IIM Udaipur holds 11th Annual Convocation; Awards 398 MBA Degrees; MD & CEO of Bandhan Bank, Chandra Shekhar Ghosh Delivers Convocation Address as Chief Guest
IIM Udaipur celebrated 11th Annual Convocation on March 26, 2023 and awarded MBA degree to the diverse batch of 398 passing out graduates. The MD & CEO of Bandhan Bank, Chandra Shekhar Ghosh graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Delivers Convocation Address while the Chairman of the Board of Governors of IIM Udaipur Mr. Pankaj Patel, presided over the Convocation

Indian Institute of Management Udaipur (IIM Udaipur) has conferred MBA degrees to a large and diverse batch of 398 students in its 11th Convocation which was held on March 26, 2023. The Chief Guest for the convocation Mr. Chandra Shekhar Ghosh, MD & CEO of Bandhan Bank, delivered the Convocation Address. The event took place in the presence of Mr. Pankaj Patel, Chairman, Board of Governors, who presided over the Convocation and the concluding address was given by Prof Prof. Ashok Banerjee, Director, IIM Udaipur. The convocation was graced by the faculty & staff of IIM Udaipur, besides parents and relatives of the graduating batches.
The Convocation was hosted for IIM Udaipur flagship Two-Year MBA (Batch of 2021-23), One-Year full-time MBAs in Global Supply Chain Management and Digital Enterprise Management (Batches of 2022-23) and PhD, at its 300-acre campus at Balicha, Udaipur.
IIM Udaipur Convocation 2023: Key Highlights
- Total 398 students graduated including one Ph.D. student
- 303 students of Two-Year MBA (Batch 2021-23)
- 95 students each of One-Year MBA GSCM and One-Year MBA DEM, (Batches 2022-23).
Welcome Address by Mr. Pankaj Patel, Chairman BoG, IIM Udaipur
In his welcome address, Mr. Pankaj Patel, Chairman, said, "Management is a noble profession and it is the responsibility of the institute to transform the students into able leaders. I hope that the skills gained from here shall lead the students into winning all their personal and professional battles. At this moment, I would tell you to realize that learning never stops and graduation is just the beginning of the next level for all of you and you shall be facing new, more challenging circumstances on a daily basis. I shall also state that faculty always stay at the heart of learning. IIM Udaipur values such contributions and gives utmost priority to top quality research to build repute and prominence. The institute's professors have published numerous research papers across renowned journals worldwide. The institute has also taken many initiatives like Vidhyanjali to contribute to the society. Overall the institute has created an atmosphere where the learnings of the students align with the core values of the institute to deliver a transformational experience.”
Convocation Address by Mr. Chandra Shekhar Ghosh, MD & CEO of Bandhan Bank
While congratulating all the students and the Institute, Mr. Chandra Shekhar Ghosh, MD & CEO of Bandhan Bank, said “I have spent a third of my life building businesses and enterprises and this is an area I know best. I shall talk about my learnings of experience as I did not graduate from a Business school. But I do realize that a B-school gives you the ability to think about a problem from different angles and reach at a solution. It provides you the ability to work hard under pressure.”
Concluding Address by Prof. Ashok Banerjee, Director of IIM Udaipur
In his concluding address, Prof. Ashok Banerjee, Director of IIM Udaipur, said, "Congratulations to the graduates of the 11th Annual Convocation! As we celebrate their academic achievements, I am pleased to announce that this year again, we have achieved 100% placements for our graduating batch. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, faculty, and placement team. At our institution, we are committed to providing our students with a world-class education that is grounded in cutting-edge research and innovation. Research and innovation are key drivers of growth and progress in the business world. "
On the occasion, Sarita Uniyal was awarded the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree in Marketing. Shubham Kumar Jalewa was awarded a gold medal for scholastic performance in the One-year MBA in Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) Course. Akshay Verma was awarded a Gold Medal in a One-year MBA in Digital Enterprise Management (DEM) Course. Chaitanya Pansare, Devanshu Jain, Sagar Yadav and Amarjeet Singh were awarded Gold Medal for scholastic performance in the Two-year MBA Course. Akash Nambiar of the Two-year MBA (Batch 2021-23) Course was adjudged the Best All-Round Student.
AACSB Accredited, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Udaipur is the second generation IIM set up in 2011 and has grown up to one of the top B-schools in India. IIMU is carrying the vision to become a globally recognized management school by 2030. IIM Udaipur is ranked #22 in Govt. of India MHRD NIRF Ranking 2022 among top 125 Management institutes and has been ranked #17 in MBAUniverse.com B-school Rankings 2023. Internationally, IIM Udaipur is featured in the Masters in Management (MIM) QS World University Rankings 2022 for the third consecutive year in the 151+ band. FT Masters in Management 2021 Global Ranking placed the IIM Udaipur 2 years MBA programme #82nd rank.
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