Last Updated on April 2, 2018 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MAT 2018 Analysis: Paper Based MAT has tricky DA; know the cut offs for top MBA colleges

Paper Based MAT 2018 held on February 4, 2018 by AIMA did not throw surprises although some of the questions in Verbal, Data Analysis & Data Sufficiency and Critical Reasoning sections were found a bit tricky and lengthy in comparison to earlier MAT exams

MAT 2018 Analysis: Paper Based MAT has tricky DA; know the cut offs for top MBA colleges

Paper Based MAT 2018 held on February 4, 2018 by AIMA did not throw surprises although some of the questions in Verbal, Data Analysis & Data Sufficiency and Critical Reasoning sections were found a bit tricky and lengthy in comparison to earlier MAT exams.

Last exam for MBA admission
MAT 2018 February exam offers the last MBA admission opportunity for the academic year 2018-19 as most of the good MBA colleges accepting MAT scores will be closing their admission process shortly.
While the overall MAT exam on Sunday, February 4 remained moderate, few questions on GK in Indian and Global Environment, Critical Reasoning and Data Analysis sections were of higher difficulty level or were found lengthier than expected. As such they consumed more time which is the most precious tool to manage efficiently to maximise the attempts in all the 5 sections.

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AIMA conducted MAT 2018 February paper based test (PBT) in paper pencil mode on February 4, 2018 in a single session from 10AM to 12.30PM for admission to more than 257 MBA colleges across the country.
Candidates who have appeared in MAT 2018 February exam, have shared the feedback that the MAT 2018 Paper based test was moderate although Data Analysis & Reasoning took some more time to solve. As such candidates will need higher scores as there would be tough competition in getting admission to a highly ranked management programme.

Management Aptitude Test (MAT) 2018 February exam in paper pencil mode was taken by an approximate number of 20000 candidates. There was no change in the MAT exam pattern which had 200 questions in MCQ formate and divided in 5 sections.

The difficulty level in MAT 2018 remained moderate and was on the similar pattern as was in December or September 2017 exam.
MAT 2018: Broad analysis
There were 200 questions divided in 5 sections in MAT 2018 February paper based test, held on February 4, 2018 from 10AM to 12.30 PM in 51 test cities in the country.

The time limit to attempt 200 questions was 150 minutes. Less than 1 minute was available before the test takers to answer each of 200 questions.
Candidates who could not manage time well, were seen gasping for Time Management to maximise their attempts across the sections. Same number and pattern will appear in online computer based test on February 17.
All the questions in MAT 2018 carry equal marks. Every right answer is to be awarded with a credit of 1 mark while every wrong answer will attract a penalty of negative marking (0.25 mark) deducted from the awarded score for right answers. All the questions are in MCQ format followed by 4 answer options. Below is the quick view of MAT 2018 February paper based test:

MAT 2018 February exam date & time
Paper based over on Sunday February 4, 2018 from 10AM to 12.30PM
Number of test centres for PBT

Total number of questions in the exam
Number of sections in the exam

Number of answer options per question

Maximum Marks per question

Negative Marking
0.25 mark for every wrong answer

Total maximum raw score

Total maximum scaled score out of which percentile score will be awarded

Ideal attempts and Cut offs
MAT test takers who maximise the attempts in MAT 2018 February exam are to score higher than their peers as it remains the key to success. Giving time to each of the sections and not get down by any one section remained an important factor to help you score high.
The suggested time limit to solve each of 5 sections and attempts needed per section to score high in MAT 2018 are:
No of Qs
Ideal time (in min)
Ideal attempts

Expected cut off marks for 90+ percentile

Language Comprehension

Intelligence and Critical Reasoning

Data Analysis and Sufficiency

Mathematical Skills

Indian and Global Environment

Separate sectional marks, not counted for percentile calculation

Those who adhered to the time limit to solve questions in each section helped them to do better in the exam as with this strategy more number of questions could be attempted with accuracy.
Number of MAT 2018 February test takers could not attempt more questions despite knowing their answers in paper based test as their time management strategy was poor. Candidates going for online computer based exam on February 17 are advised not to repeat such mistake and manage time to score high in each section.

