
CAT Online Preparation

Last Updated on August 24, 2024 by Prof. SK Agarwal

CAT online Preparation: Best & Cost Effective CAT Preparation Module, Study Material

The Online CAT preparation is as effective as class room CAT preparation as it offers all the CAT study material, CAT online classes at a much lower cost and without a need of commuting to physical class room programs. The rich preparation material, online classes conducted by top faculty, mock test series, doubt clarification sessions are only some of the key highlights of the best online preparation for CAT 2023. On the top of it, heavy discounts are offered to the CAT 2023 aspirants who are enrolling for the online preparation. Since short time is left to prepare for CAT 2023, all the aspirants who are serious about preparing for CAT through online mode, need to start their online preparation without delay.

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Most top coaching institutes are offering online CAT coaching instead of class room coaching. With so many Online preparation programs available, how should you decide? With this article, MBAUniverse.com will help you to navigate the CAT preparation online with the available best options, benefits of online preparation with coaching, best sites for CAT Online Coaching with pricing, why and how to choose the best online preparation option among others 

Table of Content

  • 1. Why to Opt for CAT 2023 Online Preparation? Know the Key Reasons

  • 2. Online Preparation for CAT 2023: Best Option

  • 3. Two Options for Online CAT Preparation

  • 4. Why to Choose CAT Preparation Online 2023 through Coaching? 5 Key Benefits

  • 5. Best Online CAT Preparation Institutes

  • 6. How to Choose Best Online Preparation for CAT 2023? 5 Tips

  • 7. Your GD-PI Preparation Online: Key Tips

1. Why to Opt for CAT 2023 Online Preparation? Know the Key Reasons

The Online Preparation or E- learning for CAT 2023 has gone beyond the conventional classroom learning eco-system. The flexibility and ease offered by the online preparation supersedes the conventional classroom lectures. Apart from low cost, the online CAT preparation offers quickly updated preparation material with the relevant exercises. Apart from the Top CAT Preparation Institutes like TIME, CL, Byjus, Mindworkzz of Arun Sharma that offer CAT preparation online, the top YouTube Channel for CAT Preparation includes ‘2IIMs By Rajesh Balasubramanian.’

2. Online Preparation for CAT 2023: Best Option

Not only candidates but the top coaching centres have also switched to online preparation for CAT 2023 to avoid the risk of Covid-19 pandemic even in the post Covid scenario. So, not only the online preparation is more flexible, low cost but is also a good option during this period of social distancing. 

The recently conducted survey by MBAUniverse.com on preference of CAT preparation modes by aspirants revealed that 68% of CAT Aspirants were exploring Online CAT preparation institutions, and 18% of them said that CAT online classes is their preferred medium for CAT preparation. This figure is increasing in the post COVID pandemic also. According to a report titled: “Online Education in India: 2021” by KPMG India and Google, India’s online education market is set to grow to USD 1.88 billion and around 8.8 million users by 2023-24.  The study also stated that test preparation would be the fastest growing category in 2022 and 2023, growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 64%. 

3. Two Options for Online CAT Preparation

There are two ways to prepare online for CAT 2023

3.1 Online Preparation for CAT through Self Study

Many of the CAT aspirants are devoted to online self-study pattern while many others are preparing with online coaching. Some of the top CAT online preparation institutes provide self-preparation online modules with doubt clearing sessions to support your self-preparation. For example Cracku offers self-study online preparation for CAT with Mock tests and doubt clearing sessions at a nominal price of Rs.10,000; the top YouTube Channel for CAT Preparation by ‘2IIMs By Rajesh Balasubramanian’ offers very good online self-preparation module for CAT Read More

3.2 Online Preparation for CAT through Coaching Institute

Online coaching has not only become a time saving and cost effective CAT preparation tool alongwith the self-preparation, it is found suitable for working professionals as well as for those who want to utilize their commuting time in CAT preparation.. Since, at number of times we lag behind in following a tough classroom CAT study schedule offline, the CAT 2023 preparation online with coaching proves to be a good alternative. Top CAT Preparation Institutes like TIME, CL, Byjus, IMS Learning, Mindworkzz of Arun Sharma, 2IIMs offer CAT preparation online at a moderate price. Read More

Top YouTube Channels to Prepare for CAT Online 

Top two YouTube Channels for CAT Self-Preparation are:

  1. 2IIMs By Rajesh Balasubramanian

Both CAT Coaches Arun Sharma and Rajesh Balasubramanian are the CAT experts and are the CAT toppers who have helped thousands of candidates to prepare and score high in CAT exam. They are considered the best CAT coaches who place the most updated and best content on the you tube channels for CAT preparation.

