Last Updated on November 24, 2019 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2019 Percentile Calculator: How to Make Accurate CAT Percentile Calculation after your Exam?

How should you calculate your CAT percentile with accuracy immediately after coming out of the CAT testing hall? CAT percentile calculator will help you to guide about your shortlisting chances by IIMs and other Top B-schools. CAT percentile calculator, developed by experts at MBAUniverse.com, is Live now and within a few minutes of filling up the inputs, it will give you the expected CAT percentile. Calculate your CAT Percentile now.

CAT 2019 Percentile Calculator: How to Make Accurate CAT Percentile Calculation after your Exam?

CAT percentile calculator, developed by experts at MBAUniverse.com, is Live now and within a few minutes of filling up the inputs, it will give you the expected CAT percentile. This will help you decide your IIM chances and which B-schools to apply to

LIVE! MBAUniverse.com CAT Percentile Predictor - Check Your % in 5 Minutes Now

CAT Percentile Calculator by MBAUniverse.com
This percentile calculator, developed by experts is live now and within a few minutes of filling up the inputs, based on your CAT performance, will give you the expected CAT percentile. The CAT 2019 percentile calculator will convert your expected CAT score into the CAT percentile taking into account the marking & Scoring pattern in CAT exam for MCQs and Non-MCQs.

CAT Percentile Calculation Formula 
How is CAT Percentile calculated, you may ask? The process how to arrive at the accurate CAT percentile calculation involves your net score awarded in CAT 2019, the calculated scaled score and finally the conversion of CAT scaled score to the CAT 2019 percentile score – sectional as well as overall. 

CAT Percentile Calculation: Based on 4 Parameters

  • Total number of candidates appeared in CAT 2019 exam,
  • Your performance relative to your peers;
  • Slot wise Difficulty level in CAT 2019 Exam
  • Section-wise difficulty level in CAT exam 2019

Based on this principle, the CAT Percentile Calculator predicts your CAT percentile you are likely to get. The more accurate you are in understanding your total number of attempts and correct answers for each of the CAT sections, the nearer you are to calculate your CAT 2019 percentile. 

LIVE! MBAUniverse.com CAT Percentile Predictor - Check Your % in 5 Minutes Now

How to Use CAT Percentile Calculator to Get Accurate Percentile
The CAT percentile calculator launched at the CAT exam page of MBAUniverse.com is free for the benefit of IIM aspirants. The CAT percentile calculation is based upon your accurate inputs regarding the section wise performance in CAT exam. more than 50,000 CAT takers have used this CAT percentile calculator to get the accurate assessment of their performance in CAT exam.  

3 Steps to you CAT percentile calculation
To use MBAUniverse.com CAT Percentile Calculator, take these three steps:

  1. Assess your CAT Performance: To get the accurate CAT Percentile Calculation, the best way is to use it immediately after your CAT exam is over before your memory begins to fade
  1. Check Your CAT Performance Level: You are required to enter your section wise attempts as well as correct answers for both type of questions – MCQs and Non-MCQs separately in VARC, DILR and Quant sections. This will result in nearest CAT percentile calculation – overall as well as section wise. Please note the more accurate you are, the nearer is the CAT percentile calculation. 
  1. Sectional Performance in CAT 2019: Section wise CAT percentile calculation in CAT 2019 is more important than only overall percentile to know your chances of shortlisting by IIMs.  It is not suffice to gauge only your overall performance in CAT 2019. The accurate inputs in the CAT percentile calculator format will let you know where you stand and how much are your chances to get shortlisted by top IIMs.

Data Required for CAT 2019 Percentile Calculator
The format to input data in CAT 2019 percentile calculation for your CAT 2019 performance is shared below. Make sure that you enter the correct data after your exam is over.

Name of Section

Number of   total MCQs Attempted

Number of correct answers for MCQs

Number of  total  Non-MCQs Attempted

Number of Correct answers for Non-MCQs

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)





Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)





Quantitative Ability (QA)





CAT Scoring pattern
There are good chances to improve your CAT percentile with introduction of Non-MCQ type questions which have no negative marking. Following is the scoring pattern in CAT 2019 exam:

  • Maximum marks 300
  • 3 marks awarded for each correct answer for MCQs & Non MCQs
  • -1 mark for every wrong answer for MCQs
  • No Negative Marking for wrong answer to Non-MCQ  

Benefits of Using CAT 2019 Percentile Predictor
CAT Percentile predictor can let you know your expected percentile score in CAT 2019 exam. The best CAT percentile predictor should give you the nearest CAT percentile calculation so that you may decide which IIM or top MBA college you could get based on your CAT 2019 predictions on your percentile score.

IIMs’ CAT Percentile Calculation Methodology
IIMs have released the CAT 2019 percentile calculation methodology. According to IIM Kozhikode the key factors to calculate your CAT percentile 2019 after taking your CAT 2019 exam on November 24, 2019 are the total number of candidates who have taken the CAT exam in both slots, Highest to Lowest scaled score, difficulty level in each test slot and section wise maximum and minimum scores obtained. Read More

Required CAT Percentile for Shortlisting
Not only a high CAT 2019 Percentile, you need a balanced sectional percentile in CAT 2019 also as the basic criterion to remain eligible for shortlisting by IIMs. Although, the qualifying sectional percentile scores have been lowered by top IIMs, for example IIM Ahmedabad needs only 70 sectional and 80 overall percentile; IIM Calcutta requires 80 sectional and 90 overall percentile as the qualifying scores in CAT 2019 for shortlisting, the actual CAT percentile in shortlisting at the top IIMs go much higher.

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