.

CAT 2016 score: Not the only requirement
Scoring high percentile in CAT 2016 is necessary for admission to top rated IIMs, but it is not the only requirement. It is not necessary that your 99+ percentile may make you eligible to receive a call from IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow or FMS Delhi given the reduced weightage to CAT 2016 scores in the shortlisting process. On the contrary you can expect to be shortlisted by these top institutes even if you score 92 or 94 percentile in CAT 2016 provided you have a little extra with you.

IIMs reducing weightage to CAT 2016 score
Almost all the IIMs have changed their admission policy for PGP 2017-19 batch and will look beyond your high overall percentile in CAT 2016 before offering you admission.
IIMs have reduced the weightage substantially to be awarded to CAT 2016 scores in shortlisting and final admission round. Now higher weightage will be awarded to your academic profile, written and verbal communication skill, gender diversity among others.

IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow among other IIMs have taken lead and have reduced the weightage to be awarded for CAT 2016 scores by about 10 points. A dip of 10% in awarding the weightage to CAT 2016 scores can be rated as the major change in the admission policy of the top IIMs in the country.

Now you need high and balanced sectional percentile in CAT 2016 as the basic criterion to remain eligible for shortlisting by IIMs. The qualifying sectional percentile scores have also been lowered by top IIMs, for example IIM Ahmedabad needs only 70 sectional and 80 overall percentile; IIM Calcutta requires 80 sectional and 90 overall percentile as the qualifying scores in CAT 2016 for 1st stage shortlisting.

Academic Profile: Preferred by IIMs
If you have a good academic record with 90 percent marks in class X, XII and graduation, you stand better chances of getting shortlisted even if you have scored less in CAT 2016.
On the academic diversity front, IIMs will prefer candidates with background from Humanities, Arts, Commerce etc for PGP 2017-19 batch. Accordingly higher weightage for the candidates coming from non-engineering back ground will be awarded to the students of Arts, Commerce, Economics and other non technical courses. Read more about IIMA admission policy to increase number of non-engineers http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9696/IIM-Ahmedabad

WEx of 2 Yrs and above: Claim more weightage
Apart from CAT 2016 scores, if you have quality work experience between 2 to 3 years, you will be awarded weightage by IIMs in admission. Please remember no IIM gives any weightage to the work experience of less than 6 months. Work experience beyond 4 years onwards also has very less or no weightage and is not much preferred by IIMs.

Your work experience should be in supervisory cadre. The work experience with an NGO; your participation in spread of education and other contribution to social cause reflect your leadership skills. A quality internship may also be included to express your work experience. Maximum weightage in the range of 5 to 10 percent will be awarded for the work experience which includes the quality of work also.

Ensure balanced sectional CAT 2016 score
We forget that the primary requirement to qualify for getting shortlisted by the IIMs is scoring high and balanced sectional percentile in CAT 2016 and not the over-all percentile.
IIMs after applying their equated normalization system would prefer a candidate with fairly high balanced percentile of 90+ and 94+ in each section with overall percentile of 95-97 to a candidate with overall high percentile of 98-99 having greater deviation in sectional percentile.

In view of Prof S K Agarwal Expert on Verbal Ability and mentor on CAT 2016 preparation, out of the 3 sections, if you are able to score a very high percentile in 2 sections on Quant and Verbal but score a low percentile in the DILR section, you will not even qualify to be considered for shortlisting by any of the 20 IIMs.

IIM A, B, C, L award 40% to 70% weightage to CAT 2016 scores
The revised admission policy announced by IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow has clarified that they will award lower than earlier weightage to CAT 2016 scores in shortlisting and final admission process.

IIM Ahmedabad: Announces lowest qualifying scores in CAT 2016
IIM Ahmedabad has already reduced its qualifying sectional percentile in CAT 2016 from 80 to 70 so that non-engineers who find it difficult to score high in Quant and Data Interpretation can also qualify and can be shortlisted at the 1st stage. Read more about IIM Ahmedabad admission criteria http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9652/IIM-Ahmedabad

IIM Bangalore: 40% weightage to CAT 2016 scores
IIM Bangalore while announcing its admission policy for PGP 2017-19 batch has made it clear that it would award only 40% weightage to CAT 2016 scores and rest 60% weightage will go to excellent academics, academic diversity, work experience and gender diversity.

Now if a candidate cracks CAT 2016 with 100 percentile but has only 60% or less marks in his academics will get 40% weightage only and almost 0% weightage in academics. The chances to get shortlisted are remote as against those candidates who have scored 90 percentile in CAT 2016 but have 90% and above marks in their academics from class 10 to bachelors degree.

The second category candidate will get 36% weightage for CAT 2016 scores; 50% for academic profile and on the top of it, if he has 3 years or above work experience, an additional weightage of 8% will be given to him. 2% weight will be awarded to female candidates. Read more about revised admission criteria at IIM Bangalore http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9780/IIM-Bangalore

IIM Calcutta: Admission Criteria overhauled
IIM Calcutta has drastically reduced the weightage to CAT 2016 scores. For the first stage shortlisting for Personal Interview round, IIM Calcutta will award only 28 out of total 50 points to CAT 2016 score. This weightage was 67% last year but for admission to PGP 2017-19 batch it has been reduced to only 56%.. IIM Calcutta has increased award of weightage percentage from 30% to 40% upto class 12 marks to shortlist candidates at the first stage. Read more about overhauled admission criteria of IIM Calcutta http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9683/IIM-Calcutta
IIM Lucknow: CAT 2016 weight reduced to 60%
IIM Lucknow has reduced the weightage to CAT 2016 scores in 1st stage shortlisting to 60% from 78% in last year. In the final selection also CAT 2016 scores will be awarded weightage of only 30%. Read more about the updated admission criteria of IIM Lucknow http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9701/iim-lucknow
FMS Delhi: Sectional weightage to CAT 2016 scores

Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) Delhi which used to shortlist the candidates on the basis of overall CAT scores, has announced different admission 2017 criteria for CAT 2016 toppers to improve the ratio of non-engineers in its MBA 2017-19 batch. Apart from scoring a high percentile in CAT 2016, candidates will have to ensure that they also score a high sectional score as each section will be awarded varying weightage at the time of shortlisting. Read more about the revamped MBA 2017-19 shortlisting criteria http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9867/FMS-Delhi-Admission

While shortlisting candidates for Extempore and PI round, different weightages shall be assigned to the scores of different sections of the CAT 2016. A composite score shall be computed giving weightages of 30%, 30%, and 40% to the scores of QA, DI/LR and VRC sections respectively as provided by the CAT Centre for the CAT 2016 Examination for candidates who apply to FMS. Read FMS Dean interview - why FMS Delhi changed the admission criteria http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9872/FMS-Delhi-Admission-2017

All IIMs modifying admission criteria
IIMs are working towards the strategy to improve the ratio of non-engineers and female candidates in their class rooms to effect a good learning experience with optimum academic and gender diversity.
This is the reason that concrete efforts have been made to revamp CAT 2015 and CAT 2016 exam by inserting more number of sections and introducing different types of questions. This is expected to yield good result.
Sharing with MBAUniverse.com, Prof Rajendra Bandi, Convener CAT 2016 said We believe that having a good mix of candidates from both the genders, and from all academic backgrounds enriches management education.

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