Last Updated on February 14, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MAH CET 2014: 10 key Facts and tips for MAH CET MBA 2014 preparations

This article by MBAUniverse.com brings forth key features and preparatory tips for MAH CET MBA 2014 exam. MAH CET 2014 Registration process was opened on January 27, 2014 and will continue till 5 P.M. on February 14, 2014

MAH CET 2014: 10 key Facts and tips for MAH CET MBA 2014 preparations

Good opportunity has struck for the thousands of MBA aspirants who could not score well or couldnt appear in CAT/XAT or any other all India management entrance test with the announcement of MAHCET 2014 - Maharashtra Common Entrance Test 2014. MBAUniverse.com brings forth key features and preparatory tips for this sought after management entrance examination for Admission 2014.

MAH CET 2014 Registration & Application process

Registration process to MAHCET examination was opened on January 27, 2014 and will continue till 5 P.M. on February 14, 2014. Candidates can register on line on MAHCET site.

All India Test takers may not appear but Registration is Mandatory

Candidates who appeared in any of the All India management entrance test like CAT, XAT, CMAT, ATMA, they still need to register for MAH CET, although they can choose not to appear in the examination. Registration is required to participate in MAHCET Centralized Admission Process (CAP).

MAH CET 2014: Chances for Outside Maharashtra candidates

More than 400 b schools across Maharashtra will accept CET scores. A few of them are JBIMS, SIMSREE, Welingkar, KJ Somaiya, Dy. Patil management Institute. Besides a fix percentage of seats are also reserved for non Maharashtra candidates.

Registration fee for MAH CET 2014

Fees for Open Category Candidates from Maharashtra State, Outside Maharashtra State (OMS), J & K Migrant candidates and NRI/Foreign Nationals, / PIO/Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries Candidates = Rs. 1000

For Candidates of Backward Class and & Persons with Disability Candidates belonging to Maharashtra State only = Rs. 800

More seats for Maharashtra candidates

More than half of the seats will be allocated to Maharashtra domicile candidates. In Government run and aided MBA /MMS institutes, 85% seats are allocated for Maharashtra candidates.

Individual application to the institute is not required now

Candidates seeking admission to Maharashtra B schools do not need to apply individually now. Seats will be allotted through Centralized admission process. Direct applications are to be submitted only for the institute level/minority seats.

The Centralized Admission Process of MAH MBA CET 2014 will consist of total four rounds, out of which first three rounds shall be based on computerized allotment and last round by counseling.Candidates are advised to keep the necessary documents ready at the time of Document verification stage at ARC as per the notified schedule.

MAHCET 2014 must for those who didnt appear in any All India Test

Such candidates should appear in MAH CET and score good marks to be considered for B Schools in Maharashtra.
On the contrary, if your scores are higher in MAHCET than what you scored in any other All India test, your better score will be considered for admission. After registration, it is up to you to take or not to take the test.

Key components of MAH CET MBA exam, duration and pattern

MAHCET will be an online computer based test with 200 MCQs.
The duration will be of 150 minutes. There will not be any penalty in the form of negative marking for any wrong answer.
The test will have three sections Verbal Ability & Reading comprehension; Quantitative aptitude; Logical and abstract Reasoning. A candidate can attempt any question from any section.

Dates for MAHCET Exam and MAH MBA CET 2014 Results; Exam centres outside Maharashtra

MAHCET will be conducted on 15th March 2014 to 16th March 2014 in multiple sessions. Results will be declared on April 21, 2014. Apart from 34 centres in Maharashtra the test will be conducted at 12 centres outside Maharashtra.

MAH MBA CET 2014: Practice questions before the test

MAHCET has published a sample test paper with 95 questions covering all the relevant topics. MBAUniverse.com has brought out the solutions for these questions. Candidates can practice them before the test.
Click below to Practice and score high marks in MAH CET MBA 2014 Sample Paper, http://www.mbauniverse.com/mah_cet/mahcet.php
How to prepare for MAH CET 2014

MBAUniverse.com shares suggestions and tips from Prof S K Agarwal, Expert on Verbal Ability, on how and what to prepare for the exam.
MAH CET has more subjects and subtopics to cover than any other Management entrance test. Candidates are supposed to mainly study following topics to prepare for the CET.

Topic Expected Number of questions
1. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension - 80
2. Quantitative Ability, data sufficiency & DI - 48
3. Analytical, Logical & Abstract Reasoning - 47
4. Verbal & Non Verbal reasoning - 25

MAH CET 2014: Important sub topics to prepare

All the above sections are jumbled in the examination paper. The first question may be on Verbal Ability and the second one may be on data interpretation. Candidates can attempt any question in the test according to their convenience.

Verbal Ability

Error corrections in sentences, completion of paragraphs, One word substitution, Idioms and Phrases, phrasal verbs, Synonyms and antonyms, similar words used in different contexts. Usage of articles, nouns, pronouns, sequence and syntax, tense structure, conditionals etc. are to be well understood to be a winner in this section.

Reading comprehension and Jumbled paragraphs

Both these topics form the core of English and are very important. They are to be prepared well as they constitute a major part of English comprehension (VA). The suggestion is to read the editorials, articles in the news paper regularly. Underline the difficult words-search out their meanings and put them to use in writing, in conversation etc Prepare a summary of the passage and find out after two three days whether the time is getting reduced

Quantitative Ability, data Sufficiency and data interpretation

They need regular Practice. Important topics to be covered are Number system: HCF, LCM, Geometric Progression, Arithmetic progression, Arithmetic mean, Geometric mean, Harmonic mean, Median, Mode, and Number Base System; geometry especially Lines, angles, Triangles, Spheres, Rectangles, Cube, Cone; Ratios and Proportion; Percentages; In-equations; Quadratic and linear equations; Algebra; Profit & Loss; Averages; Percentages; Time-Speed-Distance; Work and time; BODMAS; Mensuration; Allegation & Mixtures; Work, Simple Interest & Compound Interest; Set Theory; Probability; Permutations & Combination.

Data sufficiency and data Interpretation topics like logic based, quant based questions with two statements, column graphs, Bar Graphs, Line charts, Pie Chart, Graphs representing Area, Venn diagram should be prepared well

Analytical reasoning and Puzzles

Prepare well on circular arrangements, seating arrangements, direction sense, venn diagram, deductions, statements and conclusions. You may find number of questions based on these concepts.

Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning

Prepare more on analogy based questions, series, anomaly. MAH CET has been placing questions based on these concepts.

MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2014 Results:

MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2014 results will be declared on April 21, 2014. As per the notification of DTE Maharashtra, declaration of MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2014 results will take place on 21/04/2014 at 5.00PM

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more expert tips on MAH MBA/MMS CET 2014 preparations

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