Last Updated on January 22, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

IIM Ranchi: shortlist purely based on CAT 2015 score, 90 percentilers eligible; get ready for CAP round

IIM Ranchi with an intake of 120 students is going to shortlist around 1500 candidates purely based on a score of 90 and above percentile in CAT 2015 for the CAP 2016 round

IIM Ranchi: shortlist purely based on CAT 2015 score, 90 percentilers eligible; get ready for CAP round

IIM Ranchi is going to shortlist around 1500 candidates purely based on a score of 90 and above percentile in CAT 2015 for the Common Admission Process (CAP) 2016 to be coordinated by IIM Kashipur in 5 cities namely New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai and Kolkata.

The minimum sectional percentile in CAT 2015 required for shortlisting is 80 as prescribed by IIM Ranchi. The proposed intake in PGP 2016-18 at IIM Ranchi is 120 which may increase by a few students when final admission offers are made.

CAT 2015 score: Sole criterion to shortlist As against many other IIMs who are shortlisting the candidates for PI round not only on the basis of CAT 2015 scores but also require excellent academic profile, diversity among other parameters, IIM Ranchi has decided to go for the 1st stage shortlisting on the basis of CAT 2015 percentile only and award weightage to rest of the parameters only before arriving at the final merit list for admission 2016.

According to IIM Ranchi An initial shortlist shall be prepared of candidates who would be eligible for WAT/PI process for admission to the PGDM 2016 -17 batch of IIM Ranchi. This list would be purely based on CAT performance and is expected to be announced around mid-January. It is expected that IIM Ranchi would announce the shortlist in a day or two. Those who wish to explore admission opportunity in IIM Ranchi should keep visiting its website.

Shortlist Cut offs The cut-off percentile CAT 2015 scores for consideration for admission to IIM Ranchi is as below

Section-1 VARC
Section-2 DILR
Section-3 Quant






However, it must be noted that every eligible candidate scoring the minimum sectional as well as overall CAT 2015 percentile, may or may not find a place in the shortlist as the cut-off percentile figures are just indicative and actual CAT 2015 percentile cut-offs are expected to be close to the cut-off for previous years which were much higher than the minimum required percentile.

The shortlisted candidates of all the six new IIMs will be merged to make a combined short-list for further processing.

PI & WAT Process Personal Interviews and Written Ability Test are planned to be a part of Common Admission Process (CAP) to be conducted at five different centres namely Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Bangalore. CAP 2016 will be coordinated by IIM Kashipur. The exact dates for PI & WAT will be communicated to shortlisted candidates in due course of time.

Weightage in generating final merit list Final Admissions 2016 would be offered after the PI & WAT process is over. IIM Ranchi will announce final admission offers on the basis of a merit list prepared after arriving at the weightage of 30% each awarded to CAT 2015 score, PI score, Profile score and 10% to WAT score.

The consolidated merit list (CML) would be compiled on the basis of various components and their corresponding weights as follows-

Weightage awarded
CAT 2015 Score

PI Score

WAT Score


Division of Profile Weightage The profile scoring methodology for IIM Ranchi awards weightage out of maximum 30 marks on a scale of 100 and will consider Academics, Work experience, academic and gender diversity.

Academic Profile Maximum 15 marks will be awarded for excellence in academics. Candidates who have scored not less than 85% marks in class 10, 12 and graduation will be awarded 5 marks for each qualification, making the total marks as 15. No weightage will be awarded for the marks below 65%.

Work Experience 5 marks will be awarded for work experience of 18 to 23 months. The weightage will go on reducing for the work experience of greater or lesser period. Zero weightage will be there for the work experience of less than 6 months.

Academic diversity A weightage of 5 marks will be awarded for academic diversity. CAT 2015 test takers from non-engineering back ground will be awarded this weightage of 5 marks but there is no weightage to the candidates from engineering back ground.

Gender Diversity Female candidates opting for IIM Ranchi will be awarded a weightage of 5 marks which will not be available for any other gender.

Expect a call at lower CAT 2015 percentile According to the shortlisting and admission policy of the new IIMs Although sufficient number of candidates would be called for CAP IIM 2016 process on the basis of short listed merit list prepared for each category, if the actual number of short-listed candidates are found to be less/more than the required number of candidates to be called for WA/PI category-wise, the overall as well as section-wise minimum score would be reduced/increased to get the desired number of candidates.

The incorporated clause implies that you may get a call even if you have scored a lower percentile and if these IIMs are not able to shortlist sufficient number of candidates for CAP 2016 round.

Although the exact dates of CAP IIM 2016 have not been announced it is expected that CAP IIM 2016, the final admission round to new IIMs would begin sometime in the month of February 2016 after shortlisting of candidates is completed by all the new IIMs.

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