Other popular channels that you can check out are:

  1. TakshzilaShikshak
  2. Rodha (Popular for Quant and LR)
  3. Khan Academy (It covers everything but is more generalised)
  4. StudyBUZZ Read More

4. Why to Choose CAT Preparation Online 2023 through Coaching? 5 Key Benefits

Online preparation for CAT with good coaching institute, if taken a little seriously will be a great value addition to your preparation for CAT.

  1. Flexibility: Online preparation programs provide the virtual classes, video lessons, online CAT exercises, online CAT quizzes and CAT online practice tests. The Online CAT lessons can be watched any time anywhere and any number of times. Similarly, the online CAT exercises and online practice tests can be attempted any number of times at your convenience without getting bound in the class room hours. After attending college or office for 5-6 hours a day, travelling and attending classes may be a tedious task. Online CAT classes offer the flexibility to utilize even the commuting/waiting time to learn from the videos.
  2. Cost Effective: CAT 2023 preparation online programs are relatively priced lower than offline classes. The price may vary from 10000 – 25,000 alongwith the online study material and online CAT practice tests. However, for offline classes one might end up paying around 40,000 to 50,000.
  3. Time Saver: CAT online classes cut short the travelling time wasted in attending conventional coaching centers and hence provide you with extra time to learn.
  4. Quality Lectures: The quality of lectures is a major concern in attending offline-coaching centers. The faculty varies from center to center and within the center also. So even after paying, a huge amount there is no assurance of quality lectures in offline mode. However, online CAT preparation classes offer quality video lectures prepared by the best faculty. Based on all the parameters, without paying first, the best Online preparation for CAT 2023 can be selected.
  5. Learning on your own pace: As one size does not fit all so does the pace of learning. At offline class mode, one is expected to match the pace of the class or of the faculty. Online CAT classes offer the CAT online preparation material with space to learn at your own pace, pause or repeat the lecture according to your own convenience.
  6. Peer- Learning: Now the online CAT courses offer various platforms to share; discuss and clear your doubts with a well- connected network of peer aspirants across the whole country. This makes you aware of the competition level and of your areas of improvement.

5. Best Online CAT Preparation Institutes

There exists a plethora of Online preparation institutes. However, best online coaching for CAT 2023 offering quality programs are only a few. Centres offering best Online Preparation for CAT include the institutes like TIME, CL, IMS, Mindworkzz. They have reduced their fee structure in the range of 30-50 percent for online preparation. According to the experts this is the right time to enroll yourself for the preferred online preparation module at a low fee in one of the top coaching institutes.  

We have listed 2 types of online CAT preparation institutes - offering online self-preparation through videos & online material and online preparation through virtual classes offered by the faculty at these best Online CAT preparation centres with CAT preparation online material. All the preparation institutes offering self-preparation modules also offer online class room programs

Online Self-Preparation Programs: Best Institutes 

Name of the CAT Online  Preparation Centre
CAT Preparation Programme Features
CAT online Preparation Fee
Cracku offers self study CAT 2023 coaching online course ‘CAT 2023 Study Room’ with Study material, mock tests, doubt clearing sessions and online support
Rs.9,999  (Under Revision)

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Online Coaching Programmes for CAT: Best Institutes

