Last Updated on October 17, 2022 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

Our focus is on Globalization of Brand XLRI Fr. Sebastian George, S.J. Director, XLRI Jamshedpur

MBAUniverse.com has published part-1 of interview excerpts on management education landscape in India from Fr. Sebastian George, S.J., Director, XLRI Jamshedpur. Next in the series of Interview is the part two of XLRI Director Interview that focuses on priorities & planned approach and proposed initiatives on XLRI management education, future vision, how XLRI is getting ready for NEP among many other key areas.

Our focus is on Globalization of Brand XLRI Fr. Sebastian George, S.J. Director, XLRI Jamshedpur

Set up in 1949, XLRI was the first institution in India to offer management training and education much before the IIMs. XLRI has recently witnessed leadership change with Fr. Sebastian George, S.J., taking over as the Director of XLRI Jamshedpur. An alumnus of XLRI, Fr. Sebastian has rich academic experience. He has served XLRI for many years in various capacities.

MBAUniverse.com has published part-1 of interview with Fr. Sebastian George, S.J., Director, XLRI Jamshedpur. Next in the series is the part two of XLRI Director Interview that focuses on priorities & planned approach and proposed initiatives on XLRI management education, future vision among many other key areas. Detailed excerpts of the Part two interview of XLRI Director with MBAUniverse.com are shared below

Q: Let’s talk about XLRI. In light of business and industry changes, how is your institution rethinking its approach to management education?
At XLRI, our approach to management education has changed from being result-oriented to shaping students with knowledge and skills. This is being achieved by focusing more on research activities and practical learning that will help in developing personality, character, adaptability, and creativity. By doing this, we can come at par with the education system of developed nations.

Q: While XLRI has a rich legacy of nearly 75 years, what is your own vision for XLRI?
 Established in 1949, inspired by the Jesuit spirit of “Magis”, the quest for greater good, XLRI is committed to its Vision statement: “To be an institution of excellence nurturing responsible global leaders for the greater common good and a sustainable future”. With this in mind, we would focus on Globalization of Brand XLRI. When we say, ‘Globalization of Brand XLRI’, it is to make XLRI brand globally recognized. We build an environment which encourages faculty and students to think “local as well as global”. Secondly to design curriculum to make XL students competent to work in organizations across the globe.

Q: What are the key initiatives that you are planning to take towards achieving this vision?
 Long term initiatives will have to be taken by the Institute for global recognition. We would enhance the partnerships for student and faculty exchange. Admission to be offered to selected international students. Students to be encouraged to undertake international projects.   Internationally renowned conferences can be organized, and participants invited from recognized international schools. International Faculty to be invited to teach courses and even conduct workshops. Faculty from the Institute can have research collaborations with international scholars. XLRI faculty teaching in international schools.

Q: How has XLRI planned its program portfolio for the different participants and stakeholders needs?
 Program Portfolios at XLRI are designed as per the industry demands which is analyzed based on the market research done as per the need of time and the economy. And in order to enhance the managerial and leadership skills and make business leaders ready for the ever changing corporate environment, we have two programs i.e. Management Development Program (MDP) and Customized In Company Training Programs. At XLRI, we are trying to be competitive in nature when it comes to designing the program portfolios. With the progress in time, we might change the students' intake process and the course curriculum as per the requirements of the industry.

Q: Is XLRI planning to increase its seats in PGDM or other programs for Admissions 2023?
 Management is one of the most elite professions and along with the change in demand, we shall increase the number of seats for our admissions. I strongly believe that the demand for MBA will never decrease as it helps the future business leaders develop the required managerial skills and makes them aware of various industry offerings. And in today’s corporate world, managers are expected to have non-cognitive ability and to be agile in order to manage and work in more complex business environments.

Q: MBA/PGDM fees have increased significantly. What will you say to students who are questioning the value?
 If we talk about XLRI’s MBA/PGDM fees structure, we are always concerned about quality education and we strive to provide the best state-of-the-art infrastructure and other facilities to our students and XLRI is poised to break new ground as the most e-enabled Business School in India.

Q: Who is the ideal candidate that XLRI looks for? What should be his/her profile?
 An ideal XLRI student needs to have good decision-making ability, logical reasoning, communication skills, perseverance, and ethical value systems. While intaking students at XLRI, major focus is also given to the diversity. It is important because, in the classroom, students from different academic backgrounds bring different perspectives and angles. We also stress upon the gender ratio. Some of the first women to study management in India are from XLRI.

Q: Finally, what is the message to MBA/PGDM aspirants?
 To all the aspiring students, remember that you are the change to yourself and your future. The journey of an MBA student is a journey of transformation towards the success and progress of an individual and our country. Our nation’s economic growth needs future business leaders and management professionals who don’t only have the right set of skills and technical knowledge but are also agile and consistent.

Always remember that hard work never goes to waste, if you wish to be a part of great educational institutions, where you will get world class infrastructure along with quality education, keep your aim high and stand strong by your core values. At XLRI, we nurture our students to excel in their career, but also to be emotionally intelligent by inculcating professional ethics and human values to them.

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