Last Updated on March 11, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MAH CET 2015: 30 minute tips to enrich your Verbal Ability; learn how to solve 5-10 questions on PJ

Striking feature with MAHCET is that the questions on jumbled paragraphs are different from the ones that are asked in CAT/XAT/CMAT

MAH CET 2015: 30 minute tips to enrich your Verbal Ability; learn how to solve 5-10 questions on PJ

MAHCET 2015 the last among the important entrance tests for MBA/MMS/PGDM admission 2015, is only 3 days away. MBAUniverse.com has taken every care to go into the minute details of this computer based exam a gateway to MBA/MMS 2015-17 programme in all Maharashtra B schools.

MAHCET 2015 is the test with 200 MCQs to be solved in 150 minutes for admission to more than 44000 MBA seats in Maharashtra B schools. The exam is going to be held in multiple sessions on March 14 and 15, 2015 across Maharashtra and all over India.

Parajumbles: Improve your score

Although the sample paper 2015 with 20 questions published by MAHCET is silent about the questions on jumbled sentences, such questions have been making appearance during the past years. It should therefore be anticipated that Verbal Ability section may have 5 to 10 questions on parajumbles. It is necessary to know the pattern, formation, number of expected questions and quick tips on how to solve them from Prof S K Agarwal, expert in Verbal Ability area.

MAHCET: Different Parajumbles

The striking feature with MAHCET is that the questions on jumbled paragraphs are different from the ones that are asked in CAT/XAT/CMAT. Key areas of difference in question types are as follows-

Question(s) on Formation of paragraph

All India Tests (CAT/XAT/CMAT) place the jumbled sentences and the aspirants are asked to form a coherent and meaningful paragraph by rearranging the jumbled sentences. The candidate has to choose one of the 4-5 followed answer options to indicate that the para has appropriately been formed.

MAH CET, although also wants you to form a coherent and meaningful paragraph by rearranging the jumbled sentences but instead of asking you a single question whether the formation has been correct, there is a series of 5-6 questions based on Jumbled paragraph. These questions are further followed by 4-5 answer options each and the aspirants are required to choose one right answer option for each question.

Number of jumbled sentences

All India tests have not more than 4-5 jumbled sentences to be rearranged but MAHCET may have 6-7 long sentences for such rearrangement.

How Difficult

Despite being long with more number of jumbled sentences the difficulty level with MAHCET is moderate whereas CAT and XAT have higher level of difficulty. Jumbled Sentences can be rearranged in less time in MAHCET than in other examination.

Sample questions

Let us know the types of questions, we may expect on jumbled paragraphs-

Direction:Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) to make a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions which follow

(A) Keats has said the Beauty is Truth. Now, this is not true. But to us here, Beauty is, as Plato said, the splendour of Truth.

(B) that, when he has got hold of beauty, he has got hold of the surest key to the knowledge of God.

(C)It must be the first article in an artists creed, as an artist, that beauty is the best interpreter of God to man;

(D)He has no business with truth as such as the philosopher, for instance, has.

(E)The artist, as an artist, must be content with the splendour and, through this splendour strive to convey the truth.

(F)He has no concern with conduct as such, as the moralist, for instance has.

Q.1 (A) is the first sentence before rearrangement, which sentence should be the first after rearrangement?
1(A) 2(B) 3(C) 4(D) 5(E) 6(F)

Q.2 Which sentence should be the sixth after rearrangement?
1(D) 2(F) 3(A) 4(B) 5(C) 6(E)

Q.3 Should sentence at place three (C ) be replaced by other sentence at same place after rearrangement. Which sentence number then should be placed at place three after rearrangement.
1(A) 2(B) 3(C) 4(D) 5(E) 6(F)

Q.4 Which sentence should come at fifth place after rearrangement?
1(B) 2(A) 3(C) 4(E) 5(D) 6(F)

Q.5 Should there be any change of sentence at fourth place after rearrangement? Which sentence should be placed there in place of existing one?
1(F) 2(E) 3(C) 4(D) 5(A) 6(B)

Q.6 Which sentence should come at second place after rearrangement?
1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(A) 5(F) 6(E)


Ans. Q.1- At first place sentence (C) should be placed as it begins chronology of arguments and suggestion

Ans.Q.2- (F) should be closing sentence of the para at sixth place. D and F both go to close the para. When we split them we find that something about truth has to follow E as the Truth closes E.

Ans.Q.3(A) should be the appropriate sentence at place three as it takes the reader to comparative opinion based discussion.

Ans.Q.4(D) should be placed at fifth place preceding (F). Both the sentences form the concluding part of the para.

Ans.Q.5 (E) is the right sentence to placed at fourth place after rearrangement. It should also precede sentence (D)

Ans.Q.6(B) should be the appropriate sentence at second place as it explains (C).

How to solve: Tips

Jumbled paragraphs in MAH CET have to be rearranged before moving to the answer options. The strategy should be to quickly solve the same, write down the sequence on the rough paper sheet and in less than a minute answer all the questions without any hesitation.

Another important thing is even if you are not able to answer all the questions correctly, there is nothing you are going to lose. While your correct answers will earn you more marks, the wrong answers will not attract any penalty.

These questions apart from a fair knowledge of formation pattern and reading skill, need more and more practice. Candidates are suggested to read the statements between the lines, scan all the options and then decide which of the given answer options logically follows. While attempting the jumbled sentences, try to find out the linkage and connectors among the sentences. However, a good volume of practice is needed, so dont be shy of it.

If you are able to solve the questions on jumbled paragraphs, you will get an advantage of 5 percent marks which could move you up in the merit. Remarkable aspect of these questions is that only two jumbled paragraphs would be followed by so many questions. Hence solving the same will lead you to answer many questions in a short time.

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