Last Updated on December 20, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

IIM Admission: 14 IIMs including IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore to begin selection process in January 2017; Will you get a Call?

IIMs propose to begin their admission process for PGP 2017-19 batch in the month of January 2017 immediately after CAT 2016 result declaration.

IIM Admission: 14 IIMs including IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore to begin selection process in January 2017; Will you get a Call?

It is time to assess how you performed in CAT 2016 as all the top IIMs propose to begin their admission process for PGP 2017-19 batch in the month of January 2017 immediately after CAT 2016 result declaration.
IIM aspirants coming from non-engineering background should expect a little easier passage to top IIMs with more weightage awarded to other factors than CAT 2016 scores. However, even the non-engineers will have to score high percentile in CAT 2016 to get shortlisted at the 1st stage.

MBAUniverse.com has launched the CAT 2016 percentile predictor that would lead you to your nearest percentile score expected in CAT 2016 exam. To know how much you would score in CAT 2016 exam visit Indias most accurate CAT 2016 Percentile Predictor is live now. Check your CAT 2016 percentile now.

Except 6 newest IIMs who started operation in 2015-16 all the 14 IIMs propose to begin their final selection round for admission to PGP 2017-19 batch in the 3rd or 4th week of January. CAT 2016 result is expected to be declared in the 2nd week of January, 2017.

IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, IIM Kozhikode, IIM Indore, IIM Shillong, IIM Trichy, IIM Udaipur, IIM Kashipur, IIM Ranchi, IIM Rohtak, IIM Raipur, IIM Bodhgaya have already announced their admission policy final selection criteria for admission to PGP 2017-19 batch. Other 6 IIMs namely IIM Amritsar, IIM Jammu, IIM Nagpur, IIM Sambalpur, IIM Sirmaur and IIM Visakhapatnam are yet to announce their admission policy for PGP 2017-19.

IIM Admission criteria would account for other parameters apart from your CAT 2016 percentile score. So if you have checked how much you would score in CAT 2016 exam, its time now to check whether you can expect call from an IIM and from which IIM. To get a clear picture visit http://www.mbauniverse.com/iim-call-eligibility-check/iim-call-predictor-detail.php

7 IIMs to conduct individual admission process
IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, IIM Kozhikode, IIM Indore, IIM Shillong will conduct their individual admission procedure and will also individually shortlist the candidates for final selection round comprising Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI). The final selection round in these 7 IIMs is proposed to begin in the 3rd or last week of January 2017.

9 IIMs to conduct Common Admission Process (CAP)
9 IIMs will go for common Admission Process (CAP) 2017 after CAT 2016 result is declared. IIM Rohtak will coordinate the CAP 2017 for the 9 IIMs which are IIM Raipur, IIM Ranchi, IIM Tiruchirappalli, IIM Udaipur, IIM Kashipur, IIM Amritsar, IIM Bodhgaya & IIM Sambalpur. The CAP 2017 will consist of Written Ability Test (WAT) followed by Personal Interview (PI).

4 IIMs out of CAP 2017
The remaining 4 IIMs namely IIM Jammu, IIM Nagpur, IIM Sirmaur and IIM Visakhapatnam wouldnt participate in CAP 2017. It appears that the PI & WAT scores of the eligible candidates for the remaining new IIMs will be directly made available by their mentor IIMs i.e. IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore and IIM Lucknow respectively.

No need to appear in CAP 2017, if shortlisted by older IIMs
In cases where candidates have been shortlisted by the 9 IIMs as well as older IIMs, IIM Rohtak would obtain the PI & WAT scores of such candidates directly from the older IIMs. Such candidates will be informed in advance by IIM Rohtak, and they need not appear for the common PI & WAT of the 9 IIMs.

Check your IIM Admission chance
With more number of candidates proposed to be shortlisted and proposed to be offered admission in IIMs, the CAT 2016 minimum required percentile has been reduced or has been kept at the same level in some IIMs as that of last year. Many of the new IIMs are operating below their sanctioned intake and as such making the admission criteria rigorous further can have an adverse impact driving away the candidates to other B-schools.

This factor might have also prompted these IIMs to keep the shortlisting criteria at the same standard with an increased intake. Following CAT 2016 percentile will be the bare minimum requirement as the shortlisting criteria by the 14 IIMs

7 Older IIMs: Independent Admission process
IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, IIM Kozhikode, IIM Indore, IIM Shillong will shortlist the candidates independently and will conduct their individual final admission process for PGP 2017-19

IIM Ahmedabad: Low qualifying but high cut offs
No doubt you will need a high percentile in CAT 2016 to get shortlisted at the 1st stage but the qualifying scores for each section in IIM Ahmedabad is very low. In the final admission process the weightage to CAT 2016 score will further go down.
IIM Ahmedabad has reduced its qualifying sectional percentile in CAT 2016 from 80 to 70 so that non-engineers who find it difficult to score high in Quant and Data Interpretation can also qualify and can be shortlisted at the 1st stage.
At the 1st Stage Shortlisting for Academic Writing Test (AWT) and Personal Interview (PI) the minimum CAT 2016 Qualifying scores are 70 sectional and 80 overall percentile. In addition to this high weightage of 30% will be awarded to Class 10, 12, and bachelors degree scores in accordance with different streams of academics.

