Last Updated on December 25, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CMAT 2016: Sample Test with 18 questions out; get ready for surprises

AICTE has enabled CMAT 2016 sample test with 18 questions with maximum number of 9 MCQs on Language Comprehension and rest 9 on all other sections

CMAT 2016: Sample Test with 18 questions out; get ready for surprises

Making all out efforts to put the CMAT 2016 on the lines of CAT exam, AICTE has enabled the sample test with 18 MCQs to guide the aspirants. The sample test leads to unexpected surprises that may appear in the actual CMAT 2016 on January 17, 2016 in terms of format and type of the questions.

According to AICTE, A Trial test will be available from 12-Dec-2015 onwards for the candidates to have a feel of the online test and navigation functionality. Candidates are advised to go through them carefully to familiarize themselves with the screens, layout, and navigation.

CMAT 2016: Test Pattern
CMAT 2016 to be held on January 17, 2016 will be of 3 hour duration from 9.30AM to 12.30PM. The reporting time for the test is 90 minutes before the beginning of test. You are supposed to reach the test venue by 8 AM.
There will be 100 questions in CMAT 2016 actual exam. All the questions will be in MCQ form and will be divided in following 4 sections
Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation 25 questions carrying maximum 100 marks
Logical Reasoning 25 questions carrying maximum 100 marks
Language Comprehension 25 questions carrying maximum 100 marks
General Awareness 25 questions carrying maximum 100 marks
There will be negative marking of 1 mark for each incorrect answer.

Sample Test: Not full length
Instead of a full length sample test, AICTE has published the sample test with 18 questions for CMAT 2016. While English comprehension section has maximum number of 9 questions in the sample test, all other 3 sections taken together have 9 questions divided with 3 questions for each section.
There are 4 answer options for each question and you are supposed to choose the best fit one. Same pattern is proposed for actual CMAT 2016 exam.

7 buttons to navigate through the exam
AICTE will provide following 7 navigation buttons to move to & fro the 4 sections
Start Test: Click on this button to start the CMAT 2016 exam
Next: Click on this button to go to next question in the section
Previous: Click on this button to go back to earlier question in the section
Flag: Click on this button if you wish to mark to attempt or review the question later
Unflag: Click on this button if you have already marked the question to attempt or review. The
button will remove the marked flag from the question

Submit: This button is to be used cautiously as it will submit your attempted test after you complete your CMAT 2016. In case you click on this button during the test, it would submit your answers before completion of the test. Please note that the submit button will be enabled only after you have viewed all the questions at least once within the allotted time. The test will automatically stop when the allotted time for CMAT 2016
test is over.

Deselect: Click on this button to deselect the marked answer and to mark a fresh answer.

Expected question topics in CMAT 2016
As revealed in the sample test, CMAT 2016 aspirants may expect changes in type of the questions asked on different topics as against in previous CMAT exams. CMAT 2016 proposes to be closer on the pattern of MCQs asked in CAT exams although there will not be any Non-MCQ type of questions in CMAT 2016.

Language Comprehension
Language Comprehension section with 25 questions is expected to give more weightage to RC in CMAT 2016. Reading comprehension passage in CMAT 2016 is expected to be followed by 6 questions as happened in CAT 2015 which had 2 types of RC passages the one followed by 3 questions and the other followed by 6 questions.

CMAT 2016 also proposes to have a few questions on choosing the appropriate vocabulary words out of the 2 words in each sentence of a question consisting of 4 such sentences.
There are also expected the questions on correct use of parts of speech, punctuation marks, tenses, phrasal verbs in sentences in CMAT 2016 test on the pattern of earlier CAT exams.

CMAT 2016 is also expected to contain questions on Facts, Inference and Judgement as appeared in CAT 2015.

Logical Reasoning
The Logical reasoning may contain questions on different topics like group or seating arrangements, team selections, direction sense among others.

Quant & DI
Questions on Quant and DI in CMAT 2016 may not be as difficult as appear in CAT exam although similarity on topics would be there. The DI questions could be individual ones also apart from in sets.

General Awareness
General Knowledge in CMAT 2016 may have questions on conventional and static type of GK, appointments, current affairs, international figures, economic developments, Indian constitution among others.
Commencing with CMAT 2016, AICTE will now conduct only one CMAT exam instead of two which used to be held in the months of September and February every year. This will not only help CMAT takers to avoid appearing twice in the exam but will also motivate them to prepare well to score high and get a good B-school instead of taking another chance and continue preparing for it for another 4-5 months.
Apart from the ADMIT CARD made available ONLINE on the website, the admit card will be sent to the email address provided by the candidate. It is therefore, mandatory to have a valid email account throughout the selection process.

Since Admit Card is a mandatory requirement in order to take the test, the candidate must bring a print out of the Admit Card to the test centre.

Announcing the changes in CMAT 2016, AICTE says CMAT is a three hour computer based online test which is conducted in a single session to evaluate the candidates ability across various segments like Quantitative Technique, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension and General Awareness. This test facilitates Institutions to select suitable graduate candidates for admission in all Management programs. The CMAT score is accepted by all AICTE-Approved Institutions/University Departments/Constituent Colleges/Affiliated Colleges.

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