Name of the CAT Online  Preparation Centre
CAT Preparation Programme Features
CAT online Preparation Fee
  • Considered as top coaching with presence across the country
  • Mode: E- books and Videos
  • Test discussion videos
  • Online doubt clearing session
  • Reliable for being top in the industry
Rs. 40,000
Career Launcher
  • CAT online Preparation material by IIM Alumni
  • One of the top CAT coaching institutes with centres across India
  • Modes: Live/ Recorded video classes, e- books
  • Class exercise with only hand-picked questions from previous CAT exams.
  • Lessons offered by renowned CL faculty
Rs. 45,000
IMS Learning
  • E-CATapult
  • Online sessions+Vedeo session
  • 240+ Hours Program
  • Maximiser program to maximise percentile
  • 100+ Online full length tests
BYJU’s Learning App
  • Prepared by top CAT trainers - ByjuRaveendran and Santosh PN
  • Tablet + 14 Books
  • Complete CAT online preparation Material
  • 200 Sectional Tests, 20 Full Length Tests
  • Clarity on Basics and problem solving techniques
  • Course Classes by Arun Sharma & Meenakshi Upadhyaya – authors of best CAT preparation books    
  • Comprehensive CAT online preparation Material
  • Online Classes at  8PM. Videos uploaded can be accessed any time
  • 4-5 Classes per week
  • 100 Sectional Tests and 10 full length Tests
  • Mode: Classes are conducted in secret groups on Facebook
  • Demo classes available
  • 24*7 availability for doubt solving.
  • Options to take full or sectional course
  • Achieved to get 100+ students in IIMS, 30+ in XLRI in a span of 3 years.
Rs. 17,999
  • Modes: Video classes and slideshows
  • Easy concept building
  • 5 Free Classes
  • 400+ CAT-Level questions in the form of a topical test series.
  • Modes: Online & Mobile App Preparation with Video classes
  • Offer courses such as Powerplay, Game Changer, Study Room


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Comparison between Online Preparation V/s Offline Preparation

If we compare the online preparation and offline classes on different parameters, we may summarise them as follows:

Online CAT Coaching
Off-Line CAT Coaching
Cost of CAT Preparation
Low cost CAT preparation with more material and Tests
Cost of CAT preparation is high
Ease of Taking Classes
No commuting required. One can take classes from anywhere in the world
Have to go to the coaching centre
Need of Physical Presence
No Physical presence required as classes are through internet system
Have to be present in the class room
Interaction with CAT Trainer
One to one interaction, Batch size is immaterial
If the batch size is large, will be a part of crowd and may not get time for one to one interaction
Access to Class Recording afterwards
Facility to go through the recorded class, if the class is missed
Should be present in class, same class may not be repeated.
Time Investment
Time saving as no movement required
Consumes more time – travelling, batch attendance, attendees/teachers coming late etc.
Class Hesitation to Raise Query
Students feeling shy may ask the questions sitting before his/her computer-no one to ridicule at.
Shy ones remain silent for the fear of being ridiculed at.
Class Review
Every class may be reviewed any number of times
Facility is not available
Class Punctuality
Absolute punctuality-as class begins on time
The teacher/student may be late. Class will start when the teacher comes; if the student is late, he will miss the session
Suitability for Working Professionals
More suitable for working professionals as online classes are conducted in the evening/night and recordings are available afterwards
Regular class room attendance is required during the day. May need to take long leave from the office or quit the job

6. How to Choose Best Online Preparation for CAT 2023? 5 Tips

How to choose best online coaching for CAT 2023 out of many on-line preparation centres running all over the country, is another situation that needs to be analysed, so that you may have great motivational level without getting duped. When you decide on any online preparation, ask for following before proceeding to choose one:

Ask for a Demo Class: In fact special online CAT Demo classes are designed to give special effects.  It is better to opt for running Demo CAT online class.  You will get a feel of pedagogy, the level of understanding that you may get. The questions posed by the students in such classes and the answers received by them, will make you form an idea whether to go for it.  If the queries raised by you are duly answered, you will have the satisfaction of selecting the right coaching.

Past Results: All the coaching centres claim a lot. Suppose, an on-line coaching centre imparted training to 20,000 aspirants in a session and 100 got a good percentile; on the other hand is a coaching institute that trained 1000 odd students and 50 got a very good percentile – think of the ratio and then decide. 

