Last Updated on July 6, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

SIBM Pune Faculty and Directors research proposal made the B school earn prestigious IBM SUR award

Research proposal in the area of predictive analytics submitted by Prof.Santosh Gopalakrishnan faculty and Dr R Raman Director SIBM Pune made the B school proud to earn IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Award

SIBM Pune Faculty and Directors research proposal made the B school earn prestigious IBM SUR award

A research proposal in the area ofpredictive analytics submitted byProf.Santosh Gopalakrishnan faculty and Dr RRaman Director SIBM Pune made the B-school proud to earn IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Award. IBM-SUR awards is aworldwide equipment award program designed to promote researchin areas of mutual value and interest to IBM and universities. The research proposal was approved by IBM as part of its worldwide Shared University Research Grants.

The grant is given through a competitive process and SIBM faculty proposal was one of the few selected from many proposals received.Sharing with MBAUniverse.com Dr Raman says I am also glad to let you know that SIBM, Pune is theonly management institution in Indiato get this grant this year

IBM has confirmed thatthegrantamount would be USD 10,000/- and an additionalgrant, that is a percentage of this amount, would be payable later in the year based on anIBMreview of the results & progress of the project.

The IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Awards is a worldwide equipment award program designed to promote research in areas of mutual value and interest to IBM and universities. Nominations for these awards must be initiated by someone within IBM. The SUR Awards program strives to connect the research and researchers at universities with personnel in IBM: in organizations such as IBM Research, IBM Life Sciences, IBM Global Services and the development and product labs. This program is not aimed at supporting a single individual or research project. Rather, the intent is to support and have an impact in an area of significant interest to the university and IBM

The SUR Awards program is designed to promote collaborative research projects that bring value to IBM, the technology community, and the world. The program is also designed to increase access to IBM technologies for research

IBM provides a limited number of SUR awards each year, at its discretion. No guarantee of award, implied or otherwise, is made by IBM. All proposals are generated by IBM personnel in collaboration with their university counterparts. Proposals are evaluated through a multi-stage process.

The IBM-SUR award is meant for one year. The areas where the award money is proposed to be spent are Acquiring Tools and technologies needed for the research and for Acquiring knowledge through seminar and conference - which would be required for the research.

Sharing about the on going researchdetails Dr Raman Director Symbiosis Institute of Business Managament (SIBM) Pune shares We are doing a Research involving the Impact of Social Media Behaviour on Loan Repayment of Customers.

Elaborating the scope of research study Dr Raman adds As you are aware, Banks in India are still reeling under the heavy burden of high customer defaults and NPA percentages. According to a study, the actual impact of the 2008 crisis is not yet fully over and Banks will face tougher times in the near future. Added to that, Public Sector Banks also have the added responsibility of fulfilling the Priority Sector Lending norms as stipulated by the RBI. One also notices the difference in the NPA rates of Private Banks vis--vis that of Public Sector Banks, given the fact that the base Customer Pool remains the same for both of them. Such factors add to the already existing pressures that the system has to face and endure. All this aside, Banks have their own methods to evaluate the Credit Worthiness of a Customer before sanctioning Credit to the person. However, most methods mainly revolve around one aspect How much MORE is the Customer earning apart from the EMI Amount?. Through this study, we aim to look at the Social Media Profiles and analyse the Personality Type and Behaviour of the Customer. This information will help us to pinpoint the problem areas of existence of certain behavioural traits in a prospective customer, which can indicate a probable default in the prospective loan. Once completed, our results and the Model will be able to give banks a clear cut guidance and detail on whether the loan being sanctioned might be subject to default or otherwise!

Sharing the USPs of SIBM Pune that enable the faculty to go for more research projects, Dr Raman Director SIBM Pune says The essential strong pillars of SIBM Pune are its illustrious alumni, exemplary students, outstanding full time faculty and numerous visiting faculty members from the corporate and industry. SIBM Pune is a student driven institute. The students council at SIBM consists of nine teams namely Alumni Team; Aspirant Relations Team; Corporate Interface Team; Co-Curricular Team; Placement Advisory Team; Research and Scholastic Development Team; Social, Entrepreneurship & Consulting Cell; Sports Management Team and Information Systems & Media Relations Team.

Admission to MBA 2016-18 batch at SIBM Pune and other 13 Symbiosis institutes affiliated to Symbiosis International University (SIU) will be through SNAP 2015 which will the mandatory exam to shortlist the candidates for final admission round. SNAP 2015 will be conducted on December 20, 2015 in 30 test cities in India.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on SNAP 2015

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