Last Updated on December 7, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

SNAP 2013: Error corrections and RC play a major role

This expert article from MBAUniverse.com shares useful tips to score more in Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension in SNAP 2013 exam.

SNAP 2013: Error corrections and RC play a major role

Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension in SNAP 2013 shall have 40 questions of one mark each. Prof. S.K. Agarwal, expert on Verbal Ability, shares useful tips to score more in Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension. SNAP like other important Management entrance examinations has the sectional cut off aspirants, therefore have to score at least a minimum cut off score in each of the four sections.

Out of the 40 questions in Verbal Ability section there are about six questions on Reading comprehension and six to eight questions on Error corrections.

How to crack six questions on Reading Comprehension passage Although the passage is not very difficult but a regular reading practice is required to understand and crack the same. Types of questions are like tone of the passage, title of the passage, main idea of the passage, explaining the phrases and words and one or two questions on the information given in the passage.

Make it the regular practice to read the editorials, articles in the news paper and check how many words are there which you do not know. Tests have shown that the number of unfamiliar words in a passage, if exceeds about one in twenty, the reader will lose track. Use the words in conversation to practice more on them. Write a summary in your own words neatly and precisely with one third/fourth in length to the original length of the passage.
Make a chart on time consumed in reading and writing the summary of the passage. Check whether the time is getting reduced after a day or two.

Go for versatile reading with different topics. Try to mark and note down the interesting/important words or sentences.
Use complete sentences, Take care to understand, make a chart on time consumed in reading and writing the summary of the passage. Check whether the time is getting reduced after a day or two.

Sample exercises
RC ExerciseCare should be taken when submitting manuscripts to book publishers. A suitable publisher should be chosen, by a study of his list of publications or an examination in the bookshops of the type of books in which he specializes. It is a waste of time and money to send the typescript of a novel to a publisher who publishes no fiction, or poetry to one who publishes no verse, though all too often this is done. A preliminary letter is appreciated by most publishers, and this should outline the nature and extent of the typescript and enquire whether the publisher would be prepared to read it (writers have been known to send out such letters of enquiry in duplicated form, an approach not calculated to stimulate a publishers interest). It is desirable to enclose the cost of return postage when submitting the typescript and finally it must be understood that although every reasonable care is taken of material in the Publishers possession, responsibility cannot be accepted for any loss or damage thereto.
Authors are strongly advised not to pay for the publication of their work. If a MS. Is worth publishing, a reputable publisher will undertake its publication at his own expense, except possibly for works of an academic nature. In this connection attention is called to the paragraphs on Self-publishing and vanity publishing, at the end of this section.

Q.1 In view of the writer
1. a) The publisher will stick to his line of publication only.
2. b) The publisher who does not publish the other books, may not understand the ingredients and pattern of publication.
3. c) Publisher will not devote time to the Editing and reading the material which is not of its line of publication.
4. d) Any publisher, not publishing the stuff of other type will not be able to do justice with the manuscript.

Q.2 As per the passage-
1. a) Introductory letter, as it helps in publication, must be invariably sent.
2. b) The letters must have the contents in detail, to make the publisher read the same while devoting sufficient time.
3. c) A well worded & concise letter must be sent with manuscript to enable the publisher to have a glimpse of the manuscript.
4. d) More than one copy of the Preliminary/introductory letter must be submitted.

Q.3 According to the writer-
1. a) Paying for the publication expenses will help in publication of the manuscript.
2. b) Although the publisher would pay for the return expenses, no publication expenses will be borne by the publisher.
3. c) Reputed publisher would publish the manuscript on its own expenses.
4. d) Good publishers sometimes defer the publication according to the demand.

Q.4-Give the suitable Central idea of the passage-
1. a) Manuscripts when sent for publication must have preliminary letter in more than one copy with cost of publication.
2. b) Manuscripts must be submitted to reputed publisher, who publishes the material of that kind with a brief letter and cost of return expenses.
3. c) The manuscripts before submission must be personally discussed with the publishers, along with a letter and making it clear with him that only a part of publication expenses will be borne by the writer.
4. d) While submitting the manuscripts for publication, all the details are to be made abundantly clear with the publisher in writing along with the share of expenses. Any reputed publisher can be selected who may publish the manuscript.

Prepare General Awareness section for SNAP 2013 To score high marks in General Awareness section, click below to practice GK questions http://www.mbauniverse.com/general_awareness/general_awareness.php

Answers- Passage
1- 4 d) Any publisher, not publishing the stuff of other type will not be able to do justice with the manuscript.
2- 3 c) A well worded & concise letter must be sent with manuscript to enable the publisher to have a glimpse of the manuscript.
3-3 c) Reputed publisher would publish the manuscript on its own expenses.
4- 2 b) Manuscripts must be submitted to reputed publisher, who publishes the material of that kind with a brief letter and cost of return expenses.
Error correction
It is an important part of Verbal Ability section. There may be 6 to 8 questions on usage of tenses, phrasal verbs, syntax, passive voice, conditional sentences, reported speech, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, articles and more topics on English language. The shape may be finding out the correct/incorrect sentences, fill in the blanks or spotting out the usage in different forms.
The topics cited above can be prepared in 6 days time, if proper schedule is maintained. There are certain similarities in different tenses. One hour in a day is sufficient to all the indefinite, continuous and perfect tenses. All the other parts in grammar can be understood well in four five days.
Keep a good grammar book with you, practice specific exercises find out your errors and rectify them.
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Exercise on error corrections
Bernard shaw, was a very clever writer, who had a long beard.
Bernard shaw, was a very clever writer, who had a long beard.
Bernard shaw, who was a very clever writer, who had a long beard.
Bernard shaw, who had a long beard, was a very clever writer.
Bernard shaw, that was a very clever writer, had a long beard.
Love comes to everyone at sometime in his life, that is a wonderful feeling.
Love comes to everyone at sometime in his life, that is a wonderful feeling.
Love, which comes to everyone at sometime in his life, that is a wonderful feeling.
Love, who comes to everyone at sometime in his life, is a wonderful feeling.
Love, which is a wonderful feeling, comes to everyone sometime in his life.

3.They said that they______ coffee in the mornings.
Will drink Shall take Drink Drank My girlfriend ______ me where _____ wanted to eat ______.
Told; she; the night Said; you; tonight Asked; me; this night Asked; I; that night
C) Bernard shaw, who had a long beard, was a very clever writer. (Use of relative pronoun)
D) Love, which is a wonderful feeling, comes to everyone sometime in his life. (Relative pronoun, place the modifier as near as possible to the antacedant)
D) Reported speech verb should also be in past.
D) Reported speech verb; find out the most appropriate one. Asked whom- me; now the action doer is me so I, use that night.

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