CAT 2019 Response Sheet: Download Now! Slot 1 & Slot 2 Response Sheet Released on Nov 29
CAT Exam 2019 Response Sheet with questions has been released by IIM Kozhikode on November 29, 2019. You can download your CAT 2019 response sheet from official CAT website by login with your CAT login ID and password. IIM Kozhikode has released the CAT 2019 Slot 1 and slot 2 Response Sheet separately to enable the CAT exam takers to file objection to the responses which are considered wrong by the IIMs.

IIM Kozhikode has released the CAT 2019 Response sheet for Slot 1 and slot 2 separately for the CAT 2019 exam on November 29, 2019. You can download your CAT 2019 Response sheet which contains your response status and correct responses from official CAT website, by login with your CAT login ID and password.
IIM Kozhikode has released the CAT 2019 Slot 1 and slot 2 response sheet separately to enable the CAT exam takers to file objection to the responses which are considered wrong by the IIMs.
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How to Download CAT 2019 CAT 2019 Slot 1 and 2 Response sheet
You should follow the 5 point process to check CAT 2019 response sheet and related questions as below:
- Log on to CAT official website and Submit your CAT Login and User ID on “Login"
- Your Personal CAT Page will appear. This has 2 tabs:
- Applicant Details
- Candidate Response
- The icon on CAT website means that you can check here the CAT 2019 responses, questions, your response status, and the correct responses to the respective question.
- Next step is to click on ‘Candidate Response’ Tab. This will enable you to download your CAT response sheet for the slot in which you appeared in the CAT exam and check each question, its response status and the correct response option marked in green by IIM Kozhikode. The complete document contains CAT 2019 responses with questions. This contains all responses with Questions that appeared to you in your slot of CAT exam with official correct solutions. Response Sheet contains your own marked solutions in the CAT exam for the respective slot.
- If you have any doubt on official CAT response sheet to any question in your slot of CAT exam, you can submit your doubts in the ‘Objection Form’. But remember, there is a cost which runs in thousands for filing each objection to the CAT official responses
What to do with CAT Response Sheet?
You should first download the CAT exam 2019 response sheet, view your responses, compare them with official CAT response sheet released by IIMs, and then decide whether to challenge and file objection form to CAT 2019 official responses. IIMs have advised the candidates to fill up the CAT exam response sheet objection form only for those responses which they consider as 100% correct as the fee paid to challenge the official responses of IIMs will be forfeited, if the objections to CAT responses are not found valid.
Please note that these are the CAT 2019 Official responses and offer opportunity to the CAT test takers to check their responses viz-a-viz the correct official responses. In case they are not satisfied with the CAT 2019 official responses released by IIM Kozhikode, they can challenge these responses.
CAT 2019 exam was conducted on November 24, 2019 by IIM Kozhikode in two sessions. The candidates who appeared in morning session can check the slot 1 CAT 2019 response sheet and the candidates who appeared in afternoon session can check the slot 2 CAT 2019 responses.
The CAT 2019 response sheet slot 1 and CAT 2019 response sheet slot 2 will be released by IIMs for CAT 2019 exam takers only. The CAT 2019 responses Slot 1 and Slot 2 will enable the CAT exam takers to file objection to the responses which are considered wrong by the IIMs.
Verify your Responses with CAT 2019 Official Responses
Only the candidates who have appeared in CAT 2019 are able to check and download the CAT 2019 Response sheet along with the test paper. These candidates can verify their responses with the CAT 2019 official response sheet for their slot. They can raise objection and can send the CAT 2019 slot wise response sheet with objection form. CAT 2019 response sheet with test paper Pdf will be released for all type of questions MCQs & Non-MCQs that appeared in CAT exam 2019.
Browser to be Used for CAT 2019 Response Sheet Download
Since there is heavy rush of the test takers who wish to check the CAT 2019 Slot 1 and Slot 2 response sheet on the CAT response sheet release date, it is advisable to open the CAT 2019 website in mozila firefox with the recommended version to get faster navigation through the page. After completing the CAT response sheet download, please check and compare the your CAT responses and official CAT response sheet before filing the objection queries on CAT 2019 website,
Eligibility to Check CAT 2019 Response Sheet
The CAT response sheet for slot 1 and slot 2 are available for view and download only for the CAT 2019 test takers who have actually taken the CAT exam on November 24, 2019.
A candidate who has appeared in CAT 2019 Slot 1 can check CAT 2019 Slot 1 response sheet and the candidate who has appeared in CAT 2019 Slot 2 can verify Slot 2 response sheet. If you have appeared in Slot 1, you are not eligible to check CAT 2019 Slot 2 response sheet and if you have appeared in Slot 2, you are not eligible to view and check CAT 2019 slot 1 response sheet.
Alongwith the CAT 2019 response sheet, there will an objection form to raise objection in case the CAT test taker is not satisfied with CAT official response sheet published on the official CAT exam website. The CAT response sheet can be accessed with CAT login ID and Password.
Why CAT Response Sheet is released?
To bring more transparency and to enable the CAT test takers, to find out where they have gone wrong, the CAT exam conducting IIM releases the official CAT response sheet with CAT exam questions and the responses which were marked by the candidates.
