Last Updated on March 20, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2011 Tip of the Day: Mock tests - How many & When to take

We are launching the special series Tip of the Day, to guide you in the right direction in these last few days before the test phase begins.

CAT 2011 Tip of the Day: Mock tests - How many & When to take

Now that you have reached the last phase of your CAT 2011 preparations, there might be a feeling in your mind that you are thorough with your preparations, but at some corner of your mind you must be feeling that there are some areas for improvement, but the time is short.

Our advice to you is: relax and dont burn yourself too much that your energy fizzes out before the D Day. We are launching the special series Tip of the Day, to guide you in the right direction in these last few days before the test phase begins. To start with, we talk about the mock test taking strategy. As you have been advised so far by the experts and the past years CAT toppers, taking mock tests is the right way to hit the bulls eye. But your strategy of taking mock tests should not remain the same as it was about three months back. Read on to know what the steps are which you should follow regarding taking mock tests. No mock test in last week: You should not take any new mock test before a week to CAT 2011. Taking a new test will add to your anxiety level. In the last week before CAT 2011, you should judiciously utilize the time in revising the topics which you have prepared so far. Take maximum two mock tests in a week: While you are taking mock tests, you should keep in mind that they are not more than two in a week. You need to take time for analysis as well as for prepare before taking the next one. You should ideally take mock tests twice a week. And always remember to analyze the results.

If you take it on the first day of the week, you will take one day to analyze it and another day to revise and rectify the errors. So you can invest a week by taking two mock tests, says Puri. Take mocks in simulated situation: It is very important that you take proper full length mock tests in this last lap of preparation. Also, ensure that you take the test in a simulated condition to suit yourself better for the D Day. For this, it is advised that you take the test in a test center, amidst other CAT takers to get a feel of the actual test day. Also, you should take the test in the time of the day when you have registered for the test. For example, if you have registered for the morning slot, take it in the morning, and if it is the afternoon slot, take the tests during afternoon. Maintain the continuity by taking the test without any breaks. Then only you can get absolutely prepared for the D Day. Retake previous mocks: In the last phase, when you are not taking any new mock tests, you should go back to the previously taken tests.

Go back to the previously taken tests and solve them again. Check whether you have utilized the short cuts and tricks learnt during the previous analysis. Also check whether you have repeated the mistakes which you had committed previously. If you do, then you should practice even harder to eliminate those mistakes, advises Arun Sharma, CAT guru and author of best selling CAT preparation books. Before and after taking mock tests: Before taking mock tests, be sure and confident of your preparation. Dont take a mock test just for the sake of taking it. Take the next mock only when you have analyzed the previous one very thoroughly and learnt your lessons through it, mentions Abhishek Gupta, Academic Head, Career Launcher. Check that you do not repeat the same mistakes in the next exam and you have the conceptual clarity on all the possible topics and areas. After taking the mock test, do a thorough check, preferably under the guidance of your mentor. If you find similar mistakes repeating, then practice is the only way out. But if it is due to lack of conceptual clarity, it will be advisable that you dont take up the topic now, but be careful while choosing the question and avoid those areas.

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