Last Updated on July 7, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2016: How IIMs help to hit high score in 1st attempt; more retakes confuse more

No other exam as CAT provides so much of pre test information including the full length sample test from IIMs

CAT 2016: How IIMs help to hit high score in 1st attempt; more retakes confuse more

It is not that CAT 2016 will be a very difficult test and one should be afraid of it. On the contrary CAT is the most systematic computer based test. No other exam as CAT provides so much of pre-test information including the full length sample test from IIMs to know and understand the pattern and probable topics.

Not only this, the sample test makes it abundantly clear about the topics & questions CAT proposes to ask in the exam. CAT 2016 convening IIM would share the beforehand information what would be and what would not be asked in the exam apart from the fact that you get understanding about the exam pattern and composition with number and type of questions in each section.

Aim for high score in 1st attempt
There are thousands of CAT takers who appear in the exam for the first time, march with focused preparation strategy, score well and get the desired IIM. They do not need the second attempt.
Most of the toppers in CAT last year were either graduates who passed out in 2014 or were in the final year of their bachelors degree. Working executives with a few months of experience only, also were among the CAT toppers who appeared in the exam for the first time.

How IIMs helped in CAT 2014
It was in 2014 when CAT started to publish full length sample test on its site for the first time. It helped the candidates a lot. Those who were preparing on old pattern switched to other topics. Freshers or working executives - those who were appearing for the first time in CAT got the full understanding of the test pattern. Since they had already built their basics, the full length sample test guided them about the type of questions and the source topics.
For example, the candidates who were preparing hard on vocabulary based questions like fill in the blanks, choosing one of the two vocabulary words, using verbal phrases, using one word in different contexts, and the questions like picking out correct last sentence to complete the paragraph, got it clear with the publication of full length sample test of 100 questions that there would not be any question on these topics.

Accordingly they modified their preparation strategy and added the probable topics like FIJ, para summary. The sample test for the first time shared the exact number of RC passages and the different type of question following the passage which the CAT aspirants were supposed to face in the exam.

CAT in 2015: Exam of 1st timers
Last year CAT was totally revamped. IIM Ahmedabad convened CAT in 2015 in a single day 2 session test window. The test structure, test content all got changed in CAT. For the first time Non-MCQs without penalty of negative marking formed the part of CAT exam. There were 72% MCQs and 28% Non-MCQs in last year CAT exam. Number of sections got increased to 3 from 2 in CAT exam.
Lot of pre-exam confusion prevailed about the nature and shape of Non-MCQs, formation of 3rd section, reintroduction of sectional time constraint. But all got cleared with the publication of full length mock test for CAT on the exam site.
For example, the sample test made it clear that the structure of CAT had been changed. The VARC section had no question on Error correction in grammar and sentences; no vocabulary based question but number of questions based on 5 RC passages were increased to 24 out of total 34 MCQs and Non-MCQs in the section.

Again the time arrived to modify the preparation strategy and focus more on RC passages to score high in Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section. The candidates made a quick move and emerged as winners in CAT with high overall and sectional percentile.

Among them many were the first timers who made the maiden attempt to win the CAT race and became successful.

Drop the myth of retakes over the years
CAT 2016 preparation experts like Prof S K Agarwal and others are of the view that appearing repeatedly in CAT just for the sake of taking the exam may not be a good idea. In fact if you are focused on section-wise preparation as in the changed pattern CAT awards equal weightage to each of the 3 sections, you can score high in CAT 2016 and get shortlisted by IIM of your dream.
For example, if you are good at Quant and Verbal and continue improving your skills in both of them, you may not be doing justice to the 3rd section on Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning. Since this section is separate now, it has equal weightage in CAT.

The candidates who understand the gravity of it and devote as much time and energy on DILR as they devote on other sections, they will score equally high in this section else even a slight low sectional score may keep you out of the race to IIMs.

DILR: Study & Practice more
There are number of CAT 2016 aspirants who think that they should devote more time to Quant, VARC and less to DILR. If they study the former for 4 hours a day, they study and practice DILR 4 hours a week. This huge gap results in low score in the newly created section.

Earlier when CAT had 2 sections, Quant compensated for DI and LR was clubbed to Verbal section. Candidates lacking in any part of the section, could compensate it with other part. But the situation has changed now. If you ignore any of the 3 sections, despite scoring overall 99 percentile, your low score in one section will render you ineligible to be shortlisted by any IIM and you will be as good as zero percentiler so far as IIMs are concerned.
The situation may not change much in your second or third year CAT exam attempt unless you change your preparation strategy. So win the race in very first attempt is the expert advice.

CAT 2016: Issue is tough competition not LoD
In fact the CAT 2016 exam would remain as difficult as it has been. The difficulty level fluctuates and accordingly the percentile score based on raw score in CAT also goes for ups and downs. It means the problem is not to score high in CAT but to score balanced sectional percentile and get through the tough competition among more than 1.5 lakh IIM aspirants.
CAT 2016 gateway to 20 IIMs and other top B-schools in India, is proposed to be held in the month of November 2016. There are still 5 months to go for the exam. If you have appeared in CAT earlier or are a fresher, you can begin your regular preparation now. In next 3-4 months you will see that you are fully prepared to bell the CAT with relative ease.


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