Sectional analysis
Mathematical Skills: Out of the 40 questions in the section, around 16 questions were based on Arithmetic like Interest, Percentages, Time and Work, Averages Percentage, Profit, Loss, Partnership. The questions were a little time consuming although were moderate.
Other questions were based on such topics like Equations, Ratio, Proportion & Variation, Geometry & Mensuration, Permutation and Combinations, Probability.
The questions were moderate and those who practiced more could attempt more questions in this section. Higher percentile would be waiting for those candidates who did this section well.
A score of 29-30 marks could earn 92 to 94 percentile in this section.

Data analysis and Sufficiency: This section had maximum questions on data interpretation. More prominent in this section were Pie charts, bar diagrams, charts, line graph, data comparison. Time remained the main factor to solve these questions with speed and accuracy.

While questions on Data Interpretation (DI) occupied more than 50% of the section, rest of the part covered questions on data sufficiency and data comparison.
A score of 21-22 marks is expected to cross the 90+ percentile.
Language comprehension: There were 40 questions in the section. The test had number of questions based on jumbled words and picking odd man out of them, inserting correct words to fill in the blanks, vocabulary words to pick out correct synonyms-antonyms.

The short comprehension passages were followed by 4 questions each. Other questions were based on jumbled sentences, basic error corrections based on English language grammar, main idea of paragraphs. Except a few questions the section had moderate difficulty level and could be answered in time.

A score of 26-27 marks could lead to 90+ percentile in this section.
Intelligence and critical reasoning: The section had questions on Analytical and Logical reasoning and fewer questions were there on Critical reasoning. Questions were based on calendar, distribution, assertions reasons, blood relations, analogies, direction, series, statements. The questions were formed in sets as well as individual questions. The section was a little lengthy with moderate level of difficulty.

A score of 25-26 marks may lead to a percentile above 90 in this section.

Indian and Global environment: AIMA had suggested the time limit to answer the 40 questions in this section as 15 minutes but 10 minutes were enough to attempt this section. There was no point to go on re-thinking or recalling what you do not know or are confused on it. One question therefore, could be attempted in less than 30 seconds.

The questions were based on conventional GK, business and economics, current affairs, although this section is not counted for percentile calculation in MAT exam. Candidates could answer this section well within the time limit but many of them continued struggling in this section instead of moving forward without wasting the time as there was nothing to solve.

MAT Cut offs you need for good MBA colleges
Admission to good B schools out of the list of 257 B schools available at the AIMA site can be explored with a MAT percentile score beginning from 70 onwards.
The expected MAT score cut offs, fee, Placement in some of the top MBA colleges accepting MAT are as below:
MBA college
MAT cut off percentile score
Fee (Rs.in lakhs)
Average Placement (Rs. in lakhs)

N L Dalmiya Institute of Management



AIMS Institutes




O.P. Jindal Global University
Sonepat (Haryana)


Read more about the MAT score cut offs in top MBA colleges accepting MAT
MAT 2018 scoring pattern

MAT score card will contain 6 scores. For each of the 6 scores, a percentile score is given. This shows the percentage of examinees who scored below the candidate based on the entire MAT testing population. The percentile below figure can change with each administration for the same scores.
MAT 2018 February exam would award scores keeping the Indian and Global environment section out from percentile calculation.
The scores are to be awarded out of 160 marks and accordingly the test takers will get their merit position where their scores are sent by AIMA.
Raw score of 70+ is expected to award the percentile of 80+ and the raw score of 100 marks can award you the percentile of 94.

MAT 2018 Result
MAT 2018 exam result will be declared in the last week of February 2018. It may be noted that the candidates should utilize the scores of February MAT exam for MBA admission as early as possible since many of the top MBA colleges accepting MAT score would close their admission process shortly.
AIMA brings positive changes in MAT 2018 February exam
One of the key positive changes which AIMA has offered to the MAT takers, is the opportunity to appear both in paper Based MAT and online computer based MAT exam. If you have not been able to do well in paper based MAT on February 4, there is still time you can appear in Computer Based MAT on February 17.

The Online Registration for MAT 2018 computer based test is open till February 14 with an additional payment of Rs.1000/- towards registration fee. The Candidates have the option to appear in either in one of the two MAT exams or in both type of MAT exams.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on MAT 2018

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