Last Updated on December 10, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

Know about Indias leading FMB MBA Programmes

In the last two years a number of famous B schools have started offering courses for family managed businesses. This article helps you to choose the best FMB MBA for Admission 2014

Know about Indias leading FMB MBA Programmes

With the rising demand for management programs especially targeted to family-owned business in the last two years a number of famous B schools have started offering courses for family managed businesses. Well known B Schools offering FMB Programmes are as follows:

IIM-Bangalore (IIM-B): Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM-B) offers a course called Management Program for Entrepreneurs and Family Business (MPEFB). The course takes into consideration the limited time with entrepreneurs, while not compromising on the learning process. The objective of this programme, according to IIM-B, is to enhance the quality of business management skills in the entrepreneurial firms by providing a workable model for the entrepreneurs. A certificate would be offered by NSRCEL on completion. IIMBs NS Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Leaning (NSRCEL) conducts activities liketeaching, research, mentoring, short-term programmes in entrepreneurship and family business, seminars/panel discussions, entrepreneurship facilitation initiative, and the most important of all the incubation facility for entrepreneurs.

S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR): Mumbai based SPJIMR offers a Family Managed Business programme (PGPFMB) which is a 18-month program conceived with the objective of training and developing the incumbents of family managed businesses. It is a solution to the dilemma of whether to pursue an MBA or to join the family business, by retaining the merits of both at the same time. The central theme of the program is to prepare the participant for a leadership role in his/her family business and to be a positive influence in the familys business organisation. The program has an alumni base of over 1,000 participants from diverse industries across India, Dubai and Nepal.

Indian school of Business (ISB), Hyderabad: ISB Hyderabad offers Management Programme for Family Business (MFAB) which is a comprehensive general management programme. The programme is designed for young business leaders of family businesses who intend to manage their business and for individuals who aspire to work in family business. The programme draws from best management practices in family business from across the globe and aims to groom business scions in areas like planning, objective setting and astute management of their familys business.

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS): It offers a course in MBA (Entrepreneurship & Family Business) to help meet the unique needs of family business owners and managers. The objective of the program is to assist family-owned businesses in understanding the changing dynamics of competition as well as organization, brought about by liberalization, privatization and globalization.

IIM-Indore (IIM-I): Indian Institute of Management Indore offers a Post Graduate Certificate Programme in Family Owned Business and Entrepreneurship (PGCFOBE). Aimed at entrepreneurs, members of family-owned businesses and managers of entrepreneurial and family-owned businesses, the programme aims to benefit those who want to grow their business. The programme would also be beneficial for professionals wishing to start their own business.

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI), Ahmedabad: Ahmedabad based Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India offers a post graduate diploma in business entrepreneurship. The course provides competency-based training targeted at graduates who intend to launch and manage business units or family business.

Name of the Institute
Fee structure (In Rs. Lakhs)
Programme duration

IIM Bangalore (N S Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies)
40 days spread over a period of one year

SPJIMR, Mumbai
18 months

Indian School of Business
30 lakhs
1 year

NMIMS, Mumbai

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI), Gandhinagar

Source: Institute websites as on December 10, 2013

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