Last Updated on May 7, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MAT 2015: Chance to increase your MAT Score on May 9; Expert analysis

MBA admission in good B schools out of the list of 380 B schools available at the AIMA site can be explored with a high percentile of 90+ in MAT 2015

MAT 2015: Chance to increase your MAT Score on May 9; Expert analysis

MBA admission in good B schools out of the list of 380 B schools available at the AIMA site can be explored with a high percentile of 90+ in MAT 2015. Apart from them other B schools are also accepting MAT scores. It is expected that MAT May 2015 scores will also be accepted by these B schools. The more you score in MAT 2015 the more admission opportunities in good B schools would be waiting for you.

The main query from the aspirants after the MAT 2015 was over on May 3, 2015 in paper pencil mode is how to increase the score in Computer based May MAT to be conducted on May 9, 2015 in different time slots. Those who are hopeful and are working hard to score high in computer based MAT 2015 on May 9 should take care whether they have opted for CBT pattern of MAT 2015.

Good chance to increase MAT May score in CBT

Prof S K Agarwal, Verbal Ability expert and mentor on MAT preparation is of the view that since MAT May is not going to be a very difficult examination as was revealed in MAT May paper pen based test on May 3, 2015, candidates should devote more time to revise and practice more mock tests.

Analyse well

After attempting the MAT May Mocks, analyse where you went wrong, what mistakes you committed knowingly or unknowingly during your practice tests and then ensure not to repeat them. This is an important strategy to score high in MAT.

Be confident

Once you are aware of your strong and weak areas, you could fairly understand what to avoid and what to attempt in MAT May computer based test. With this method you could not only improve your score but also would be more confident while attempting the questions and searching for suitable answer options.

Move on: Manage the time

Out of 200 questions in MAT May 2015, although you would like to attempt maximum questions, the problem is-if you are stuck on one question and waste your time, you may lose the score on more number of questions which you could have attempted.

Besides you do not have plenty of time and cannot scan all the 200 questions before moving to attempt them one by one. If you are able to solve the question and if it belongs to your strong area, attempt it immediately else leave it and move on to attempt the next one. You may come back to it later.

Maximise the attempts

In the first attempt in MAT May online test, solve only those questions that you can solve with ease. Your next attempt could be for slightly more difficult questions and next 2-3 attempts could be devoted to most difficult questions. This will ensure better scores and fewer mistakes.

Avoid penalty

Dont however attempt the questions in MAT 2015 CBT that are out of your domain. If you mark 2 answers correct and 4 answers wrong, you have lost 1 full mark. Besides the wastage of time that was done, is an additional disadvantage.

Check what appeared on May 3 in MAT 2015

Although the MAT May 2015 test mode may have paper pencil or computer based examination but the difficulty level, type of questions, composition of questions may not vary much. If you can lay your hands on the questions that appeared on May 3 in MAT May 2015 exam, you will get a fair idea about the probable topics and question types.

Last minute tips for MAT 2015 on May 9

MAT on May 9, 2015 would be divided in 5 sections namely Language comprehension; Mathematical skills;Intelligence and critical reasoning; Data analysis and Sufficiency; Indian and Global environment with 40 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) as appeared in paper pencil mode test in each section.

Each question will carry 1 mark and mark would be the penalty for each wrong answer. The test shall have to be solved in 150 minutes. MBAUniverse.com has already suggested the time limit to solve questions in each section and those who follow it will be more relaxed and composed throughout the Computer Based Test (CBT) as they would be able to attempt more number of questions with better accuracy.

Language comprehension

According to Prof S K Agarwal, Verbal Ability Expert and mentor on MAT preparation, out of 40 questions in language Comprehension section 10 are supposed to be based on vocabulary comprising synonyms-antonyms, jumbled words and picking odd man out, inserting correct words to fill in the blanks. There are expected 5 short comprehension passages followed by 4 questions each. Other questions are supposed to be based on jumbled paragraphs, core grammar usage, summary/main thought essence of paragraphs. Questions are supposed to be moderately difficult and are expected to be answered in 30 minutes, if you attempt the section with due concentration.

Mathematical Skills

This section in MAT on May 9, 2015 is expected to have around 26 questions based on Arithmetic like Percentages, Profit and Loss, Time and Work, Averages etc. The difficulty level is expected to be moderate but may consume a bit more time. Candidates with more practice will be able to solve more of the questions within prescribed time. Those who can attempt this section with accuracy may expect a higher score.

Intelligence and critical reasoning

Favourite MAT topics on which the questions in this section are proposed are Assertions reasons, Family tree, analogies, Direction, series, cause & effect, calendar, distribution, assertions. The section is supposed to have moderate level of difficulty but may be more time consuming.

Data analysis and Sufficiency

70% of the questions in this section are expected to be on data interpretation. Pie charts, bar diagrams, charts, line graph, and data comparison are the main areas on which the questions are expected in this section. A few questions may be time consuming but overall the questions are supposed to have moderate difficulty level.

Indian and Global environment

Most of the B schools accepting MAT scores keep the scores in this section as qualifying, although it is an integral part of MAT question paper. Scoring well in this B school sure adds to your scores and your score card also reflects it. In the final admission round good B schools consider the score in this section also.

Questions in this section are based on conventional GK, business and economics, current affairs, International events, Whos who. 15 minutes is a sufficient time to answer this section.

MAT May 2015 result

Score card for MAT May 2015 is expected to be made available by AIMA in the last week of May 2015. If you appeared in MAT Feb 2015 you are advised to apply to the relevant B school irrespective of the marks you scored. Once you get the improved score for MAT May exam, you could submit the same to the B school to get further advantage.

The score card after declaration of MAT May 2015 result can be downloaded from the AIMA website. Provision of getting a duplicate score card for the test from AIMA is also available.More than 600 institutes across India are expected to accept MAT May 2015 scores.

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