You now need to check if you have the right profile to be shortlisted and offered admission by IIM Ahmedabad.

Final Admission offer at IIM Ahmedabad
The Final composite Score (FCS) of a candidate who appears in AWT & PI will be computed as follows: FCS = 0.50 (Normalised PI Score) + 0.10 (Normalised AWT Score) + 0.40 (CS). The normalised PI and AWT scores of a candidate are their scores in the respective field divided by the average of the top 1% scores in the same field respectively.

After the AWT & PI round, admission offers are made by IIMA to successful candidates. The ranking and the final selection is based on a diverse set of attributes which includes performance in CAT, performance in AWT & PI, academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular achievements, work experience among others

Read more about IIM Ahmedabad admission criteria http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9652/IIM-Ahmedabad

IIM Bangalore: Admission awards 40% wt to CAT 2016 score
IIM Bangalore while announcing its admission policy for PGP 2017-19 batch has made it clear that it would award only 40% weightage to CAT 2016 scores and rest 60% weightage will go to excellent academics, academic diversity, work experience and gender diversity.

Now if a candidate cracks CAT 2016 with 100 percentile but has only 60% or less marks in his academics will get 40% weightage only and almost 0% weightage in academics. The chances to get shortlisted are remote as against those candidates who have scored 90 percentile in CAT 2016 but have 90% and above marks in their academics from class 10 to bachelors degree.
The second category candidate will get 36% weightage for CAT 2016 scores; 50% for academic profile and on the top of it, if he has 3 years or above work experience, an additional weightage of 8% will be given to him. 2% weight will be awarded to female candidates.

Read more about revised admission criteria at IIM Bangalore http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9780/IIM-Bangalore

IIM Calcutta: 56% wt to CAT 2016 score in Admission 2017
IIM Calcutta has drastically reduced the weightage to CAT 2016 scores. For the first stage shortlisting for Personal Interview round, IIM Calcutta will award only 28 out of total 50 points to CAT 2016 score. This weightage was 67% last year but for admission to PGP 2017-19 batch it has been reduced to only 56%.. IIM Calcutta has increased award of weightage percentage from 30% to 40% upto class 12 marks to shortlist candidates at the first stage.

Final selection Criteria
A candidates final score for selection at IIM Calcutta is calculated on the basis of different weights to be used for the final selection for PGP-PGDM 2017-19 batch.
On a scale of maximum score of 50, CAT 2016 score will be awarded a weightage of 15 points; Personal Interview (PI) 24 points; Written Ability Test (WAT) 5 points; Academic diversity 2 points; Work experience 4 points.
Accordingly, check if you have the right profile as required by IIM Calcutta, you could be the winner in the race.

Read more about overhauled admission criteria of IIM Calcutta http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9683/IIM-Calcutta
IIM Lucknow: Admission criteria with 30% wt to CAT 2016 score
IIM Lucknow has reduced the weightage to CAT 2016 scores in 1st stage shortlisting to 60% from 78% in last year. In the final selection also CAT 2016 scores will be awarded weightage of only 30%. Read more about the updated admission criteria of IIM Lucknow http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9701/iim-lucknow

IIM Kozhikode: 25% weight to academics & Work-ex
The fastest upcoming IIM among the 7 older IIMs, IIM Kozhikode has also changed its admission criteria for PGP 2017-19. CAT 2016 aspirants shall have to score a minimum of 90 overall and 80 sectional percentile to qualify for shortlisting by IIM Kozhikode alongwith a minimum of 60% marks in class 10 & 12.
For admission to PGP 2017-19, IIMK will award 75% weight to CAT 2016 and rest 25% is divided among academic profile, Work experience, gender and academic diversity.

Read more about the IIMK admission criteria http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/9792/IIM-Kozhikode

IIM Indore: 20% wt to CAT 2016 score
IIM Indore has announced its admission policy for PGP 2017-19 with 20% weightage proposed for CAT 2016 scores and rest to other parameters in shortlisting criteria at the very 1st stage. Minimum CAT 2016 percentile prescribed as cut off by IIM Indore is 90 overall and 80 sectional.

527 candidates can be admitted at IIM Indore & Mumbai campuses for PGP 2017-19 batch. While a good number of 452 candidates will be offered admission at IIM Indore at its Indore campus, 75 students will get admission opportunity at IIM Indore-Mumbai campus.

