Last Updated on April 23, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

IIM Visakhapatnam organizes Exordia16; promotes Indias spirit of Entrepreneurship

IIM Visakhapatnam in association with Andhra bank organised its first Entrepreneurship Conclave, Exordia16 on the theme Indias boost to Entrepreneurship

IIM Visakhapatnam organizes Exordia16; promotes Indias spirit of Entrepreneurship

Giving the right impetus to kick start entrepreneurial spirit, IIM Visakhapatnam, in association with Andhra bank organised its first Entrepreneurship Conclave, Exordia16 on the theme, Indias boost to Entrepreneurship on April 15, 2016.

The event had a panel of distinguished speakers coming from industry, government and academia, giving valuable insights about entrepreneurship. Prof. Suresh Bhagavatula, Chairperson of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development at the NSRCEL of IIM Bangalore, Mr. Nagaraja Prakasam, Founder Chairman of Native Angels network, Ms. Wilma Rodrigues, Founder member at Sahaas Organization represented Academia while Mr Shiv Kumar, CEO of Maple Software and Ms. Malini Gowrishankar, Founder of F5 Escapes spoke about industry. Ms. Sumita Dawra, Principal Secretary, Higher Education, State of Andhra Pradesh, Ms. Vijayalakshmi, DGM, Andhra Bank and Mr. Amit Garg, Commissioner of Police spoke about the role of government in promoting entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurs from the city presented their ideas before experts from NSRCEL, IIM Bangalore at IIM Visakhapatnam campus. The common thought that came out from all the speakers was that entrepreneurs should focus on addressing local problems. They also emphasized on the importance of learnings that failures can provide.

The Conclave was attended by University and College students and budding entrepreneurs from across the city.

IIM Visakhapatnam is mentored by IIM Bangalore and is one of the 6 new IIMs that started operation from the academic session 2015-16. At present IIM Visakhapatnam operates from the temporary campus at Andhra University. The 300 acre campus of IIM Visakhapatnam is under construction and is expected to get ready in next 3-4 years.

IIM Visakhapatnam is the first among the 6 new IIMs to achieve the summer placement for the entire first batch. Summer Placement season for the first batch PGP class of 2015-17 of the Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam (IIMV) successfully concluded with 33 companies recruiting all 48 participating students from the batch of 49, while one student opted out to pursue a startup effort.

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