The CAT response sheet pdf was released for the first time for the 2017 CAT exam along with an objection form suggesting the CAT exam takers to submit their queries and objections in case they were not satisfied CAT official responses.
How Much Time is given to Check & Challenge CAT Responses?
A period of 3 days will be given to the candidates to check their CAT 2019 slot 1 response sheet or CAT 2019 slot 2 response sheet and raise and submit their objections against the CAT official responses.
5 Key Facts About CAT 2019 Response Sheet
- CAT 2019 response sheet with test paper will be released by IIM Kozhikode, the CAT exam convener in December 2019 first week
- Slot wise CAT official responses marked by the candidates will enable the test takers to check & verify their CAT responses and thereby arrive at their expected CAT score to explore chances for MBA admission 2020 in IIMs, FMS, MDI, SPJIMR, IITs and other preferred colleges.
- CAT response sheet Pdf is released with a Query-cum-objection form and the candidates who are not satisfied with the CAT 2019 official responses can challenge the IIMs’ responses by submitting objection to CAT centre 2019 to get the same redressed after paying requisite fee.
- If an objection raised by a candidate is found to be valid, the remedial measures taken by IIMs will be applicable to all the candidates and fee will be refunded
- The objections received for the official CAT responses by the CAT center will be reviewed. If there is no change perceived by experts in the CAT solutions, the objections will not be entertained and the objection fee will be forfeited.
CAT 2019 Response sheet: Scoring Pattern in CAT exam
Each correct answer in CAT 2019 will carry +3 marks and each wrong answer will impose a negative penalty of -1 mark for MCQ type questions. However, there is no negative marking for wrong answers on Non-MCQ type questions. What you attempted in CAT 2019 exam on November 24, 2019, if you remember a good part of it, you may arrive at your near CAT raw scores and on its basis check what percentile you could get with the help of CAT response sheet. Following table will guide you about your expected score as per the CAT 2019 sectional composition:
Section |
No. of Questions |
Max Marks per correct answer |
Negative Marking for each wrong answer |
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) |
34 |
+3 |
-1 (Only for MCQs) |
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) |
32 |
+3 |
-1 (Only for MCQs) |
Quantitative Ability (QA) |
34 |
+3 |
-1 (Only for MCQs) |
Total |
100 |
300 |
-- |
Every year, there are grumblings on the ambiguous response options in CAT exam. The release of CAT 2019 response sheet will help candidates to raise their genuine queries against such official CAT responses which are not found correct and the candidates are not satisfied with them.
CAT 2019 exam was conducted on November 24, 2019 in two slots – Morning and Afternoon. Both the slots were of moderate difficulty level as revealed by the CAT test takers.
IIM Kozhikode has advised that 209,926 out of total 244,169 registered candidates have taken the CAT exam marking an absentee of 14.02% on November 24, 2019 in two slots. The expected cut off for 99 percentile as has been perceived by the CAT experts at, CL, IMS is 155-162 marks overall.
FAQs on CAT Response Sheet
Q: When will IIMs release CAT 2019 response sheet?
A: CAT response sheet release date is November 29, 2019, 1st week. IIM Kozhikode will release the CAT 2019 response sheet on the official CAT exam website.
Q: Who can view and download CAT response sheet?
A: Only those candidates who actually appeared in CAT 2019 exam on November 24, 2019 can check and download CAT 2019 response sheet.
Q. How can I Check & Download CAT response sheet?
A. You can check and download CAT response sheet by login with your CAT login ID and password at official CAT 2019 website
Q: What is the difference between CAT response Sheet and final CAT response sheet release?
A: IIMs release final CAT response sheet after reviewing all the objections on initially released CAT response sheet. At the time of final CAT response sheet release, in case there is no change in the CAT response sheet by IIMs, you would get following message, “The objections received against CAT 2019 questions were carefully examined by the expert panels of IIMs. There is no change in the answer key of any question subsequent to this.”
Q. What does CAT response sheet contain?
A: CAT response sheet consists of section wise questions that you attempted or not attempted in your slot, answer options that you marked, answer status – whether right/wrong as per the IIMs official response sheet
Q: How can I challenge official CAT respionses?
A: You need to fill CAT response sheet objection form which is available at the official CAT website and submit the same online. Please thoroughly check and compare before submitting the query cum objection form
Q: Can I challenge the CAT official response sheet free?
A: No, there is a fee of Rs.1200 for one response objection. It means if you are raising objection to one CAT response you should pay this amount. In case you are filing more objections, you need to multiply this amount as per the number of responses. The fee should be paid payable online through credit/debit card or net banking.
Q: What is the time period allowed to challenge official CAT responses?
A: IIMs allow only 2-3 days to raise objection and submit the same. No request after closing date or after result declaration will be entertained by IIMs.
Q: Is there any chance of refund of CAT response objection fee?
A: Yes, if your objection is accepted and validated, your fee will be refunded otherwise it will be forfeited.
Q. If my objection if valid, will it help me only?
A. IIMs will update the correct response for all the test takers. This will benefit all the test takers although you took the initiative.
Stay tuned to for more updates on CAT 2019