VIT-AP School of Business offers BBA with option to get BBA Degree from University of Michigan-Dearborn (UMD)
VIT-AP School of Business has collaborated with University of Michigan-Dearborn (UMD) to offer BBA degree programme. Now VIT-AP School of Business (VSB), offers option to pursue BBA from University of Michigan-Dearborn (UMD), USA or from VSB in India
University BBA degree can now be obtained not only from VIT-AP School of Business (VSB), VIT-AP University at Amaravati, AP in India but also from University of Michigan-Dearborn (UMD) USA. VIT-AP School of Business has collaborated with University of Michigan-Dearborn (UMD) to offer BBA degree programme.
Chancellor Daniel Little, University of Michigan-Dearborn (UMD), and Chancellor G. Viswanathan, VIT-AP have signed and exchanged an MoU for 2+2 BBA Programme at UMD-Campus, Detroit, Michigan, USA on June 21, 2018. Accordingly VIT-AP School of Business (VSB), VIT-AP University at Amaravati now offers option to pursue BBA from University of Michigan-Dearborn (UMD).
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BBA Options Available to Students
You can complete your University BBA degree either from UMD, USA or from VIT-AP. The VIT-AP School of Business offers following two BBA degree options to the students:
Study 2 years at VIT-AP and 2 years at UMD
Study 3 years at VSB, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh
Scholarships Available Upto 100%
Merit and Merit cum Need based Scholarships are offered to students with exceptional academic record and performance at state / national level in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The scholarship provided cover upto 50% of the academic fees.
A few Full Scholarships are also available for outstanding candidates, which covers 100% of the academic fees.
Admission Process
Interested candidates can apply online and take the interview in person by visiting the campus or via skype. Application process is open and you can apply now. Read more to Apply Online
Walk-in BBA Admission Process
VIT-AP School of Business (VSB), VIT-AP University has also introduced the Walk in BBA Admission process. You need to take following steps to finalize your BBA admission at VIT-VSB:
Apply online
Inform the date on which you would like to visit the campus or come online to take the interview on Email [email protected] and call 7901057255/8632370444
Information regarding assured scholarships will be given instantly based on the marks obtained in class 12
Additional scholarship will be provided based on committees recommendation
You need to pay the academic fees immediately and finalise the admission
Who can Apply: Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to apply for admission to BBA degree programme at VIT-AP School of Business, the minimum qualification is:
60% aggregate marks in Class 10 and 12 or equivalent grades
Candidates awaiting 12th Class results can also apply
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VIT-AP: BBA Programme Highlights & Curriculum
VIT-AP School of Business (VSB) is launched with the vision of preparing the future leaders of India to face the emerging crises-opportunities. VSB programs are designed to enhance leadership competencies, social and ecological sensitivity and systems thinking of the participants. Key highlights of BBA programme are:
The curriculum is benchmarked against US University. The curriculum is Systems Design thinking integrated.
Visiting Faculty
The visiting faculty from US universities and IIMs impart BBA education at VIT-AP School of Business
Programme Design as per Industry Requirement
The BBA program consists of courses designed in collaboration with industry experts and academicians from IIMs and best international universities.
All BBA students have the option of joining Discovering Self and Globalisation and Culture workshops. These are highly acclaimed courses from IIM Kozhikode. Besides, Innovative workshops are planned every semester on culture, development, ecology, economy, gender, global issues, innovations, rural India, start-ups, technology, theatre among others.
Field Work
Every year Students go on field work on variety of themes such as - Cultures of India; Appreciating Rural India; Heritage and Current Social Reality, or Dynamics of Entrepreneurship.
Liberal Arts Courses
Alongwith the exposure to technology the course offers opportunity with Liberal Arts Foundation. The programme includes courses on Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Social Psychology, Theatre and Literature along with Science, Engineering & Technology Courses
Unique Courses
Ethics & Values, Systems Thinking & Dynamics, and Design Thinking & Innovation are also important courses at VIT-AP.
VSB builds on VITs long history of excellence in technical education with liberal arts and humanities, alongwith the best of management courses with a vision to offer a world class BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) program.
Management knowledge and leadership are integral parts of the modern society and can play a critical role in the evolution of new business models and organization forms, and alternate governance structures in business, government, education and health amongst others. Technology is an integral part of the curriculum and would enable the students to be effective decision makers under techno-socio-economic uncertainty.
VSB activities include Long duration programs BBA, Short duration programs MDPs and certifications, Incubation for startups, Consulting Process Consulting, Leadership Development, Talent Development
The Leadership Team includes Dr. S. Jeyavelu, Dean, VSB, Fellow of IIM Ahmedabad and former faculty member of IIMK Dr. Indira J Parikh, Advisor, VSB, Former Dean of IIM Ahmedabad, Founder President, FLAME University.
The BBA program at VIT-AP School of Business is designed to provide breadth and suitable depth with a well-designed curriculum built on the liberal education foundation with exposure to Engineering & Technology. Moreover, for the first time in the country, the program comprises a unique blend of Introductory Science, Engineering & Technology courses as well.
VSB believes that every manager should be strongly grounded in the fundamentals of management. The pedagogy is based on experiential learning and focuses on application. Special care is taken to ensure to target multiple intelligences of the students to ensure effectiveness of the program.
While the foundation courses open up the minds of the students; inculcate critical and analytical thinking, and enhance sensitivity to the context and system level dynamics, the management courses provide the necessary knowledge and competencies in management functions.
VIT-AP School of Business BBA programme aims to prepare the students to be global managers who take contextually sensitive decisions integrating human needs, technology and ecology, to impact organizations, communities and the society.
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