Last Updated on December 2, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

SNAP 2013: How to score more in Verbal Ability

SNAP 2013 is just 12 days away. This expert article gives you quick tips to score more in verbal ability and RC section of SNAP 2013

SNAP 2013: How to score more in Verbal Ability

Just 12 days away, SNAP 2013 is the last but very important MBA entrance examination. The 13 Symbiosis B schools offer various management courses with good placement record. Institutes also have good ranking position in MBAUniverse.com annual ranking 2013. Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune ; Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resources Development, Pune and Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research, Pune are ranked in MBAUniverse.com B school Ranking 2013-14.

Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension in SNAP 2013 shall have 40 questions of one mark each. Prof. S.K. Agarwal, expert on Verbal Ability, shares following quick tips for the benefit of prospective SNAP 2013 aspirants to score more in Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension

SNAP 2013 unlike CAT allows the candidates to attempt any section of the test in any order but the sectional cut off is very much present in getting your call converted. Aspirants, therefore have to score at least a minimum cut off score in each of the four sections.

SNAP 2013: Structure of Verbal Ability section
Candidates will find 40 questions in this section. Total number of marks and total number of questions are equal. There will be questions on Reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and tenses, jumbled paragraphs, analogy in verbal ability section. Let us learn how to score more in each one

Prepare General Awareness section for SNAP 2013
To score high marks in General Awareness section, click below to practice GK questions

SNAP 2013: Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension passage is about a length of 400 words followed by 6 questions. The passage is not very difficult but a regular reading practice is required to understand and crack the same. Types of questions are like tone of the passage, title of the passage, main idea of the passage, explaining the phrases and words and one or two questions on the information given in the passage.

SNAP 2013 aspirants are advised to follow the undernoted strategic preparation plan for next few

Make it the regular practice to read the editorials, articles in the news paper and check how many words are there which you do not know. Tests have shown that the number of unfamiliar words in a passage, if exceeds about one in twenty, the reader will lose track. Use the words in conversation to practice more on them.

While you are reading an article, passage, book pick out the words which are of interest to you- find out their meaning-try to understand the context in which they are used and follow the structure of sentence. When you write, try to frame good sentences using the new words. This will give you ample opportunity to rectify the errors in sentences, improving the vocabulary, improving the speed and accuracy of reading and the skill to pick out the wrong sentences as well as how to complete the sentence or paragraph

Use complete sentences, take care to understand, make a chart on time consumed in reading and writing the summary of the passage. Check whether the time is getting reduced after a day or two.

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SNAP 2013: Analogy
Relationship among words is not very difficult to find. There may be 3-4 questions on analogy asking you to identify the similarity or dissimilarity among the words. The key tips to prepare in this area are to improve the vocabulary to understand the meaning of the words.

Identify the exact relationship between the words/sentences. Check the pattern used. Form small and precise sentences to identify this relationship. You may find very close answer choices so be on your guard before opting for an answer.

You may confront the words not familiar to you. In that case in case of a breakable word split it-try to understand the roots and try to remember something related to the word. if possible frame a sentence using the word and check if it is negative or positive word - A-, an-, Un-, Im-, Dis-, anti-, Non-, Mal-, etc.

There are certain words that have more than one meaning, so watch for such words like dear, sweet, train, watch, book, kind, or idiomatic/phrasal use of the words.

SNAP 2013: Error correction

Questions on error correction in SNAP 2013 are not very difficult but a little tricky. Their number varies year to year. There may be 6 to 8 questions on usage of tenses, phrasal verbs, syntax, passive voice, conditional sentences, reported speech, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, articles and more topics on English language. The shape may be finding out the correct/incorrect sentences, fill in the blanks or spotting out the usage in different forms. It is an important part of Verbal Ability section and SNAP 2013 gives more weight age to correct contextual usage

Is a week sufficient to prepare this part-is the most frequently asked question by the aspirants. Yes, you can do it. You are well aware about your strengths and weaknesses. Work more on your strong areas in fundamentals. The topics cited above can be prepared in 6 days time, if proper schedule is maintained. There are certain similarities in different tenses. One hour in a day is sufficient to all the indefinite, continuous and perfect tenses. All the other parts in grammar can be understood well in four five days.

So where is the catch-please note you may understand the concept but regular practice of not less than half an hour is required to revise them. Keep a good grammar book with you, practice specific exercises find out your errors and rectify them.

SNAP 2013: Vocabulary
This section, although not very difficult, requires a good understanding of phrases, idioms, synonyms, antonyms, one word substitution. Most of the aspirants are fresh from CAT 2013, IIFT 2013 so they shouldnt be getting tense in this area.

Vocabulary in SNAP 2013 is more direct and not very much context based. If you can revise whatever you learnt for CAT, IIFT or are preparing for XAT, the same preparation strategy will help in this test also. There may be six
questions on vocabulary in different shape which will ask you to explain the specific words, phrases or fill in the correct word in the given sentences.

If you have not started learning the vocabulary, please begin it immediately. Recall as many words and phrases as you can, learn and practice them in writing, in conversation to make sure that you have learnt them well.
Prepare General Awareness section for SNAP 2013

To score high marks in General Awareness section, click below to practice GK questions

SNAP 2013: Jumbled Paragraphs
There are two not so difficult questions on jumbled paragraphs. The best part is that the starting and concluding parts of such paragraphs are given beforehand. The candidate is supposed to pick out the right order of sentences from the given options. The sentences in these parajumbles are short and not very difficult.

Candidates are advised to practice more and find out the connectors in jumbled paragraphs like this, that, these, who, he, it, which will determine that they have been used in place of some earlier words.
SNAP 2013 Paper Pattern

SNAP 2013 Paper Pattern consists of an objective type multiple choice tests carrying total marks of 180. The total time given for the test is 120 minutes. There are no descriptive type questions. SNAP 2013 Paper Pattern consists of following sections.

1. General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability. This section carries 40 marks.
2. Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency carrying 40 marks.
3. General Awareness: General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Business Scenario carrying 40 marks.
4. Analytical & Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning. This section carries 60 marks.

SNAP 2013 Paper Pattern also consists of negative marking. Each wrong answer will attract 25% negative marks.

SNAP 2013 Result
SNAP 2013 result is scheduled to be out on 9th January 2014 at 12:00 pm. The first list of SNAP 2013 result will contain the shortlist candidates name for Personal Interaction and Writing Ability Test (PI-WAT). Proposed date of Final Merit List of SNAP 2013 for all Programs of Institutes will be released on 28th February 2014. Visit MBAUniverse.com for latest updates on SNAP 2013 result.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more news and expert articles on SNAP 2013

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