Last Updated on October 5, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2016: Caution! Unedited error in application to result in loss of candidature; correction option closes today

Incomplete correction of CAT 2016 application form errors may disqualify you from all the IIMs admission rounds and will result in loss of candidature

CAT 2016: Caution! Unedited error in application to result in loss of candidature; correction option closes today

Dont be happy if you have corrected half of the errors in academics and left half unedited as the incomplete exercise may result in loss of your CAT 2016 candidature. You may appear in CAT 2016 written exam but will get stuck at subsequent stages of admission rounds at IIMs after the correct picture comes before the IIMs during WAT & PI round. As such another 1 year will have to be put in to prepare and appear again in CAT next year.

CAT 2016 aspirants, therefore must be very careful while making corrections in their application form as leaving any error without correction may result in losing your candidature.

CAT 2016 exam centre has activated the error correction process in application form for a limited period of 5 days with effect from October 1 and will keep it open till October 5, 2016. Only 3 types of errors can be corrected and all of them have to be done before submitting the application form.

The irony is that there are no such instructions either from IIM Bangalore or on CAT 2016 website that you will not be allowed to login multiple times to correct the errors but it comes to be known when you correct some of the errors leaving others to be done later and submit the form. Then it gets locked and you will not be able to open the edit option again.

Correct all the errors in one go
Dont try to go for error correction multiple times. You cannot login again after making correction in some of the errors and leaving the others for future. Candidates who login to edit the CAT 2016 application errors and submit without completing the modification cannot login again to correct the errors even if there are only 1 or 2 errors to correct.

The Edit option that opened on October 1, 2016 and closes today on October 5, will not allow you to login again to correct the remaining 1 or 2 mistakes in the percentage of marks, work experience or the programmes selected. For such candidates the opening of edit option is as good as not opened.

After inadvertently submitting the application with few corrections still to be made, you will get the message Note: Your application has been edited and submitted successfully and then for you the edit option is closed and the Edit Option facility stands disappeared for you.

Loss of candidature: Impact of unedited errors
If you are not able to correct the errors on academics in CAT 2016 application form and if the errors persist in your academics, your candidature is liable to be rejected by all the IIMs at the time of document verification before WAT & PI round.
Unedited errors in Work experience
If your work experience is incorrectly filled up, the very first thing is that you will get wrongly calculated weightage in the shortlisting process of IIMs. The IIMs who award weight to work experience at the 2nd stage of admission round, will not consider you for WAT or PI round and you are as good as a zero scorer in CAT 2016.

IIM Programmes: Was the choice correct?
You need to choose the programmes that you propose to study at IIMs in case you are admitted. If you have made some wrong choice or have omitted one or more IIMs as they are 20 in number, or have omitted to tick the relevant programme offered by the IIMs, you will not be considered for the said programme by the said IIM, unless you have corrected this error in the application form.

Besides interview cities for all the IIMs are to be selected. If you have omitted or have marked some wrong city, the edit option allows you to correct it. In case the form is submitted after leaving this change unedited, you cannot amend it in future.

Expert Advice
According to Prof S K Agarwal mentor on CAT 2016 preparation, the test takers can correct the errors in their application form only once now and till they submit their application form after error correction. It is advisable that you should correct the errors only after gathering all the required information needed as the facility once used will be closed for you.

You will not be able to modify any of the following: any details entered in the Personal Details section, any details entered in the Academics section, Exam Centre City Preferences. You can only view and print after this. Details are also available on the application submission page.

You cannot edit certain personal details like Name, Date of Birth, email id, mobile number in the CAT 2016 application form. If you have made mistakes in these details, please note that you will not receive a refund or Admit Card for your registration. The best way is to contact CAT 2016 help desk and get the solution from them.

The facility was not allowed earlier as has been stated by CAT 2016 exam convener. Deviating from earlier practices in CAT registration process when no such edit facility of error correction was allowed after submitting the registration form and candidates had to re-register after making payment of registration fee again, IIM Bangalore has allowed the CAT 2016 aspirants to edit the mistakes discovered after submission of the CAT application.

The word of caution is that you should correct all the errors in one go without leaving any permissible mistake that needs to be corrected for future correction.

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