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Innovation Vs Invention: What is more important?

Innovation Vs Invention: What is more important?

Both Invention and Innovation are different and are necessary from getting the society stagnated. The key distinction between the two is that – while an inventer creates a product or introduces a process for the first time, innovation is improving or making significant contribution.  

While Thomas Edison was an inventor,  Steve Jobs was an inventor although he is often mistaken for an inventor. Jobs once said 'Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.' To survive in this level of competition where everyone wants to exceed each other  you have to often think innovatively. So which one is better, whether working on the existing platform or to create something new, let us find out:

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Innovation can be described as a change that adds value to the products or services; that fulfills the needs of the customers. Innovation only occurs when someone improves on or makes a substantial contribution to an existing product, process or service.

Significance of Innovation:

  • The implementation of the idea for product or process for the very first time.
  • Innovation requires a broad set of marketing, technical and strategic skills.
  • One of the most cited examples of Innovation is the Apple’s iPhone. It has revamped an ordinary mobile phone and has innovated the existing product and technology to make it much more useful for the people who are using it and has launched technological revolution.
  • Innovation may not need a new discovery or newly created product but may add tremendous value to the existing one

Is the the creation of a product or introduction of a process for the first time. A new invention needs to be significantly different from previous inventions. Many of the inventions are minor improvements on existing inventions which may not qualify for patents.

Significance of an Invention:

  • The occurrence of an idea for a product or process that has never been made before.
  • The invention is coming up with a fresh idea and the way it works
  • The invention requires skills and right approach with scientific thought process. 

Need for Invention

  • Innovations are the cause effect of an invention. If there is no invention, no one can improve upon it.
  • No innovation can take place in case of no invention.
  • Consider this analogy by innovator Tom Gratsy given to Huffington post 'If invention is a pebble tossed in the pond, innovation is the rippling effect that pebble causes. Someone has to toss the pebble. With no ripping effect of invention, a phase of stagnancy will come into play.

World can do with Innovation

  • Innovation may not need inventions although new discoveries of the products are good thing
  • A country, a company or a society can move ahead even without inventions. For example Japan did not invent a Car nor it invented a Television but has done so many innovations on the existing products that it has become world leader in them.
  • Innovation is all about the consistent improvement through research and practical implementation of it.

Tips to improve your participation in GD round
This topic in GD round is one of the hot probable topics and has been carefully chosen and solved with the sole aim to help you succeed in GD round. If you follow the few key tips, you can improve your chances to get through the GD round

  • If you are clear and know the topic well, it is good to be the first to start the Group Discussion
  • If you are not well versed with the topic and fee a bit confused on it, try to gather information from first 1-2 speakers and then place your view point.
  • Since GD is a sort of debate, you should have a clear view point on the topic – either for or against. Don’t keep crossing the floor. It will leave a bad impression and you may be out of the race.
  • Use the quote and data, if you are sure of the source else leave it. You may encounter volley of questions on the economic statistics, trade data or historical facts from your fellow participants. Unless very sure, don’t use it.
  • Make multiple entries using the opportunity to speak. Take clue from your predecessor and turn it to your benefit
  • Speak in a firm and audible voice. Don’t shout as it wouldn’t do any good.
  • Even if you agree or disagree to the view point of other participant, add value by giving reasons for it when you speak but don’t simply say I agree or disagree

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