Last Updated on November 26, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2016: Test Day Guide scrapped by IIM Bangalore; keeps exam day instructions in dark - creates panic

IIM Bangalore has scrapped the publishing of much awaited CAT 2016 - Test Day guide for the exam day without realising its utility for the CAT aspirants

CAT 2016: Test Day Guide scrapped by IIM Bangalore; keeps exam day instructions in dark - creates panic

Unaware about the utility of the Test day Guide, it appears that IIM Bangalore has scrapped the publishing of much awaited CAT 2016-Test Day guide for the exam day. The test day guide used to be made available on CAT website about a month prior to the exam.

Only a week remains to CAT 2016 test day which falls on December 4 but there is no information whether the test day guide would be made available or the candidates will have to run from pillar to post to get relevant information. This is the CAT test day guide that educates the CAT exam takers to understand the process to appear in the exam and enter the testing room in accordance with laid down norms. Now the candidates are still unaware of the important information which a CAT 2016 registered candidate will require on the day of the test.

Key Information in Test day guide
About the articles
The CAT 2016 test day guide is supposed to guide the test takers about the items they can or cannot carry to the exam centre. But CAT centre 2016 has not yet made it live although only a week remains for CAT 2016 test day.

Rectification of discrepancy after the exam
The test day guide for CAT 2016 could advise and inform the candidates whether it would be possible for them to rectify and get the discrepancy in their registration form on CAT 2016 website till a certain date after the exam. This facility used to be made available earlier but for CAT 2016 there is no information like this.

How to get in the test venue? No information now
Correct information on Identity checks upon arrival at the gates of the test centre; information about frisking; check-in procedure inside the test hall; capturing of image and Thumb impression and detecting candidates who take the test more than once is shared in the test day guide. Whether the process will remain the same or will change in CAT 2016 is not clarified by CAT Centre 2016 till date.

Workstation in Testing Lab
The test day guide clarifies and explains about the type and size of workstation where you would be taking CAT 2016 exam. Whether the work station will be covered or open- cannot be ascertained in case CAT Centre 2016 chooses not to enable the test day guide.

Testing Lab-Invigilation team
What would be the colour of the badges of the different team members of invigilation team in the examination hall; how you could identify them and what would be their specific duties all is shared in the test day guide of CAT. But in CAT 2016 you may not even be able to identify who is the invigilator and who is the technical person to attend the various computers.

What will be the Sign in Process? Not yet known
On the day of the CAT 2016 test, who will check your photo identification and Admit Card to ensure that you have arrived at the allocated test centre, on the right session; how to ensure that the person is authorised to check; whether he will check at the gates or in the testing room; what types of direction would be made available; how to locate the testing room- all this may remain a confusion, if test day guide is not published on CAT 2016 website.

Which is your terminal? Not explained
Inside the testing room how to locate the designated computer, who will guide whether you have to sign on the admit card first or have to sit at the terminal and then should sign it; how to mark your attendance in the testing room- it could all have been explained if the testing day guide had been made live for CAT 2016 by IIM Bangalore.

Instructions to take CAT 2016
CAT 2016 test taking instructions before the actual beginning of the test are elaborately shared in CAT test day guide. When you are supposed to sign in at your terminals; how to enter your password and what it will be; whether you will have to use mouse or virtual key board to enter the pass word in the exam hall still need to be informed.

Apart from this certain dos and donts are shared in the test day guide like whether to use the key board or the mouse only during the exam; what will happen in case there are technical glitches and your computer terminal does not work; how to know when to start the test and many other key points are available in the test day guide.

Since the confusion among the CAT 2016 aspirants persists to a great extent, IIM Bangalore should promptly release the Test day guide along with the test day video with all the procedural details in it.
In case IIM Bangalore is not able to release the test day guide on time, MBAUniverse.com would publish the key points in regard to taking CAT 2016 after ascertaining from IIM Bangalore, if it responds to the aspirants queries.

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