Last Updated on November 16, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2014 Live coverage: First session begins on time on Nov 16, 2014: No technical glitches so far

CAT 2014 first session began a few minutes late but could be rated on time as per the clocks of Exam centre, set according to the CAT Centre 2014

CAT 2014 Live coverage: First session begins on time on Nov 16, 2014: No technical glitches so far

Allaying the fear of technical glitches and management problems at the test centres, the first session on the first day of CAT 2014 began on time in most of the regions in the country. No report so far has been received about any problem due to which CAT 2014 couldnt begin on time.

CAT 2014 is convened by IIM Indore in partnership with testing agency TCS. The testing window for CAT 2014 has been reduced from 20 days to 2 days. Number of reports anticipated the technical glitches that could mark the beginning of CAT 2014. However, all such fears have been put to rest as CAT 2014 began with its pristine glory without any technical issues.

Candidates gathered in good number at the CAT 2014 exam centre at Greater Noida in the cool morning around 7.30 AM on November 16, 2014 to brave the first session of CAT 2014. The reporting time for CAT 2014 is 2 hours before the beginning of the exam implying that the first session of CAT 2014 was to begin at 9.30 AM and candidates were asked to report at 7.30 AM.

Most of the test takers had gathered by 7.30 AM and the gates of the exam centre were opened around 7.45 AM. Some of the CAT 2014 invigilation team members were seen coming even till 8 AM. Candidates who arrived till 8.30 or even a little late were also frisked with security check and were allowed to enter the testing room.

More Testing rooms were arranged in the examination centre to accommodate more number of candidates. Initially a long queue got formed before the security check point. However, it continued moving and by 8.30-8.45 the handling became smooth. The on-set of winters also helped the candidates to continue standing and basking in Sun in the early morning without any complaints.

Number of candidates were seen discussing the fear of anticipated technical glitches at the centre during the examination. The fear was not also unfounded as a higher number of candidates are taking the test in each session as against a very low number spread over 20 days of earlier CAT testing window. Keeping their fingers crossed candidates moved on and were seen entering the testing lab slowly. A few of them knowing that no breaks would be allowed during the examination, preferred to go to the washroom before entering the testing lab.

The doors of the testing room were closed at 9 AM although a few candidates still continued pouring in. The invigilator in the testing lab read out the instructions and clearly advised the candidates not to touch the key board as it could lock the system.

CAT 2014 first session however began a few minutes late but could be rated on time as per the clocks of Exam centre, set according to the CAT Centre 2014. It was anticipated that the first session could be substantially delayed due to various problems at the exam centre. But CAT Centre 2014 has well managed the stage and started the test with no delays.

It has been more than an hour and the test is being conducted at the exam centre with no technical glitches. We hope CAT 2014 will be a big success and a good experience both for the organizers as well as the test takers.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more live coverage of CAT 2014

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