Last Updated on July 24, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

Books: XLRI Alumnus & Microsoft HR head Abhijit Bhaduri releases second book Married But Available

The first ten years are the most eventful, they say, in anybodys working life. They certainly are in the case of Abbey, who graduates from the management institute of Jamshedpur and walks straight into a job at Balwanpur Industries in Northern India.

Books: XLRI Alumnus & Microsoft HR head Abhijit Bhaduri releases second book Married But Available

As the first MBA from a premiere institute to be hired by the family owned business, he knows that every step of his attracts undue attention. It doesnt help that hes an HR man whose business its is to meet and get to know people across the ranks, which means theres hardly anybody in the company who doesnt have a view of who Abbey is and what Abbey doesor should do.

Add to this the complications of being newly married to a woman whose looks and personal wealth make him the envy of most others, a crusty golf playing boss who believes in straight talk, and a sudden turn in the companys fortune that catches Abbey unawares. Its up to him now, to apply all that HR wisdom learnt in business school to the dilemmas confronting him at work and in love. Can he hold down his job and keep his friends, despite the mounting pressure, or will his first job end the way his marriage threatens torapidly and without too many regrets.

Married by Available is Abhijit Bhaduris second book Published by HarperCollins Publishers India. His first book, Mediocre but Arrogant is an account of how the two years of doing an MBA in a fictitious business school in the steel city of Jamshedpur, transform Abbeys life, perspective and relationships. Anyone who has lived in a school or college hostel will be able to identify with the characters of this funny but insightful novel.

Abhijit Bhaduricompleted his MBA in HR from XLRI, Jamshedpur in 1984, and heads the Human Resources team of Microsoft. He has earlier worked with organisations including PepsiCo, Colgate and Tata Steel, in India, Malaysia and US. He holds a Bachelors degree with Honors in Economics from Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University, India and then did his Post Graduation in Human Resources from XLRI, Jamshedpur. He also has a degree in Law from Delhi University, India.

A man of many interests, Abhijit has illustrated several books and is an accomplished cartoonist. He loves theatre and has acted in plays staged in India, Kuala Lumpur and US. While in US he hosted a popular radio show Movie Magic, about classic Hindi movies and film music. Even in India, he was a popular voice on All India Radio where he read the news in English and acted in a number of radio plays and hosted music based shows.

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