IIM Indore had 90.11 as CAT cut off percentile on which shortlisting was done for PGP 2016-18 admission. If you are not expecting a very high percentile in CAT 2016 exam, you need not worry as IIM Indore can shortlist you for PI round if you have 90+ percentile with balanced sectional percentile in CAT 2016. However, you need to have a very good percentage of marks in class 10 the 12 as IIM Indore will award 76% weightage to your academic profile as against only 20% weightage to CAT 2016 scores in shortlisting you for WAT & PI round.

IIM Shillong: Academic profile more important
Shortlisting criteria applied by IIM Shillong comprises minimum requirement of 70 sectional percentile in CAT 2016. There is no prescribed minimum overall CAT 2016 percentile required by IIM Shillong in its shortlisting criteria.
Candidates will be shortlisted by IIM Shillong for WSAT & PI stage on the basis of composite scores which will be arrived at by accounting for the academic profile also.The Composite Score therefore is calculated on the basis of CAT 2016 score and academic scores.

If you have scored 80% marks in class 10 & 12 and 65% marks in graduation the required weightage for academic profile will be awarded to you.
The actual CAT 2016 score cut off may go much higher and please note no weightage for gender diversity has been announced by IIM Shillong.

9 IIMs: Common Admission Process to begin in Jan
Common Admission Process (CAP) 2017 will begin in the last week of January 2017 at New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai and Kolkata for 9 IIMs. IIM Rohtak the CAP 2017 co-ordinating IIM will communicate the exact dates for PI & WAT to the short-listed candidates.

IIM Kashipur: PGP 2017-19 Admission yet to be announced
Intake PGP 2017-19:140 (May increase)
Number of candidates proposed to be shortlisted: 1400
Required CAT 2016 percentile: 90
Required Sectional CAT 2016 percentile: 80

IIM Raipur
Intake 8th PGP 2017-19 batch: 280 (Increased from 140)
Number of candidates proposed to be shortlisted: 2800
Required CAT 2016 percentile: 90
Required Sectional CAT 2016 percentile: 80

IIM Ranchi: PGDM 2017-19 Admission yet to be announced
Intake PGDM 2017-19: 120 (May increase)
Number of candidates proposed to be shortlisted: 1200
Required CAT 2016 percentile: 90
Required Sectional CAT 2016 percentile: 80

IIM Rohtak
IIM Rohtak will follow different shortlisting criteria from its peers and will consider academic excellence and diversity at the 1st stage shortlisting for CAP 2017. While merit is the prime consideration, the Institute recognizes a possibility of skewed student structure in favour of male gender and engineering and related subjects at graduation in the normal course. Hence, IIM Rohtak strives to ensure a better balance in opportunities among different subject streams and genders. According to the institute It is also part of IIM Rohtaks approach to duly recognize academic consistency and industrial experience.

Intake 8th PGP 2017-19 batch: 160
Number of candidates proposed to be shortlisted: 1600
Required CAT 2016 percentile: 85
Required Sectional CAT 2016 percentile: 80
Required Academic qualifying marks: Class X-70%; Class XII-65%; Bachelors degree-60%
Besides, Work experience, Non-Engineering background & female category will also be awarded due weightage at the 1st stage of shortlisting to get into the list of candidates selected for CAP round 2017.

IIM Trichy
Intake 8th PGP 2017-19 batch: 180 (Increased from 120)
Number of candidates proposed to be shortlisted: 1800
Required CAT 2016 percentile: 90
Required Sectional CAT 2015 percentile: 80

IIM Udaipur
Intake 7th PGP 2017-19 batch: 240 (Increased from 180)
Number of candidates proposed to be shortlisted: 2400
Required CAT 2016 percentile: 90
Required Sectional CAT 2016 percentile: 80

IIM BodhGaya
Intake 7th PGP 2017-19 batch: 60
Number of candidates proposed to be shortlisted: 600
Required CAT 2016 percentile: 90
Required Sectional CAT 2016 percentile: 80

New IIMs: Bank upon with low CAT 2016 scores
It is not necessary that you will be shortlisted only when you score 95 or 99 percentile in CAT 2016. You can expect call from new and newest IIMs, if you score around 85 to 90 percentile and have an excellent academic record.

Besides, even a candidate who has scored above 90% marks in his/her class 10 to bachelors degree but does not go beyond 95-96 percentile score in CAT 2016, can expect to be shortlisted by the top IIMs who will award more weightage to other factors than to CAT 2016 scores only.

IIMs are working towards the strategy to improve the ratio of non-engineers and female candidates in their class rooms to effect a good learning experience with optimum academic and gender diversity.
Sharing with MBAUniverse.com, Prof Rajendra Bandi, Convener CAT 2016 emphasised the need of higher number of Non-engineers and women candidates in IIMs We would like to see an increase in the number of applicants from the non-engineering background and from female applicants as well.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on IIM Admission 2017

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