Last Updated on August 11, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2016: IIM Calcutta awards No weightage to bachelors degree but increases it to 40% up to Class 12 marks

CAT 2016 scores are mandatory to qualify for 1st stage shortlisting at IIM Calcutta but the highly ranked B-school will not award any weigthage to higher percentage of marks obtained in bachelors degree to shortlist candidates for admission to PGP 2017-1

CAT 2016: IIM Calcutta awards No weightage to bachelors degree but increases it to 40% up to Class 12 marks

Although high CAT 2016 scores are mandatory to qualify for 1st stage shortlisting at IIM Calcutta, the highly ranked B-school will not award any weigthage to higher percentage of marks obtained in bachelors degree to shortlist candidates for admission to PGP 2017-19 batch. Almost all the IIMs including IIMA awards weightage to graduation marks but IIM Calcutta has scrapped awarding any weightage even to the highest scorers in bachelors degree.

Academic weightage upto class 12 marks
IIM Calcutta has increased award of weightage percentage from 30% to 40% upto class 12 marks to shortlist candidates at the first stage.
If you have obtained 80 or above percentage of marks in Class X and XII, you are entitled to get 10 points out of 50 for each of the two exams, making it a total of 20 points. These points will be further converted to weightage points with the application of simple formula-dividing the points awarded for aggregate percentage of marks by 10 and then multiplying it by 15. There will be a zero weightage if the candidate has scored less than 60 percent marks.

A candidate with 90 percent marks each in class 10 & 12 will get the weightage of 10+10=20 out of 50 points. It comes to 40%. Last year the weightage was of maximum 30 points out of 100 and therefore carried the total weightage of 30% only.
Announcing its admission policy for PGP 2017-19 batch after release of CAT 2016 notification on July 31, the Indian Institute of Calcutta has placed on record the 1st stage shortlisting criteria which elaborate that apart from weightage to CAT 2016 score, major weightage will be awarded to academic profile only upto class 12 and there will be no weightage to bachelors degree.

The two-year Post-graduate Programme in Management (PGP) at IIM Calcutta (IIMC) is a full-time residential course for graduates from all disciplines wishing to choose a career in management. This Programme is highly ranked one.
The selection of the candidates for admission to the 2017-19 batch of the PGP at IIM Calcutta is a two-step process. In the first step, candidates are short-listed for Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI) from among the candidates who have a valid CAT-2016 score, who have applied to the programme and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme.

Weightage points upto class 12
Making way for the candidates who are not able to score a very high percentile in Common Admission Test (CAT) 2016 but have excellent academic back ground upto class 12, IIM Caclutta will now award higher weightage of 40 percent to academics for 1st stage shortlisting. 20 out of maximum 50 points will be awarded to 80% and above marks scored in Class 10 and 12.

Class X Marks: 20% weightage
Maximum weightage of 10 points out of 50 (20%) will be awarded to class X marks as per the following criteria:
Percentage of marks: Weightage points
80% and above marks : 10
75% to below 80% marks : 8
70% to below 75% marks : 6
65% to below 70% marks : 4
60% to below 65% marks : 2
Below 60% marks : 0
Class XII Marks: 20% weightage

Class 12 marks will also carry good weightage of 10 out of total maximum 50 points in shortlisting students at the 1st stage. The criteria would be as under-
Percentage of marks: Weightage points
80% and above marks : 10
75% to below 80% marks : 8
70% to below 75% marks : 6
65% to below 70% marks : 4
60% to below 65% marks : 2
Below 60% marks : 0

Computation of percentage of marks
According to IIM Calcutta For computing the percentage of marks obtained in Class X and Class XII, the aggregate marks of all subjects that appear in the mark sheet/grade sheet would be considered irrespective of whether the Board considers them for calculation of percentage).

The number of candidates short-listed for the PI stage would be the discretion of the institute and would depend on the batch size of 2017-19.

No weightage to Graduation marks
The shortlisting process for PGP-2017-19 batch at IIM Calcutta will now focus more on academic profile prior to graduation only. No weightage to high percentage in graduation marks will be awarded in the shortlisting process by IIM Calcutta. According to IIM Calcutta Candidates will be short listed on the basis of CAT 2016 score, past academic performance, and other criteria

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