Last Updated on January 17, 2025 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025: Result Out; Check Marks Required for 99, 95, 90, 85, 80 Percentiles

XLRI Jamshedpur has released XAT Result 2025 on January 17, 2025. Updated XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025 is published below. XAT Score of 35-36 marks is equal to 99 percentile and XAT score of 30-31 marks is equal to 95 percentiles. XLRI Jamshedpur Cut Off is expected to be 31-32 Marks. Check details in table below. XAT score and percentile required for Top XAT accepting B-school like IMI New Delhi, IMT Ghaziabad and others is also published below. 

XAT Topper 2025 Ishan Tripathi Score Vs Percentile – Score Card 
QA&DI: 19.25 at 99.841 percentile
VA&LR: 18.5 at 99.9021 percentile
DM: 11 at 90.1162 percentile
GK: 10/20 
Overall Score: 48.75/75
Check his XAT Scorecard below. Also read detailed MBAUniverse.com interview. 
XAT 2025 Topper Ishan Tripathi: How this Fresher cracked XAT and CAT to achieve 99.97 Percentile!

XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025: Result Out; Check Marks Required for 99, 95, 90, 85, 80 Percentiles
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Table of Content

  1. What is XAT Score?
  2. How is XAT Score Calculated?
  3. How is XAT Percentile Calculated?
  4. What is XAT Score Vs Percentile?
  5. XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025 (Expected)
  6. XAT Score Vs Percentile Previous Year (2024) 
  7. XAT Score Vs Percentile for Top B-Schools
  8. Frequently Asked Questions on XAT Score vs Percentile 2025

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1. What is XAT Score?
The XAT score is the raw score a candidate achieves in the XAT exam. It is based on performance in following sections:

Verbal and Logical Ability (VA & LR)

Decision Making (DM)

Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation (QA & DI)

Note that General Knowledge (GK) section is also part of the XAT exam but is NOT considered while calculating the percentile.

2. How is XAT Score Calculated?
XAT scores are calculated based on the number of correct answers and incorrect answers. Here’s how:

Marking Scheme:
o Each correct answer awards +1 mark.
o Each incorrect answer deducts 0.25 marks (negative marking).
o 10 marks are deducted for every un-attempted question after eight.

Sectional Scores:
o The raw scores for each section are calculated separately.
o These sectional scores are added to calculate total XAT score.

Let’s understand this by an example:
If a candidate answers 70 questions with 60 correct and 10 incorrect, their total raw score is:
(60 x 1) - (10 x 0.25) = 57.5.

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3. How is XAT Percentile Calculated?
The XAT percentile indicates a candidate's “relative performance” when compared to all the other candidates who appeared for the exam. 
Total number of candidates who have registered for XAT 2025 are 142,235. Assuming all of them take the exam, XAT percentile is calculated based on scores of all of them. 

XAT Percentile is calculated using the formula:
Percentile = [(N - Rank) / N] x 100

N is the total number of candidates who appeared for the exam.
Rank is the candidate's rank based on their total XAT score.

Remember that XAT percentile is not directly proportional to the score. Even a slight increase in score at higher ranges can lead to a significant jump in XAT percentile. Also remember that XAT percentile calculation excludes the GK section.

4. What is XAT Score Vs Percentile?
After understanding XAT score and percentile, it is time to combine the two concepts. XAT Score vs Percentile is the matrix to estimate a candidates percentile based on raw score. XAT Score vs Percentile establishes where a candidate stands in the total competition. The conversion from scores to percentiles depends on several factors, including the difficulty level of the exam and the number of candidates.

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5. XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025 
Overall, XAT 2025 was a difficult paper and also lengthy. Decision Making section was particularly lengthy and tricky. Cut Offs and XAT Score Vs Percentile requirements are expected to drop marginally.

Based on XAT Answer Key Released on January 10, 2025, XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025 are as below:  


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The above table can be understood in following manner also:

  • A score of 35 Marks is equal to 99 percent in XAT 2025. 
  • Or, to get 99 percentile, you need to score 35 Marks in XAT
  • A score of 30 Marks is equal to 95 percent. 
  • A score of 25 Marks is equal to 90 percent. 
  • A score of 22 Marks is equal to 85 percent.

