Last Updated on October 26, 2018 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2018 Admit Card: Check & Verify the 10 Details to avoid loss of candidature for IIMs

Have you ensured that your CAT candidature is admissible and all the details mentioned in the CAT exam admit card 2018 are correct? Even a small error in your personal details may create a problem and you may not be allowed to appear in the CAT 2018 exam on November 25, 2018. In the past also, many candidates got their CAT Admit cards with incorrect details and as they could not verify the entries in the admit card in time, they had a difficult time to get the things rectified

CAT 2018 Admit Card: Check & Verify the 10 Details to avoid loss of candidature for IIMs

After completing the CAT 2018 Admit Card download from official CAT website iimcat.ac.in, have you ensured that your CAT candidature is admissible and all the details mentioned in the CAT exam admit card 2018 are correct? Whether your test centre has been allotted as per your choice? Even a small error in your personal details may create a problem and you may not be allowed to appear in the CAT 2018 exam on November 25, 2018.
In the past also, many candidates who had registered for the CAT exam got their CAT Admit cards with incorrect details and as they could not verify the entries in the admit card in time, they had a difficult time to get the things corrected.

3 Reasons - Why to Check & Verify CAT Admit Card Details
You need to check and verify all your details in the CAT admit card 2018 since there might have been an error on your part while completing the CAT application form, or the CAT Centre 2018 might have made some inadvertent mistake. However, in either case the sufferer is the test taker. There are three major reasons due to which it has become important to check your details in CAT admit card:

Registration Mistakes: While filling up the CAT 2018 Registration and application form, all the columns and details were manually filled up by you. An error in any column might have occurred in CAT 2018 application form and the same error may have been repeated in CAT admit card.

No Facility of Correction after Submission: Even if, you had come to know about the mistake made b y you after submitting the application form, IIMs did not allow to amend any details after submitting the CAT Application form.
No Edit Window Opened for CAT 2018: Unlike the special Edit window facility of 3-4 days allowed during last 2-3 CAT Exam years after close of CAT registration process, IIM Calcutta has not opened the error correction facility except that candidates could reload their blur/unclear photograph on CAT application form.

10 Points You Must Check & Verify in CAT Admit Card
Take a print of the CAT 2018 Admit Card and before affixing your photograph, check following details in it:

  1. Name: Check the spelling of your name as given in the CAT Admit card and match it with what your CAT application details. Any discrepancy will need additional verification document which may not be available. Your name should be as per your valid photo Id which you will have to produce on the CAT exam day.
  2. Registration Number: Please verify the registration number on CAT hall ticket. It should be the same as your registered user ID for CAT 2018
  3. Date of Birth: Your date of birth should be correct and should match with the Aadhar card, PAN Card or any other valid photo Id card. Please also verify it with your application details
  4. Category: Check that correct category General, SC/ST, OBC is mentioned in the CAT Admit Card
  5. PWD/DA: In case the candidate is differently abled/physically challenged, it will have yes else No. Please check your status
  6. Date / Day of test: Date of your CAT 2018 exam should be correct
  7. Time / Session: Examination session (Before noon or after noon) should be clearly mentioned
  8. Test City: Name of the test city where you should appear in the test
  9. Test Center: The exam centre with correct address and Google Map Link in the city where you will be required to appear in the test
  10. Reference Number: The Reference Number is provided only for the limited purpose of identifying the floor/wing and the CAT testing room at the test venue on the day of the test. Please note that for any correspondence with CAT Centre you must provide your registration number.

You will have to affix a recent coloured passport size photograph on the hard copy of the CAT 2018 Admit Card in the given box. You can download and print the admit cards till their CAT 2018 exam date without any hurdle.
Test takers will have to carry the printed copy of their CAT Admit Card alongwith a valid and original photo id proof for verification to the test venue at the time of taking the CAT 2018 test on November 25, 2018.

How to get CAT Admit Card errors resolved?

If you are unable to view your Admit Card post log in, or find your details mismatch to your application details which you can view along with the Admit card details, there is no need to panic. CAT Centre 2018 advises you to refer to the CAT help desk over phone or on mail to get necessary corrections done.

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