Last Updated on April 12, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MBA Admission: I couldnt do my MBA from a top B-school. So What?

If you have not been able to get admission in Top B-schools, then you need not worry. This article tells you what all to do in your 2-years at your B-school to achieve high growth in your career.

MBA Admission: I couldnt do my MBA from a top B-school. So What?

Uncanny Relatives: What are you studying?

Uncanny Relatives: Ohh you too! From where?
Me: ###### college in Delhi NCR. (College name not displayed)
Uncanny Relatives: I have not heard its name. It might not be famous. Package will definitely be low then. Why didnt you take admission in IIMs? I know, low marks in entrance exams. If you had studied hard, you could have made it to IIMs. My nephew is working in Infosys, he did it from IIM Lucknow.

A typical relative chit chats and your career SWOT analysis is presented in front of your parents.
Yes, I have done my MBA from a B-school which was not famous at all. I was enrolled in its third batch only. This B-school was part of a somewhat famous Group of Institutions which had MBA colleges in various other parts of Delhi NCR. But, I could only get admission in its newest campus, thanks to my low score in CAT exam.

But is that a big loss for me? Does it mean that I would not be able to do anything in my career? On the contrary to what you believe, this holds no truth.
MBA in India is regarded as one of the prime possessed degree and if you have done it from IIMs or other top 10 B-schools then you sure will be the eye candy of family celebrations and student re-unions. But, there are only around 8-10 thousand MBA seats in 13 IIMs and the next top 10 Non-IIMs B-schools.

Every one cant get 99+ percentile, everyone is not a mathematical wizard (you require that in typical MBA entrance exams). Hence, if you have not scored high percentile in MBA exams, dont lose hope, take admission into an accredited institution and fulfill your dream of pursuing a management career.

With your hard work, focused approach and enthusiasm, you can achieve all in your career without being a part of IIMs.

So what all to do to match up to an IIM graduate in next two years inspite of being in an average B-school? The following steps will not only help you to achieve the best out of your MBA but also gain confidence and exposure to stand shoulder to shoulder with any other MBA graduate of any brand of B-schools.

Study hard. I will not tell you to study hard as this is an obvious thing to do. You cant waste your 2 years re-living the golden college days. Remember, this is not your college; this is a Finishing School, B-school.
The next two years would be the most special years of your life. As the academic session starts, its also necessary to know that MBA is not only confined to lectures and assignments, its much more than that.

Come out of your shell

First thing to do when you get into a B-school is to stop being shy and withdrawn and become more friendly and sociable.

Every B school tries to enhance the overall personality of its students and hence there are many students bodies and councils like marketing, alumni, entrepreneur, media cell, cultural club, Placement cell, etc.
You should join a club with an aim to learn to work in a team and contribute. Joining such clubs will give you a well-deserved break from the hectic routine of the first year, and will also give you a chance to showcase your talents and overcome your inhibitions of performing on stage or in a group.

Dont be an introvert

World is not kind to introverts especially with an MBA degree. Shun all your inhibitions and get ready to volunteer in your College fests or events. Every B school organizes at least couple of yearly events and participating in them will give you a firsthand experience of meeting deadlines and handling crisis situations. Volunteer for only those activities in which you have an interest. This will enhance your overall performance. Meeting new people will help you come out of your insecurities or hesitancies.

Moreover, the experience gained will help you when its your turn to organize the same event next year.
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Take up Industrial Projects

MBA is all about gaining corporate and industry experience which will help you in your first job. Although your concerned faculty will assign you relevant project but its always better to take an initiative and look for industrial projects yourself. You are a part of very competitive group of students and must always try to gain an upper hand over the other in this mad race of securing high salary jobs.

Nowadays, many small companies look out for management students to help them in their marketing research or helping out a new start-up with a business plan to attract investors. One can easily enroll in these companies and apply the knowledge and management skills learned in the B school and earn some cash.

Learn a new Language

Although it seems that you have no time in a day while finishing your assignments and presentations, but if you really want to have a leg up over others, learning a new and popular foreign language is a brilliant idea. For students who fancy their chances of going abroad, learning a foreign language like French, Chinese, German, etc would not only add your chances of working in a Multinational company but will also add in your CV.
So, schedule your time table and squeeze some time to learn a new language. Students can also opt for various Indian Languages if they are from other parts of the country like Tamil, Telugu, Kanada, Assamese, Marathi, Hindi, etc. to interact more freely with your friends, peers or during your future jobs.

Become more Employable

Although you have been selected in a B school, it does not mean you have the correct skills as per industry standards which rapidly changes every year. While in B schools you must try to polish your skills and become more employable. Following are few points which one should adhere to, in order to help him during placement season:
- Brush up your language skills especially English communication
- Develop your personality, body language and social interaction skills
- Develop corporate awareness. Understand what business is all about and how you can contribute to the growth of any organization
- Concentrate on developing leadership skills.

Support a social cause

In a few months to come, you would be regarded as a respectable figure in the society with the virtue of your knowledge and your job.
Its time you deliver back to your society in whatever way you can. Some of you might have been associated with social causes in the past too. There are many social activities one can engage in without hampering his/her studies. For example you can teach poor kids from the neighboring areas or participate in an NGO movement who works for the upliftment of certain sections of the society.
Many B-schools these days have courses or a separate wing which primarily deal with such Socio-Cultural issues.

These activities will not only be a great learning experience for you, it will also bring a smile on someones face and make a positive impact on society. You can also take it as a project and showcase in your B school to motivate other students.

So, while you gain academic excellence and specific subject knowledge, the above activities will enhance your overall personality. Many of these can twinkle on your CV which will attract employers and help you to land upon your desired job.

If you want to talk to your desired B school, click on the link to get a call from Admission department in next 2 working days, http://www.mbauniverse.com/mbau_faq/client.php
Talk to our Counsellor to get right advice and suggestions, Click Here: http://www.mbauniverse.com/mbau_faq/client.php

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