Last Updated on November 24, 2024 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2024 Last Minute Tips: IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Calcutta Students Reveal Effective Strategies for Exam Day to Improve CAT Score and Stay Calm!

CAT 2024 is being held today, November 24, 2024. MBAUniverse.com presents proven CAT 2024 Last Minute Tips from CAT toppers who are now studying at IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Calcutta, IIM Kozhikode and SPJIMR. These last-minute Preparation Tips for CAT 2024 will help you utilize your last few hours to CAT effectively; increase your CAT Score and keep you stress free.

CAT 2024 Last Minute Tips: IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Calcutta Students Reveal Effective Strategies for Exam Day to Improve CAT Score and Stay Calm!

1. Finalize your own Test Taking Strategy!
First CAT Last Minute Tips from CAT toppers is on the importance of developing your own strategy. The focus is on discouraging blind imitation, and acknowledging the uniqueness of individual strengths and weaknesses. Padmasandhya S, an IIM Ahmedabad student says, “The biggest mistake I have seen, is students following another “successful” student’s exam-taking strategy. You must realize that the strategy works for them because it suits them! You need to find out, by trial and error, what works for you. Do not follow the herd!”

If you are wondering if you still have time to prepare your own strategy, and how to do it, read this article on CAT Test Taking Strategy where past CAT Toppers have explained their own strategy. 

2. Prepare a Day-wise Study Plan 
The second CAT Last Minute Tips is to prepare a day-wise study plan. Now that you have just a few days to do, you must have a clear day-wise study plan keeping last 24 hours free. CAT toppers, who are now studying at top IIMs and IITs advocate for developing effective day wise study strategies. Akshat Agarwal, a student of IIT Delhi MBA 2023-25 batch recommends, “In the few weeks to CAT exam day, create a well thought out day-wise study plan and then stick to it. Consistent, daily effort is crucial.” 

Soumik Banerjee, IIM Calcutta MBA 2023-25 student adds, “As I was a working professional, I had prepared a day wise schedule for myself, to effectively utilize my time.” 

3. Develop and Follow your Revision Strategy 
The next CAT last minute tips focusses on revising concepts effectively during last few days to CAT Exam. Toppers recommend following CAT Last Minute Revision Tips:

  • Create a Revision Schedule: Integrate regular revision sessions into your study plan. For instance, dedicate an hour or two each day to revisiting old topics.
  • Summarize Key Concepts on Notes and Flashcards: Create concise notes or flashcards highlighting key formulas, concepts, and shortcuts. This makes quick reviews easier. 
  • Mind Maps: Use mind maps to visualize connections between different topics, which can help in understanding and recalling concepts better.
  • Daily Practice: Solve a few questions from different sections (Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning) daily to keep all topics fresh. 
  • Mock Test Revision: Go back to your old mock tests, and revise your mistakes. Revise why you made them and how to avoid them.

4. Focus on your Strengths 
The next CAT exam last minute tips is obvious but important! As simple as it may sound, CAT toppers stress the importance of planning their last-minute CAT preparation based on individual strengths. Sashank Kartik, a student of IIM Kozhikode PGP 2023-25 batch recommends, “As I knew that my strengths were LRDI and Quant, so I was prepared for managing my time efficiently.” Bhanu Pratap, IIM Calcutta MBA student of the 2023-25 batch shares, “I realized that my stronghold lies in RC rather than VA so I kept my plan simple to solve RC and then move to VA.”

5. Ignore your Weaknesses
This CAT Last Minute Preparation Tips from past CAT toppers include this important aspect: you should avoid focusing on your weaknesses, especially in the last minute CAT preparation. Shreyasee Sarkar, IIM Calcutta student of MBA 2023-25 said, “Closer to the exam, I ignored my weak area in the exam. I had the target of solving 2 out of 4 problems which constituted 10 questions because that was enough to get a good percentile in DILR as this was my weakest Section.”

6. Take Mocks and Analyse Thoroughly 
CAT Last Minute Tips from several CAT aspirants stress the vital role of mock tests in their preparation. They highlight the significance of these tests in identifying weaknesses, refining strategies, and enhancing problem-solving speed. 

Kunal Singh Bhadauria, MDI Gurgaon PGDM 2023-25 said, “By taking Mocks and analyzing them properly I was able to identify the areas of improvement and work upon them to increase my scores. The solution provided for the Mock tests helped me discover better methods to solve a particular problem and thus helped me increase my solving speed.” Sundar Rajan, SPJIMR Mumbai, PGDM 2023-25 said, “After each mock test, I conducted a detailed analysis to identify areas where I could make improvements”

7. Keep Yourself Free from Work & Study in Last Few Days to CAT 
Successful CAT candidates emphasize the importance of strategic planning for the days leading up to the exam. Shubham Bajaj of IIM Calcutta said, “I was a working person, and I did save my leave initially to take a couple of weeks leave before D-day to keep my mind calm, composed, and focused towards my goal.” Pooja Sudhakar of SPJIMR Mumbai says, “I recommend finishing your prep in advance and keeping the last 1-2 days light.”

8. How to Keep Stress Away in Last 24 hours to CAT! 
CAT toppers stress the importance of maintaining composure on the exam day. Strategies include ensuring adequate sleep, engaging in calming activities like listening to soothing music, watching motivational movies and consciously avoiding excessive stress to prevent making avoidable mistakes. 

Motivational Movies to Watch before CAT Exam 
A few CAT toppers revealed that they watched motivational movies in last 24 hours before the exam. Here is a list of Top Motivational Films to Watch before CAT Exam. 

  • 3 Idiots
  • The Pursuit of Happyness
  • Forrest Gump
  • Rocky
  • Forrest Gump

Nandan Goel, an IIM Calcutta student told MBAUniverse.com, “On the day of CAT, I took an 8 hours sleep. I listened to songs and resorted to various other means to remain calm.” Rahul Gupta of IIM Ahmedabad added, “I tried to keep myself relaxed on the day of the exam. Worrying too much makes me make silly mistakes which I wanted to avoid.” 

9. Follow Exam Guidelines, Day Dos and Don’ts 
To take CAT exam without stress and last-minute hiccups, it is very important to follow the exam day dos and don’ts. Create a checklist and keep it handy to refer to it a few days before the exam. Read this in-depth article on CAT Exam Day Guideline, Do’s and Don’ts. The article contains effective last minute tips to crack CAT 2024. 

10. Finally, Cut Down on Social Media time 
In countdown to CAT Day, you should avoid using social media platforms like Reddit, Instagram or YouTube. For Last Minute CAT Exam Day Tips and other important updates, you should regularly visit the official CAT website iimcat.ac.in and information platforms like MBAUniverse.com. The correct authentication information about CAT 2024 is updated here. This simple CAT 2024 Last Minute Strategy is as important as others. 

In summary, these CAT 2024 Last Minute Topper Tips will help you utilize your last few days to CAT effectively, increase your CAT Score and keep you stress free.  So, as you embark on your CAT voyage armed with these Last Minute Tips for CAT Exam, may you excel in your CAT 2025 attempt!

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