Last Updated on September 18, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2015: Registration only 2 days left; Will IIM extend the last date

The overall scenario indicates the dip in number of CAT 2015 registration in comparison to earlier CAT exams

CAT 2015: Registration only 2 days left; Will IIM extend the last date

CAT 2015 Registration with many aspirant friendly changes opened on August 6, 2015 and is scheduled to close on September 20, 2015. Despite full 46 days available for the CAT 2015 registration process, it appears that the registration number has not reached the expected mark.

While the factors contributing to less number of CAT 2015 registrations so far in comparison to CAT 2014 are not officially known the major one could have been the single day CAT 2015 as the CAT takers over the years have become used to at least more than one day CAT.

Besides the facility of self scheduling the test, choosing the test centre and slot has also been withdrawn. Another major factor could be a purely online registration process which does not even allow to make payment by Demand Draft. Many candidates coming from the rural or semi urban areas find it difficult to make on-line payment leaving the registration process incomplete.
The overall scenario indicates the dip in number of CAT 2015 registration in comparison to earlier CAT exams. It is despite the fact that intake of students in the class rooms of 19 IIMs is proposed to increase in academic session 2016-17.

Only 2 days left: Last day rush may cause technical glitches
Those who appeared in CAT 2014 might remember that due to technical snags, CAT aspirants could not make their online payment. They resorted to requests and complaints to CAT centre after which the CAT registration was re-opened for one day.

It is surprising and shows some carelessness on the part of CAT 2015 aspirants as well that they have not been able to register during the last 45 days and are waiting for the last day despite knowing the fact that problems occur in completing the registration process on the last day.

With barely 2 days to go for the last date of CAT 2015 registration, the suggestion from experts is to finalise the registration today only without waiting for September 20, 2015 the last day of CAT 2015 registration.

Aspirant friendly registration process
CAT 2015 aspirants have found the registration process more user friendly as the guidelines are more clear and substantial changes have also been incorporated in the registration process for CAT 2015. All the required details and instructions to complete the registration process are available on CAT 2015 site and the 3 step registration process is free from any technical glitches. Those who have kept the required information ready the registration process for them has not taken much time.

But despite all the aspirant friendly changes and modifications in the registration process in CAT 2015, there has been less number of registrations so far as compared to CAT 2014.

Last Lap: 2 days only to CAT 2015 Registration
High number of registrations is expected during the next 2 days left for CAT 2015 registration process. And because of this great rush, you may face more technical problems at the eleventh hour. The piece of advice therefore, is to apply for CAT 2015 either today or tomorrow without waiting for the last moment.

Please remember CAT 2015 is the most favourite management entrance test and despite all the changes candidates who prepare hard with sincerity get the opportunity to study at one of the top rated IIMs.
Complete the Registration process in one go
Following are the key points to follow to complete the registration process in one go and feel free to focus on preparation and practice for CAT 2015.

-Aspirants should read the instructions at the start of the form before they begin filling the information. They can Save and exit the form any number of times to edit and complete it later or can Save & Continue each section till they submit the application. Better is to complete it in a single sitting
-If mandatory information is not filled or the required Certificates are not uploaded, candidate will not be allowed to continue. Besides after clicking on submit button, changes to any information provided on the application form are not possible. A candidate can only print or save the form from the website after that. So keep all the required details with you
-CAT 2015 has placed the exercise of making the on-line payment as the last step of filling up the form. This will enable the aspirants to review the accuracy of the filled up details in their application form before making the payment
-Once you create a profile after login as new user on Register now and receive your system generated User ID and Password as SMS and on mail, next login should be as existing user with the received ID & Password
-Keep the entire information ready before filling up the application form
- You can revisit the form several times and complete it in steps. If the information is kept ready, complete it in one go
- If you forget your password, you may click on the Forgot Password button on the Existing

User login window. The new password will be sent on email, and not as an SMS.

Would IIMs extend the CAT 2015 registration date?
The answer to this question is tricky. But if the candidates are unable to complete the registration process and their online fee payment gets stuck in transit, it could be considered to re-open the CAT 2015 registration process by IIM Ahmedabad. In fact in a similar situation arising out of technical glitches on the last day of registration in CAT 2014, IIM Indore the then CAT convening IIM re-opened the registration process for one day which attracted more than 7000 CAT aspirants to complete their incomplete registration and make payment. The opportunity also came as a bounty for those who missed to register for CAT earlier.

Extending Registration date is difficult
However, it is not for the one individual IIM or any other B school to extend or re-open the CAT 2015 registration, the policy is decided at the apex level. There may be a dip or increase in registration number, but reopening of CAT 2015 registration process is a difficult process. It may be possible for the IIMs to extend the last date of CAT 2015 Registration if the situation is so demanding and the decision is taken at the highest CAT 2015 convening body with a nod from the apex authority.

Top 50K compete
Another fact is that the competition in CAT every year is among top 50-60 thousand candidates. Rest despite getting a good percentile, dont get IIM, SPJIMR, MDI, FMS, IMT, IMI, BIMTECH, TAPMI or any other top rated B school. Registration number has already crossed 1 lakh mark, so CAT 2015 may not be compelled to consider extending the last date of registration.

CAT 2015 Registration still below CAT 2014
On the same note, the registration figure for CAT 2015 has not yet reached the CAT 2014 registration mark, although more MBA aspirants are preparing for various MBA entrance tests. This is despite the fact that the registration process along with the test pattern in CAT 2015 stands substantially modified. Number of positive modifications in CAT 2015 registration process like no time constraints in filling up the registration form; payment of registration fee in the end; choice of 4 preferred cities for test; more number of IIMs have not facilitated very large number of CAT 2015 aspirants.

Dont miss the opportunity
CAT 2015 provides the opportunity for the MBA/PGDM aspirants to appear in the largest and modified CAT 2015 exam which will have the Non-MCQ type questions for the first time in each of the 3 sections. Even wrong answers to these questions will not be penalized with negative marking. In view of Prof S K Agarwal, Verbal Ability expert and mentor on CAT 2015 preparation, the difficulty level in CAT 2015 is also expected to be lower than the earlier CAT exams. Candidates shouldnt miss the opportunity of getting into IIMs in 2016 and should register avoiding the last date.

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