Last Updated on February 19, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CMAT 2015 Exam Analysis: Second test First Day: Moderate Quant & Verbal; tricky LR & GK make a balanced test

Questions in Quant section were moderate however, questions in Language comprehension and General Awareness gave a bit of ride to the aspirants

CMAT 2015 Exam Analysis: Second test First Day: Moderate Quant & Verbal; tricky LR & GK make a balanced test

CMAT 2015 second test for admission to MBA/PGDM batch 2015-17 in more than 400 B schools commenced today on Feb 19, 2015 across the centres all over India and had a smooth run without much disruption on account of technical glitches. CMAT 2015 second test has a 4 day test window beginning on Feb 19, 2015 and concluding on Feb 22, 2015. There are 2 sessions each day. CMAT 2015 on its first day was on expected pattern with a total of 100 questions divided in 4 sections of 25 questions each.

Questions in Quant section were moderate however questions in Language comprehension and General Awareness gave a bit of ride to the aspirants. As shared earlier also by MBAUniverse.com with the sample questions, the test paper was more or less on the same pattern. The overall difficulty level was moderate, with a few questions in each section being reported as little more difficult than the overall structure of the test.
The first day of CMAT 2015 second test held on Feb 19, 2015 didnt have surprise elements and the test paper was on expected pattern although some twisting questions were placed in Logical Reasoning, General Awareness and Language comprehension sections.
Sectional Analysis

Following is the indepth first day sectional analysis of CMAT 2015 second test

Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation

This section was a little moderate and questions were based on the concepts of Ratio and proportion; percentage; Profit & Loss; linear equation; venn diagram; Logarithm; Probability; Mensuration; Time and distance; Geometrical concepts.

Out of the 25 questions in this sections, more questions were based on Algebra while 3-4 questions on Geometry and mensuration were found to be slightly on difficult side. The section was doable and candidates can score well in this section. A few candidates while coming out of the examination hall also complained that a few questions had incorrect answer options, although it could not be confirmed by other candidates of the same centre.

Questions on Data Interpretation were a bit time consuming and needed good data comparison and analysis capability of the candidate. One question set was based on Pie Chart while other was on Tabular data form. Those who practiced well on variety of DI questions did not face much difficulty to arrive at the correct answer options.

There were candidates who completed the Quant section in 40-50 minutes before moving forward to complete another section. They were confident enough that almost all of their answers were correct. However, an attempt of 18-20 questions in this section could place the candidate at a high position in merit.

English Language comprehension

English language comprehension section had questions more or less on the same pattern as appeared in CMAT 2015 first test. More questioned were based on fundamentals of English Language like spotting the errors in sentences, fill in the blanks based on subject verb agreement and grammar and tenses. Questions on vocabulary usage were based on spotting the synonyms, antonyms, phrases and idioms. A few questions on jumbled sentences were short and doable.

Those who are going to take CMAT in next 3 days are advised to practice sentences on core grammar usage like Reported speech, Active passive, conditionals, modifiers.

Reading comprehension passages were not as short as they used to appear earlier in CMAT. There were 3 RC Passages of around 500-600 words each. They were followed by the tricky questions based on statements and assumptions. Author of the passage assumes xyz and that assumption is drawn from which of the following conclusions; What assumption could be drawn from the following statements; What could be the reason out of the following statements that led the author to conclude the passage with the remark xyz.

All the passages were more or less moderate to difficult and a bit time consuming, reflecting the reasoning type of questions which required greater understanding of the passage. Candidates had to read between the lines to solve them.

A good attempt of 16 to 18 questions in this section would be enough to qualify for the call by a highly ranked B school.

Logical Reasoning

This section had varying topics and concepts like arrangement, Deductive Logic, Data Sufficiency, venn diagrams, statement assumptions, statement conclusions or inferences, analogy, syllogisms. Aspirants going to take CMAT 2015 second test in next 2-3 days are advised to practice varying type of problems to ace LR section.

Candidates could attempt this section in 40-45 minutes. Those who got 15-18 correct in it, may expect to be a winner in this section.

General Awareness

Constitutional knowledge, understanding of federal structure of Indian Polity, daily reading and analysing the current events surely helped the candidates in this section. Current affairs had the questions on recent happenings- national and international. Conventional GK consisted of questions on Capital/Currency, International organizations, books, authors, personalities, current events.

Number of questions were on matching pattern. Matching chronologically the dates of Indian PMs visit to different countries in recent past; Matching the rivers with their respective origin state; Matching currencies with their respective countries; Matching battles fought with their respective years; Matching the Mobile phone manufacturing companies with their head quarters and so on. There was a question on Repo Rate as decided by the Reserve Bank of India.

Most of the candidates preferred to attempt questions on General Awareness in the end. The thought was that answers to GK questions are either known or not known, hence the questions wouldnt require any technique, tricks and analysis process to solve. CMAT aspirants who knew the answers could complete this section in 10-15 minutes and focused more on other sections.

This section was friendlier to those who have kept themselves abreast with current national and international affairs. Most of the questions were based on economy and conventional general knowledge. CMAT aspirants are advised to know the full form of abbreviations like OECD, OPEC. More questions on current affairs in forthcoming sessions could be related to the visit of American President to India, Delhi elections, Sri Lanka elections, Attack on Charlie Hebdo in France, Money control measures adopted by RBI, Indian Economy, Make in India, change of guard in important groups and organizations and so on.
Candidates who could attempt 16-18 correct stand a good chance in a top notch institute.

Score needed to get good B school

Since the examination was not very tough candidates would need higher scores to receive the call from top rated B schools. Out of maximum score of 400, candidates may expect admission in top rated B school with a score in a range of 250 to 280.

Tips for the candidates

In next 3 days no major change in test pattern nor any surprise element is expected. MBAUniverse.com published the most relevant articles, giving the clue to the CMAT aspirants on probable questions. CMAT aspirants, going to take the test in forthcoming days should go through the published contents by MBUniverse.com on CMAT. They may prove to be of great help to the aspirants on preparation strategy during the next few days of their CMAT examination.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates and analysis on CMAT 2015

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