XAT Sectional Score Vs Percentile 2025
XAT Sectional Score Vs Percentile 2025 is an estimate of required score to achieve a given percentile in each of the three sections. Based on XAT Answer Key Released on January 10, 2025, here are the estimates for XAT scores Vs percentile 2025 section wise. 

QA & DI Score
VALR Score
DM Score

6. XAT Score Vs Percentile Previous Year (2024) 
In 2024, the XAT exam was moderate-to-difficult, impacting the score-to-percentile conversion. Accordingly, XAT Score Vs Percentile 2024 was as follows: 

XAT Score

Note that XAT 2024 had a tougher Decision-Making and QA sections, which led to a slightly lower overall score-to-percentile ratio.

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7. XAT Score Vs Percentile for Top B-Schools
Next, check XAT Score Vs Percentile for different B-schools.

Percentile Cutoff
XLRI Jamshedpur (BM Program)
XLRI Jamshedpur (HRM Program)
SPJIMR Mumbai (Profile-Based)

8. XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025: MBA Colleges Accepting 90 Percentile in XAT

XLRI Jamshedpur is indeed Top XAT Accepting College. XLRI will accept minimum 95-96 percentile for admission. Other top XAT colleges like XIM Bhubaneshwar, MICA, IMI New Delhi will accept 90 percentile score for admission. Check list of MBA Colleges accepting 90 percentile in XAT with their fees, latest placements and admission status. For more details, click on College Name to open their dedicated microsites. 

MBA Colleges
MBA Fee (in Lakhs)
Avg. Placement (in Lakhs)
Admission Status       
Rs. 22.00 Lakhs
Rs. 19.53 LPA
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Rs. 23.00 Lakhs
Rs. 19.21 LPA
Open | Read More
Rs. 22.00 Lakhs
Rs. 16.71 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 20.77 Lakhs
Rs. 16.01 LPA
Open | Apply Now

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9. XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025: MBA Colleges Accepting 80 Percentile in XAT 
The list below of MBA Colleges Accepting 80 Percentile in XAT consists of some of the best MBA colleges in India such as GIM Goa and FORE Schools of Management New Delhi. Check complete list of MBA Colleges accepting XAT 80 percentile with their fees, latest placements and admission status. For more details, click on College Name to open their dedicated microsites.

MBA Colleges
MBA Fee (in Lakhs)
Avg. Placement (in Lakhs)
Admission Status       
Rs. 20.15 Lakhs
Rs. 14.81 LPA
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Rs. 17.34 Lakhs
Rs. 13.84 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 20.80 Lakhs
Rs. 15.10 LPA
Rs. 22.32 Lakhs
Rs. 12.79 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 14.00 Lakhs
Rs.12.53 LPA
Open | Apply Now

10. XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025: MBA Colleges Accepting 70 Percentile in XAT 
In addition to above top colleges, many other well-known XAT Score accepting colleges in the percentile range of 70 to 80 are given in the list below:

Program Fee (in Lakhs)
Avg. Placement (in lakhs)
Admission Status                
Rs. 15.00 lakhs
Rs. 13.06 LPA
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Rs. 9.90 lakhs
Rs. 12.48 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs.12.99 lakhs
Rs.12.02 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 11.69 lakhs
Rs. 11.76 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 15.75 Lakhs
Rs. 11.29 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs.14.00 lakhs
Rs. 11.10 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 12.50 lakhs
Rs. 10.75 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs.14.90 lakhs
Rs.10.58 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 12.70 Lakhs
Rs. 10.00 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 10.00 lakhs
Rs.  9.10 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 14.40 lakhs
Rs. 9.09 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 11.10 lakhs
Rs. 8.98 LPA
Open  | Apply Now
Rs. 7.50 lakhs
Rs. 8.00 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 10.32 lakhs
Rs. 7.96 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 7.65 lakhs
Rs. 7.00 LPA
Open | Apply Now

