Last Updated on January 29, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

XAT 2015 Result OMR Answer Sheet: Released first time by XLRI to ensure transparency; check now

XLRI the XAT 2015 conducting B school has made available the answer (OMR) sheets of the candidates who took XAT 2015

XAT 2015 Result OMR Answer Sheet: Released first time by XLRI to ensure transparency; check now

In a move that could be called the highest level of transparency in XAT 2015 result declaration, XLRI the XAT 2015 conducting B school has made available the answer (OMR) sheets of the candidates who took XAT 2015 on January 4, 2015.

It is the second step in continuation taken by XLRI to make XAT 2015 result as transparent as possible. For the first time in the history of Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT), XLRI took the first step to make available the answer keys of XAT 2015 with detailed explanation to all the questions responsible for calculation of XAT percentile.

Now the second step to publish the OMR sheets of all who took XAT 2015 has been taken by XLRI. Publication of OMR sheets is welcomed by XLRI aspirants as the first of its kind move to justify the calculation of section wise as well as overall percentile calculation in XAT 2015. Number of candidates had lodged their grievances in regard to their fear of anticipating some flaw in XAT 2015 result declaration.

Check your XAT 2015 answer sheet

XAT 2015 OMR sheet is lying alongwith your score card on the home page of XAT 2015 site. You can view the same by login with your XAT 2015 registration ID and password.
XLRI denied any flaw in XAT 2015 result

Although Prof Munish Thakur, XAT 2015 convener and XLRI admission chairperson denied any error in XAT 2015 result and confirmed There are no discrepancies in the results and there is no normalization, candidates were not convinced and continued pouring in with their grievances creating a grave situation for XLRI that has called for publication of answer sheets (OMR sheets) of all XAT 2015 takers in public domain.

Number of queries from XAT 2015 takers who expected much higher percentile overall as well as sectional in XAT 2015 than what they have scored thronged the XAT 2015 site. The self calculation of percentile was assessed by the candidates with the availability of XAT 2015 answer keys which were published by XLRI before making available the OMR sheet on XAT 2015 site. It was rated as a very good move on the part of XLRI showing full transparency to the examination.

Candidates could now very well cross check the answers they marked on the OMR sheet in accordance with the set of question paper available with them. They have also been able to calculate the nearly accurate scores as XAT 2015 has awarded equal weightage of 1 mark each to the multiple choice questions (MCQs) type. Each set of XAT 2015 question paper had 84 MCQs divided in 3 sections. The percentile scores have been calculated on the basis of answers to these 84 questions.

OMR sheets share Full Transparency

For thousands of candidates who took XAT 2015, the self percentile calculation for XAT 2015 bore no fruit as their actual percentile score is much less than what they calculated and expected.

The candidates were apprehensive of some mismatch in the calculation formula of percentile and raised queries on such discrepancies after XAT 2015 result declaration.

Now with the OMR sheets available on XAT 2015 site the candidates have all the ingredients to assess their performance and scores awarded on the basis of the same- the question paper, answer keys and answer sheets. Probably nothing more is needed to arrive at the correct scores. This could be rated as the highest example of transparency in award of scores in any examination.

XAT 2015: Award of positive percentile only

The discrepancy in award of percentile in one or other section that haunted the minds of XAT 2015 takers must have put to rest now. In fact XAT 2015 percentile calculation formula has awarded only positive percentiles. According to Prof Munish Thakur, XAT 2015 convener All students got positive percentiles (There is no possibility of negative percentile)

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on XAT 2015 result

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