Last Updated on November 27, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

IIM Ahmedabad Admission criteria 2014 - 16

MBAUniverse.com is starting a special series of articles that will equip the aspirants with detailed and updated information on the admissions and selection process for 2014-16 sessions.

IIM Ahmedabad Admission criteria 2014 - 16

With an aim to help CAT aspirants to choose the desired Indian Institute of Management, MBAUniverse.com is starting a special series to analyze each IIM at a time. This special series of articles will allow aspirants to get detailed and updated information on the admissions and selection process for 2014-16 sessions.

These articles will also share with you the Admissions, faculty & placement Data of the Institute for the year 2012-13.

In todays article of this special series, we will analyze the overall data of Indias premiere management institute; IIM Ahmedabad. We will briefly discuss IIM Ahmedabad admission criteria for the Batch 2014-16.

Over the last four decades, IIMA has excelled in the field of management education. IIMA has evolved from being Indias premier management institute to a notable international school of management in just four decades.
In recent years, IIMA has taken several steps in its pursuit of excellence. Some of the specific steps taken during the last couple of years are: Recruitment of new faculty, Offering new and contemporary elective courses, Review
of course package, Development of new case materials, and Modernization of IT infrastructure.

Recently Dr Ashish Nanda of Harvard Law School took over as new director at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad. The new Director at IIM-Ahmedabad had been awaited since November 2012 when Dr Samir Barua completed his tenure.

Dr Nanda has a PhD in business economics (Harvard University), AM in Economics (Harvard University), PGDM (Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad), and B.Tech in Electrical Engineering (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi).

IIM A leads MBAUniverse.com B school ranking 2013-14: The MBAUniverse.com B School Rankings 2013-14, the fourth ranking exercise carried out by the portal, is primarily aimed to guide aspirants who are planning to join B schools of their choice in 2014, but are confused with respect to which institutes they should apply to. The most exclusive feature of the rankings is that no perception data has been used to arrive at the results.

The ranking survey is based on a rigorous research methodology and has been conducted under the guidance of Padma Shree Dr Bakul Dholakia, former Director, IIM Ahmedabad, and Dr R K Shukla, former director, NCAER-Centre for Macro Consumer Research.

Below is the performance of IIM Ahmedabad on some of the specific criterion number of applications received, number of permanent and visiting faculty, total seats, median domestic salary and cut of percentile
Analysis of admissions, faculty and placements data

Table 1: Admissions, faculty & placement Data of IIM A (2013-15)

Institute Name
No. of Application received (2013-15)
Permanent Faculty
Visiting Faculty
Total Seats (2013-15)
Average Domestic Salary 2013(Rs. Lakhs)
Cut-off CAT 2012
Fees 2013-15

Rs. 16.6

**According to IIM A IPRS
According to the MBAUniverse.com survey data, IIM A received 180855 numbers of applications. The numbers of permanents faculty are high. The visiting faculty of the institute is 13 while permanent faculty is 88. The total number of seats offered in the institute is 385.CAT cut-off remains among the highest. Average domestic salary was 14.9 Lakhs.

Analysis of IIM Ahmedabad admission criteria and selection process (2014-16): IIM A follows a methodical and complicated system for short listing candidates for the personal interview round. The selection of candidates for admission to the 2014-16 batch of the PGP at IIM Ahmedabad is a two-step process.

In the first step, candidates are short-listed for written analysis and personal interviews from among candidates who have a valid CAT/GMAT score who have applied for the programme and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme.An overseas category candidate who applies with a GMAT score instead of a CAT score should have a total scaled score of at least 700.

Stage 1: Short listing for PGP 2014-16 batch Step 1: Generation of merit list for Written Analysis and Personal Interview (WA-PI) for PGP programme.
Step 2: The following cutoffs shown in Table 2 will be used for selecting eligible candidates for all subsequent stages. Therefore, the CAT score is the sole criterion for arriving at the first short-list.

Table 2: Minimum CAT-2013 Percentile

Sec.1 (QA+ DI) (%)
Sec2. (VA +LR) (%)
Total (%)






Step 3: : To recognise exceptional performers across diverse academic backgrounds, from each of the five categories of academic disciplines, top 50 candidates or top 1% of the number of applicants to IIM Ahmedabad within each category-- whichever is lower -- will be identified. These candidates will be directly shortlisted for the WA -PI on the basis of their total scores from CAT 2013, provided they also meet the Minimum CAT-2013 Percentile criteria mentioned in Step 2.

Step 4: Application Rating The application rating looks at the applicants’ academic performance (marks obtained) in 10th Standard Examination, 12th Standard Examination and Bachelor’s Degree Examination. Application Rating Score consists of Percentage score in 10th Std. Exam, 12th Std. exam, Bachelors Degree Exam, Master’s degree exam, Work experience. The Maximum Score for Application Rating is decided as 45.
Table 3: Table 2: Application Rating (AR): 2014-16 Rating Scores

Percent score in 10th Std. Exam
Rating Score A
55 and 60 and 70 and 80 and 90

Percent score in 12th Std. Exam
Rating Score B
55 and 60 and 70 and 80 and 90

Percent score in Bachelors Degree
Rating Score C
55 and 60 and 65 and 70 and 80

Source: http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/programmes/admission-details/programmes-use-cat-scores.html
Application Rating Score: AR=0.5*A+1.5*B+2.5*C Maximum Score for AR = 45 Composite Score: Maximum CAT score = 450 Composite Score= (Obtained CAT score /450) * 0.7 + (AR/45)*0.3 The composite score will be calculated based on the equivalent CAT score and Application Rating as described above. Table 4: Criteria & Weightages for short listing for the PI round

CAT 2013 Score
Application Rating

* IIM A combines the academic performance under the classification ofApplication Rating.
Click here to score high marks in GD PI WAT at Top B school for Admission 2014: http://www.mbauniverse.com/gd_pi_preparation/gd_preparation.php
Stage 2: Final Selection In the second step, after the completion of written analysis and personal interviews (WA-PIs) of all candidates short-listed in the first step, candidates for admission to the 2014-16 batch of the PGP at IIM Ahmedabad are selected from among the candidates who have attended the WA-PI.

70% weightage is given to WA-PI score and 30% weightage is given to the Composite Score at the final stage of selection to arrive at the Aggregate Score. Selection at this stage will strictly be based on ranks on the Aggregate Score (based on CAT/GMAT*, Academic Rating (AR) and WA-PI Scores).

The WA-PI Score is based on the following: performance in the written analysis, personal interview, verifiable awards and recognitions, academic performance, exceptional achievements, extra-curricular activities, post-degree work experience, post-graduation education etc.

Table 5: Criteria & Weightages for Final Selection

Composite score
WAT & PI score

Written Analysis and Personal Interviews IIM Ahmedabad will conduct its Written Analysis and Personal Interviews (WA-PIs) in Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, New Delhi/NCR and Kolkata. Candidates short-listed for WA-PI will be intimated by registered post in the third week of January 2014.

The CAT takers applying to IIMA’s post-graduate programmes can also find out if they have been short-listed for WA-PI by visiting the IIMA website in the third week of January 2014. No individual regret letters shall be sent to candidates not short-listed for WA-PI.

Next article in this series will be on IIM Bangalore Admission criteria 2014-16
Click here to score high marks in GD PI WAT at Top B school for Admission 2014: http://www.mbauniverse.com/gd_pi_preparation/gd_preparation.php

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more analytical features on Top B schools and their admission process

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