Last Updated on July 30, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2014 versus IIFT 2015, know the difference to prepare well

This article will provide you a detailed comparison between both CAT 2014 exam & IIFT 2015 exam in terms of exam pattern, test dates, test pattern, syllabus, Marking scheme, results, etc along with tips on how to prepare for both the exams simultaneously.

CAT 2014 versus IIFT 2015, know the difference to prepare well

The buzz around MBA exams is on a high since the announcement of CAT 2014 exam.

While CAT 2014 exam is regarded as the most popular exam in terms of number of registration, and is accepted by the 13 IIMs and several Top B-schools; there is another important MBA entrance exam which scores high marks over other exams in terms of seat: registration ratio. This is IIFT 2015 exam for admission to IIFT Delhi and IIFT Kolkata campus only.

This article will provide you a detailed comparison between both CAT 2014 & IIFT 2015 in terms of exam pattern, test dates, test pattern, syllabus, Marking scheme, results, etc along with tips on how to prepare for both the exams simultaneously.

CAT 2014 exam has gone through various changes while IIFT 2015 exam will be on the same pattern as last year barring the change in the number of questions.

Key differences between CAT 2014 vs IIFT 2015

1. Mode of Exam: CAT 2014 exam is an online test while IIFT 2015 exam will be a paper pencil test.
2. Date of Exam: CAT exam is scheduled to be held on only 2-days this time i.e. on Saturday, November 16, 2014 and Saturday, November 22, 2014.

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), another highly ranked dream B school will conduct the entrance test for its most sought after 2 years MBA programme in International Business on Sunday, November 23, 2014, for the batch 2015-17.

3. Eligibility: To appear in CAT 2014 exam, every candidate must hold a bachelors degree with minimum 50% marks (45% in case of SC/ST/DA) from any recognized university or institution. Candidates appearing for final exam need to submit their proof of qualification before June 30, 2015.

To appear in IIFT 2015 entrance exam, the applicants must possess recognized Bachelors degree of minimum 3 years duration, although there is no requirement of minimum percentage of marks. However in the second phase of admission round profile of a candidate like academic record, work experience, writing skills will play an important role to secure admission in IIFT.

Candidates appearing for a qualifying examination can also apply subject to submission of proof of requisite qualification by the 7th October 2015.

4. Registration Process: CAT 2014 has made significant changes in its registration process. Option of offline purchase of CAT voucher has been removed as all the registration will be made online. Also the candidates will now not have the option to choose their own test centre or city. The right to provide the test centre lies in the hands of authority while candidates will provide their top 3 city choices to choose from. The Registration window opens on August 6, 2014 and will close on September 30, 2014.

IIFT has given the facility of application both online as well as off line. However the last date of submission of completed application forms in either mode is September 3, 2014. The last date for obtaining application by post is August 20, 2014. Candidates should retain a photocopy of the completed form and Demand Draft for future reference.

5. Exam Pattern: As per the new changes in CAT 2014 exam, there will be 50 questions each in two sections of CAT exam while the total exam time has been increased to 170 minutes. The CAT 2014 exam Syllabus will remain same though. CAT 2014 exam consists of Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation, Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning.

There are no fixed number of questions in IIFT 2015 entrance test, their number may go anywhere in the range of 115 to 130. IIFT 2014 consists of multiple choice objective type questions covering English Comprehension, General Knowledge & Awareness, Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Analysis.

6. Paper Pattern: Unlike last year, CAT 2014 exam will allow candidates to switch from one section to another freely during the test. Thus you have the option to devote less or more time in a particular section as per your choice.

Also this year in CAT 2014 exam, there will be no tutorial before start of examination. Candidates are advised to check and practice the tutorial from the official CAT 2014 website prior to testing date.

IIFT 2015 exam is a conventional paper pencil mode test which will be of two hours duration. There are no fixed number of questions in IIFT 2015 entrance test, their number may go anywhere in the range of 115 to 130. The major difference between CAT & IIFT paper pattern is the presence of General awareness section in IFIT 2015 exam.

7. Marking System: In IIFT exam, marking system may vary from question to question or from section to section in the range of 0.5 to 1 mark per question. Penalty of one third marks will be awarded for every wrong answer. The candidates therefore have to be careful to avoid this negative marking by choosing the answer options with well calculated thought process.

While in CAT exam, IIMs has not yet announced if there is any change in the marking scheme for CAT 2014 exam or not. As per the last year, 3 marks were given for every correct answer while there was a provision of deducting 1 mark for every incorrect answer.

8. Result date: CAT 2014 exam results will be announced in the 3rd week of December 2014. CAT 2014 score will be valid till December 31, 2015.
IIFT 2015 exam results are expected to be announced in the month of December 2014.

Tips to Prepare well for CAT 2014 & IIFT 2015 Exams:

- Except General Awareness, other sections are similar in CAT & IIFT exam. Hence, candidates are advised to spare time for GD section too during their CAT preparations to score well in IIFT 2015 exams.

- IIFT exam might have more question than CAT exam. With just two hours to solve aprrox. 135 questions, the choice of questions and speed plays a key role in cracking the exam. Thus, candidates are advised to focus on speed along with accuracy while preparing for IIFT 2015 exam.

- In IIFT exam, marking system may vary from question to question or from section to section. Hence, candidates must be careful and keep a check on the number of questions they have solved.

-Expert on Verbal Ability Prof S K Agarwal advises the CAT and IIFT aspirants to prepare simultaneously on such topics also that do not appear in CAT but make their presence in IIFT like Proverbs, Figures of speech, one word substitution. Besides regular preparation on topics of General Awareness is very important for IIFT entrance. Those who plan to appear in IIFT entrance should not forget this.

To know all about the changes in CAT 2014 exam, Click on our below updated stories:

CAT 2014 exam updates: 10 Big changes in this year CAT 2014 exam

Impact of changes in CAT 2014 Registration process; how to register for CAT 2014 exam

Normalization issue was not behind CAT 2014 changes: Dr. Rohit Kapoor, CAT 2014 Convener

To know all about IIFT 2014 exam, Click below:

IIFT 2015 exam pattern: Know the Test pattern with expert tips on how to prepare
IIFT 2015 Exam date Announced: Entrance test on Nov 23, Registration opens
IIFT 2015 Exam: 5 key topics to achieve Success in IIFT 2015 exam preparation

Keep a check for LIVE Updates on CAT 2014 Exam, Click here:

CAT 2014 Exam Notification Details
IIFT Exam date Announced: Prepare and Discuss
Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more news and updates on CAT 2014 exam and IIFT 2015 exam

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