Last Updated on January 27, 2025 by Mr Amit Agnihotri

NMIMS Admission 2025 & Competency Assessment Queries: Vice Chancellor Dr. Ramesh Bhat Clears Aspirants' Doubts and Concerns in Exclusive MBAUniverse.com Interview

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) has announced major changes in NMIMS MBA Admission 2025 process including much lower weightage to NMAT Exam and introduction of ‘Competency Assessment’ with very high weightage. These changes led to a strong reaction from MBA Aspirant community. To clear aspirants' doubts and concerns, MBAUniverse.com interviewed NMIMS Vice Chancellor Dr Ramesh Bhat. Speaking to MBAUniverse.com, Dr Bhat assured MBA aspirants that changes in NMIMS admission process are well thought out, and revealed crucial details. Read this exclusive MBAUniverse.com interview for complete clarity on NMIMS Admission 2025 process, NMIMS competency test and other details.

NMIMS Admission 2025 & Competency Assessment Queries: Vice Chancellor Dr. Ramesh Bhat Clears Aspirants' Doubts and Concerns in Exclusive MBAUniverse.com Interview
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Dr Ramesh Bhat has extensive expertise and more than four decades of teaching, research, consulting, and administrative experience. He has served as Professor at IIM Ahmedabad for 25 years. He has held adjunct and visiting faculty positions at the University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill (India program), IIM Udaipur and ISB Hyderabad. He has also served as an independent director at Corporation Bank, BEML, ITI Ltd, National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), Ahmedabad Stock Exchange, and various other companies.  

Q: NMIMS has announced a new ‘Competency Assessment’ test, which has a high 50% weightage your final admission. Please tell us more about this test…what kind of questions can candidates expect?
A: The NMIMS Competency Assessment is a second-stage assessment that focuses on evaluating competencies and abilities. When candidates come to attend the personal interview, this test will be conducted before PI at the NMIMS Mumbai Campus. The test will be a multiple-choice type, assessing candidates' critical and analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and managerial skills. The key components of the assessment will concentrate on three sections: (a) managerial ability, (b) cognitive ability to test assumptions and problem-solving, and (c) critical thinking and prioritising ideas. Shuffling within each section will be permitted, and navigation between sections will also be allowed. The details of this assessment will be provided to candidates who have been shortlisted for PI. Additionally, the candidates will be offered a mock test opportunity before they attend the PI.

Candidates will soon be provided with further information about the test and the mock. Their dashboard will include four key elements:

  1. Competency Assessment Mock Test, which will allow students to familiarise themselves with the assessment
  2. Welcome Video, offering an introductory overview of NMIMS University and the School of Business Management
  3. Competency Test Process Video, providing a comprehensive explanation of the overall process and details of the competency test and
  4. AI-assisted personal Interview Video demonstrating the AI-assisted interview process.

The expected date when it will reflect on dashboard is 28th January 2025.

Q: What is the rationale for adding NMIMS Competency Assessment to the Final Selection Process? 
A: In previous years, the second round consisted of a written aptitude test (WAT) and a Watson-Glaser test, followed by a PI. This year, the assessment is replacing the WAT and WATSON Glaser tests. The test evaluates candidates with different skill sets compared to the first stage assessment. These skill sets better align with the requirements of a management programme.

Q: While introducing this new competency assessment, the weightage of the NMAT 2024 Exam has been reduced to only 20%. What is the reason for this? 
A: As indicated above, the competency ability assessment at the second stage shows the candidate's fit for management programs, while the first stage tests assess the candidate's general aptitude. While the first stage shortlists candidates based on their general aptitude, the second stage assessments, as discussed above, focus on assessing other key parameters that evaluate the candidate’s suitability for the MBA program. 

The selection process for management programs globally is typically a two-stage affair where the weights in the second stage are relatively higher. For example, post-CAT, the IIMs also practice assigning a lower weightage to the Common Admission Test in their final selection process, with the weightage being as low as 30% in some cases.

Q: Another big change in this year admission process has been that NMIMS has announced low 209 NMAT Cut Offs 2025 for all the campuses. What is the reason for this low cut-off? 
A: This point of a low cut-off needs to be interpreted correctly. As you know, NMIMS University offers MBA programs across its campuses in Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Indore, Navi Mumbai, and the proposed Ahmedabad campus. Previously, NMIMS announced separate cut-offs for each campus, and selections were made accordingly. However, the current two-stage assessment process enables a more comprehensive evaluation of candidates' performance and their suitability for the program. Consequently, NMIMS has decided to maintain a common cut-off level for all campus programs as applicants progress from the first to the second stage. 

In the proposed system, it is now possible for any candidate to get a campus of her/his choice based on the comprehensive two-stage assessment. This change is further justified by the fact that NMIMS now offers an MBA program with the same curriculum, delivery, and assessment standards across all its campuses.

Q: As per the NMIMS Call Letter, the final section process will take five hours. Isn’t this too long…what all will be included?
A: The time required for the second stage is the same as in previous years. 

For the PI process, each batch comprises 10-12 candidates. After the competency assessment, the candidates proceed to their PI process. For each candidate, the competency assessment and PI duration are approximately 45 minutes and 30 minutes, respectively. 

By the time the last candidate in the group completes their PI, it will take approximately five hours of time. This instruction ensures that candidates plan their return journey after accounting for the time needed for the competency assessment and PI of the last candidate in the group. 

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Q: What is your message to MBA aspirants, who feel that their high NMAT score will not give them any advantage in round two?
A: Candidates who have performed well in the first stage, owing to their general aptitude and preparedness, will likely excel in the second stage. Their higher scores will undoubtedly provide them with an advantage due to the weighting system used.

Moreover, the assessment will also evaluate their other skills, which will serve as a valuable guide for the MBA, benefiting both the candidates and the program.

Q: Some candidates are also apprehensive to travel to Mumbai for final admission process, and are new to this competency assessment?
A: As far as travelling to the Mumbai campus is concerned, the process remains the same as it was last year and in previous years. Approximately 12,000 candidates visit the Mumbai campus yearly, eventually enrolling in NMIMS programmes to pursue their career dreams. This year, similar numbers of candidates are likely to get an opportunity to progress to the second stage.

Our message to the shortlisted candidates is clear - do not miss this chance to experience the NMIMS programmes and embark on a life-changing career pathway. Our graduates hold prestigious leadership positions across Fortune 500 companies, leading consulting firms, and innovative startups, upholding the legacy of excellence that NMIMS represents. The FT global ranking survey has placed us 21st in the world for career progress, with an alumni satisfaction rating of 8.83 out of 10 points.

Q: Finally, please share tentative dates for NMIMS final selection process... 
A: Shortlisted candidates will receive information on their dashboards in the first half of March 2025.

Also read complete details of NMIMS Admission 2025 process.

Admission 2025 Notifications

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