Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad

Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad

Murshidabad, West Bengal | Established in 2014 | Approved/Accredited by AICTE, NBA, AIU, AIU Recognized PGDM as Equivalent to MBA, AMDISA | Private | MBAUniverse.com Rank: #38 MBAUniverse.com Grade: AA+

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

Last Updated on January 7, 2025 by Prof. SK Agarwal

Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

Program Highlight

MDI Murshidabad PGDM is 2 years full time AICTE approved MBA equivalent Post Graduate Diploma in Management program. The course curriculum is designed to enrich student’s skills and abilities in order to enable them in applying management theories and concepts in live problems existing in business and industry. The programme is designed to nurture students and help them build and enhance their managerial competence. 

In the second year, the student can choose specialization in a maximum of two functional areas. The areas of specialization are Finance, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Supply Chain Management 

The programme grooms the students into responsible Citizen consciousness, Global perspective, Critical and innovative thinking, Effective communication and collaborative decision-making, Functional Competency. On successful completion of MDI PGDM students will have Global mindset and sensitivity, Holistic business perspective, Capability to manage uncertainty and complexity, Capability to lead change, Capability to create wealth and manage diversity

Program TypeMBA/PGDM
Program NamePost Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
Specialization OfferedMarketing, Finance, Human Resource, MBA Specializations, Logistics & Supply Chain
Duration24 Month
Mode of StudyFull Time
FeesRs. 15.52 Lakhs
Average SalaryRs. 11.27 Lakhs
Approved/Accredited byAICTE, NBA, AIU, AIU Recognized PGDM as Equivalent to MBA, AMDISA

Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)


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Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

Curriculum Highlights

MDI Murshidabad PGDM programme is taught with innovative pedagogy which includes lectures, case studies, seminars, assignments, live projects, group discussions, business games, outbound based experiential learning activities, educational excursions, role plays, simulation exercises, structured and unstructured group work, field visits among others. Widespread use of Information Technology (IT) in the learning processes is made. The Field-based projects are conducted to get better insights into workplace reality. The curriculum is revised on an ongoing basis with practitioner input.

MDI Murshidabad PGDM curriculum is covered in Six terms of about three months each with three terms in each year of the programme. The core (compulsory) courses are covered in four terms, with the bulk covered in the first three terms. A Compulsory eight-to-ten weeks long internship after term 3 to be completed. 

Second year students are offered elective/ optional courses to specialize in a maximum of two of the following functional areas: Finance, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Supply Chain Management 

MDI follows a continuous evaluation system. A student earns a letter grade in each course with an associated grade point. The credit-weighted average of these grade points in the programme is the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).


Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

Eligibility Criteria

MDI Murshidabad eligibility criteria for PGDM Admission 2025 have following key points:   

  • The candidate must hold a minimum 3 years’ bachelor's degree, with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA 
  • Candidates appearing for the final examination for the Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent examination) can also apply to the PGDM Program
  • Applicant should appear in CAT. MDI Murshidabad uses CAT scores for Indian Candidates for shortlisting for its PGDM programme.  
Education RequirementsBachelor's Degree, with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA
Exam AcceptedCAT, GMAT, XAT
Work Experience-

Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)


Total Number of Seats: 180

Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)


 Fees ComponentAmount
Tuition FeeRs. 15.52 Lakhs
Total FeesRs. 15.52 Lakhs

Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

Admission Process

Application Status: Open Apply Now

MDI Murshidabad PGDM Admission Process 2025 is through CAT, XAT and GMAT exam scores. MDI Murshidabad Admission Process has following steps

Step-1: Apply & Appear in CAT, XAT and GMAT Exam and Apply Separately for MDI Murshidabad Admission 2025. Apply Now

Step-2: Shortlist: Candidates will be shortlisted based upon CAT, XAT and GMAT exam score and the information provided in their application form 

Step-3: GD PI Round: Shortlisted candidates will be called for Group Discussion and Personal Interviews on  online mode. The GDPI process may also be conducted online through zoom for which the intimation will be given to the short-listed candidates in advance.

Step-4: Final Selection: Final selection of the candidates will be based on weightages of CAT, XAT and GMAT scores, GD & PI, Academic merit, Academic diversity, Work experience and social diversity, etc.

MDI Murshidabad Admission 2025 Important Dates are as below:

  • MDI Murshidabad Last Date to Apply: Feb 10, 2025
  • MDI Murshidabad Shortlist Announcement for PI Round: Feb/March/2025 
  • MDI Murshidabad Final selection (PI) dates: March/April/ 2025
  • Provisional Admission Offer to PGDM 2025-27 Batch: April 2025 

MDI Murshidabad Shortlisting Criteria
MDI Murshidabad Shortlisting Criteria for Interview Process is based on entrance exam score and other parameters as below: 

  • Candidates are short-listed based on the basis of their performance in the CAT, XAT and GMAT exam, (Foreign / OCI/ PIO/ Children of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries applicants can be considered for admission on the basis of their valid GMAT scores)  and information given in their application form
  • Weightage for consistent academic performance and extracurricular achievements will also be applied

Exam Accepted


How to Apply

Step by Step process how to apply for MDI Murshidabad PGDM admission is as below. 
MDI Murshidabad offers facility to use a single common online application form to apply for all the PGDM programs. The form is made available at MDI website for its both campuses – MDI Gurgaon and MDI Murshidabad. 

  • Candidates can apply online for both campuses of Management Development Institute with a common application form. Application is open. Apply Now 
  • Candidates applying for MDI Murshidabad have to make online payment of Rs.1180/- towards application fee. If the candidates are applying for both MDI-G and MDI-M, they have to make an online payment of Rs. 3590 (Rupees three thousand five hundred ninety only)
  • Applicants need to select the programme they wish to apply for

Selection Process

MDI Murshidabad final selection round consists of Group Discussion and Personal Interview. MDI Murshidabad GD-PI will be conducted in Bangalore, Gurugram, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai and Mumbai.  MDI Murshidabad may also conduct the GDPI process in Online mode through zoom for which the intimation will be given to the short-listed candidates in advance. 

The final selection of the candidates will be based on weightages of CAT score, GD and PI, Academic merit, Academic diversity, Work experience and social diversity. 


Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)


YearAverage SalaryMedian SalaryHighest SalaryBatch Placed
2022Rs. 11.32 LakhsRs. 10.00 LakhsRs. 14.00 Lakhs98%
2023Rs. 12.67 LakhsRs. 11.40 LakhsRs. 20.00 Lakhs96%
2024Rs. 11.27 LakhsRs. 10.91 LakhsRs. 14.04 Lakhs78%

Average Salary Trends

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Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

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