Last Updated on July 21, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

Para completion for CAT: Tips to crack 3 Questions on Para completion in CAT 2014 exam

Completion of paragraph by opting for the most appropriate Last sentence has been all time favourite questions in CAT

Para completion for CAT: Tips to crack 3 Questions on Para completion in CAT 2014 exam

Completion of paragraph by opting for the most appropriate Last sentence has been all time favourite question in CAT. In CAT 2013 there were 3 questions almost in every session in Verbal Ability section on completion of last sentence to a paragraph. Correct answer to each of three questions was awarded 3 marks; the total of three stood to 9 and improved the percentile considerably. CAT 2012 had one or two questions of this type but in 2013 this question type had a good proportion in Verbal Ability. In CAT 2014 the trend may be repeated and you may again find three questions per session.

Prof S K Agarwal expert on Verbal Ability shares the key tips to solve such questions with the help of exercises. In his view it is not very difficult to find out the most appropriate answer options that would best place as the last sentence of paragraph. These questions are more of a nature close to a paragraph which is not jumbled and needs to be concluded with the right kind of thought, summarising whatever has been discussed.

The question structure

This type of question comes with an incomplete paragraph, leaving the last sentence, which is required to be opted, out of the four alternates (concluding statements) given as possible answers, to complete the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

CAT began with such questions in 2006, creating a great deal of confusion among the CAT aspirants as all the options appeared quite close to one another.

How to prepare

CAT aspirant has to keep in mind that paragraph completion is a game of literate or well read people and one who is going to solve it is one of those persons going to crack CAT 2014. Please also remember that anyone who doesnt like reading much may not be able to crack paragraph completion.

You have to be well read to understand the flow of the passage. So read more vocabulary rich articles in news papers and periodicals especially editorials.

The best way is to practice more previous years CAT questions will be a great help; and

Exercises available in various books; on line practice material with MBA Universe;

Whenyou read rich stuff break the same in paragraphs, form questions from them

Most of the time the core of the paragraph will lie in the first line itself, and the rest of the passage will move with the same flow of thought.

The flow can be maintained by maintaining the parallel structure or through contrast.

Maintain The Continuity and flow of the paragraph.

Find out the links, ways to understand the flow of thought.

Quick tips to solve

Read the first sentence of the paragraph, it has got the tone and idea to proceed to main body of paragraph

Find out the main points and main idea in the paragraph while giving it a thoughtful reading. If you are unable to decide the main points importance wise check whether the point you have chosen has due relevance to your reading.

Think carefully now, what should close the paragraph

Choose the most appropriate option-the option that concludes the paragraph, instead of taking it to some other thought, idea, action or any other domain

Mark the answer
The most interesting factor in this type of question is to find out the sentence that should conclude the paragraph and should not take the thought to any further discussion. Words like Besides, Apart from, therefore, however and the like, in answer options lead to next idea of discussion and hence, must not be opted as correct answer options. The candidates should concentrate on such sentences that would conclude the discussion instead of opening a new domain of thought. Practicing a few more questions, on the pattern as appeared in past sessions will further infuse confidence to solve such types of questions.

CAT Practice questions with solutions

Direction- Q. 1 to 6 Below the incomplete paragraphs, options are given to complete the same. Identify the most appropriate option that completes the paragraph in the best suitable manner.


The underlying cause for the uncontrolled inflation in the key consumables of the house hold is the failure of the government to do its job. Private players offer services at usurious costs to meet the demands of a growing middle class

Who wish to pass their life peacefully without getting engaged in much aspiration.

That is reeling under the pressure of rising prices but anyhow trying to make both ends meet

Which aspires to move up the ladder and secure a higher level of income.

Which is left with no alternative but to manage by reducing its expenses on essential commodities

1.A 2. B 3. C 4. D

Q.2 Non-residents are allowed to purchase shares or convertible debentures of an Indian company up to the extent and subject to terms and conditions set out under the FDI scheme.A person purchasing shares proposes to be collaborator or proposes to acquire the entire share holding of a new Indian company is required to obtain prior permission of the government

if he has a previous venture or tie-up in India through investment in shares or debentures.

when he wants to invest as per the policy guidelines with the intention to keep the money and transfer the same on conditional basis.

if he likes to establish the company for the benefit of this country without selling the shares in the international market and move forward.

unless he is a non-resident Indian he may not be permitted to go for direct investment in India.

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D

Canadas reputation for financial regulation is starry. Its banks got through the crisis unscathed. According to Moodys, a ratings agency, Royal Bank of Canada sits alongside HSBC and JPMorgan Chase in the top tier of global banks. And Canadian policymakers are old hands at pulling macro prudential levers of the sort

A. that would bring financial discipline all over. B. which confirm to moral and ethical global banking system. C. now in vogue among rich-world central banks. D. now consistent enough among all the commercial banks as per the prevailing international norms.

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D

Rupee has lost a fifth of its value against the dollar in the past year, reflecting global woes but also a slowdown in India and a drying up of capital inflows. Its decline is widely seen in India as a bad thing.

A. stoking inflation and hurting firms with foreign-currency debt. B. stimulating vicious cycle of unemployment and pushing economy in reverse order. C. invoking trends of depression with declining production D. encouraging imports in the unfavourably running Balance of Trade economy

1.A 2. B 3. C 4. D

Already Emirates Airlines is being called the national airline of India, as it operates more flights and carries more passengers to/from India than Air India, our national carrier. More than 70% of the passengers carried by Emirates Airlines, however, travel to points beyond Dubai, on Emirates network. Now, Abu Dhabi is also keen to emulate the success of Dubai and Emirates Airlines, and is keen to establish Abu Dhabi as another hub airport on the back of Etihad Airways,

A. and for this reason, is aggressively seeking an increase in capacity entitlements

B. but Jet might find it tough to move ahead in this turmoil of political jugglery C. however, the threat of losing business, if no substantial improvement is made, is obvious for Air India D. although Etihad may prove to be a good achievement but the changing sky policy, in this scenario will pull down the profits

1.A 2. B 3.C 4.D

Sufferings of an injured person would include his inability to lead a full life, his incapacity to enjoy the normal amenities which he would have enjoyed but for the injuries and his ability to earn as much as he used to earn or could have earned. While computing compensation, the approach of the tribunal or a court has to be broad based and sometimes it would involve some guesswork

in view of the capacity of the person liable to pay the compensation

the basis of which should be the volume of injuries and the incapacitation, the victim suffered and other important factors

as there cannot be any precise formula to determine the quantum of compensation

depending upon the victims liabilities and earning capabilities that would keep his family happy

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D

Answers with tips

Q.1-Ans-3.C. the para is macro based i.e. it is based on overall increasing inflation and aspiration of middle class which would like to improve the standard of living by securing a higher income by putting in more hard work. So only option C. is correct.

Q.2 Ans.-1.A- Explanation the tone of the paragraph clarifies and sets out all the terms, Option A goes to conclude the paragraph. Other options despite being close are not appropriate.

Q.3-Ans. - 3.C. Now in vogue among rich world central banks refer to Royal Bank of Canada. Other options do not either refer to paragraph or end it with meaningful conclusion.

Q.4- Ans.- 1.A. Losing rupee in terms of foreign currency will surely increase inflation and the firms having foreign currency loans on them shall have to pay more in terms of Rupee.

Q.5 Ans-1.A The underlying principle to place the last sentence of paragraph is that it should close the discussion in Para. Any sentence leading the paragraph to any other idea will not be correct. Hence, we must eliminate the options B,C & D. A is the right answer

Q.6-Ans- 3.C- Except C all other are subjective thoughts and will require further discussion while C closes the Para.

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