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11. XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025: MBA Colleges Accepting 60 Percentile in XAT
Many other well-known MBA colleges such as Flame University Pune, NDIM Delhi, Jaipuria Jaipur accept 60 Percentile in XAT. Check Fees, Placements and Admission status in table below: 

MBA Colleges
MBA Fee (in Lakhs)
Avg. Placement (in Lakhs)
Admission Status       
Rs.14.75 lakhs
Rs.11.29 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 14.40 Lakhs
Rs. 11.00 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 14.00 Lakhs
Rs. 10.36 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 12.75 Lakhs
Rs. 9.50 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 13.75 Lakhs
Rs. 11.29 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 12.45 Lakhs
Rs. 8.75 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 11.55 Lakhs
Rs. 8.50 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 12.00 Lakhs
Rs. 8.44 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 8.20 Lakhs
Rs. 7.50 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 9.35 Lakhs
Rs. 7.45 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 8.00 Lakhs
Rs. 7.02 LPA
Open | Apply Now

12. XAT Score Vs Percentile 2025: MBA Colleges Accepting 50 Percentile in XAT
If you are looking for MBA Colleges Accepting 50 Percentile in XAT, check the list below with their Fees, Placements and Admission status in table below: 

MBA Colleges
MBA Fee (in Lakhs)
Avg. Placement (in Lakhs)
Admission Status       
Rs. 7.95 Lakhs
Rs. 7.80 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 8.50 Lakhs
Rs. 7.39 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 9.10 Lakhs
Rs. 7.10 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 7.00 Lakhs
Rs. 6.84 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 11.50 Lakhs
Rs. 6.80 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 8.37 Lakhs
Rs. 6.50 LPA
Open | Apply Now
Rs. 5.87 Lalkhs
Rs. 6.00 LPA
Open | Apply Now

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13. Frequently Asked Questions on XAT Score vs Percentile 2025

Q1. What is the difference between XAT score and XAT percentile?
The XAT score is the raw marks obtained by a candidate based on correct and incorrect answers. On the other hand, XAT percentile reflects the candidate’s relative position among all test-takers.

Q2. Is GK included in XAT percentile calculation?
No, the General Knowledge section is excluded from the percentile calculation. But, remember that XLRI considers it during the interview shortlisting process.

Q3. How much score is required to achieve a 99 percentile?
Based on past trends, a XAT score of around 40 marks is equal to XAT 99 percentile. But it can change depending on the exam’s difficulty.

Q4. How does the number of test-takers impact the percentile?
Percentile depends on the rank and total number of candidates. A larger pool of candidates increases the competition and may slightly affect the score-to-percentile mapping.

Q5. Can a low XAT score still get me admission to a good B-school?
Yes, some B-schools have cutoffs as low as the 70-80 percentile range. Additionally, factors like profile, work experience, and performance in GD-PI rounds can play a crucial role.

Q6. How does difficulty level impact XAT Score vs Percentile?
tougher exam generally lowers the scores required for higher percentiles, while an easier exam raises them.

Q7. What percentile is needed for XLRI?
For the Business Management (BM) program, a percentile of 95+ is typically required. For the Human Resource Management (HRM) program, 93+ is the usual cutoff.

Q8. Is there negative marking in XAT?
. Yes, 0.25 marks are deducted for every incorrect answer. Additionally, 0.10 marks are deducted for every un-attempted question beyond eight.

Q 9: Is 27 a good score in XAT?
Yes, you should get about 88% in XAT 2025. 

Q 10: What percentile is 24 marks in XAT?
You should get about 85% in XAT 2025.

Q 11: What is the 95 percentile score in XAT?
To get 95 percentile score in XAT, you should score about 30 marks. 

Q 12: What is 20 marks in XAT?
You should get about 80% in XAT 2025.

Q 13: What is XLRI Tentative Cut-Offs for XAT 2025? 
About 96% for general male candidates. 

In conclusion, XLRI Jamshedpur has released XAT Result 2025 on January 17, 2025. In above article, check XAT percentile for given XAT scores. Also check XAT score and percentile required for Top XAT accepting B-school.

Read other important details on XAT 2025 Exam

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