Faculty: Find out how motivated are the students in the online CAT classes. If the trainer is able to create interest in the topic and is teaching the topic which is relevant to the examination, the online CAT classes are serving their purpose.  It is better to interact with the faculty in regard to CAT preparation strategy.

Test series: There should be ample CAT exercises in the online prepraration classes. You need to check whether the coaching Institute has full length Mock Tests and can provide the same to you timely? Would the test series be in accordance to the CAT examination pattern? Answers to these questions must be sought and well analysed before selecting the right online coaching.

Apart from the above, gather the information what shall be number of classes, which topic will have more classes, Batch size, Availability of Doubt clarification classes, ask for its course module,  take some already posted feedback- ask them to send a few feedbacks of different dates to assess the quality. This will help you going for the best available online preparation option.

Be your judge: There is a growing trend for online CAT classes as the aspirants find them more convenient but you will have to judiciously select the right coaching based on above parameters. CAT is one of the most prestigious examinations that pave your way to the best B-schools in India. The examination may not be a cake walk and would require hard wrok. You need an online CAT coaching that could make you prepare to perform your level best in CAT.

Online Preparation: Growing Popularity
Till recently the concept of online CAT preparation was shunned by many aspirants but with advent and growth in technology and its far reaching effects in all the sectors of education, CAT online classes have grown to a great extent.  

During the last few years, coaching centres have become so good in their online CAT preparation strategy on imparting knowledge and intelligent tips to solve CAT questions that students learn them with an amazing ease.  But the decision of choosing a good online CAT learning centre is not less difficult than making a choice of good B-school. 

7. Your GD-PI Preparation Online: Key Tips

While preparing for CAT exam, you should simultaneously prepare for final selection round which consists of GD-PI-WAT in top B-schools. Following are the key preparation tips from experts to get through the GD-PI:

Update your Current Affairs:

If you follow these two Newspaper sites daily, you will have covered all the important developments.

  • The Hindu Newspaper - the best Newspaper in India for MBA Aspirants
  • The New York Times – the best US Newspaper for global perspective

Get Regular Updates on Business & Economy with Best News Papers & Periodicals:

Following are good news papers that will help you to prepare for GD-PI on Business & Economy topics. You should also read the important GD topics online at MBAUniverse.com

  • MINT – the best business Newspaper in India for MBA Aspirants
  • Harvard Business Review – the best management trends magazine
  • The Wall Street Journal – the best US Business Newspaper for MBA Aspirants
  • The Economist – the best International Magazine for MBA Aspirants
  • Financial Times - the best European Business Newspaper for MBA Aspirants

Update the Philosophy and Arts/Culture through Websites:

Go through following to update the philosophy, Arts and culture online. These are important components of final selection process of top B-schools

  1. The New Yorker
  2. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  3. The Philosopher’s Beard
  4. Sophia Project
  5. Philosophy Hub
  6. The Culture Vulture

CAT preparation in online mode offers a lot of advantages over conventional classroom programs. However, as the program is self-driven a few things like Time Management and Self- Motivation need to be taken care of during the course of online preparation through coaching. As there would be no faculty member to gauge the performance, so you need to be proactive in clearing doubts also during the virtual class room sessions.

In this article, we have tried to cover an in-depth analysis of the top CAT 2023 online preparation institutes and their preparation courses. Beginning the article with the growing share of candidates opting for online preparation, options available for online preparation, we then moved onto key benefits of online preparation and the best CAT preparation institutes that offer self-online preparation and preparation through CAT online classes. We have duly researched and have also provided a comparison of the online preparation courses offered by the best CAT preparation institutes and explained in detail how to choose the best CAT preparation online institute. It may be noted that due to corona virus pandemic and lockdown, most of the preparation institutes offering class room coaching for CAT have switched to online preparation module till the problem is resolved. Hope you found this article helpful for cracking CAT 2023. MBAUniverse.com will continue to update this article with latest information about the CAT online courses, fee, for the top preparation institutes, so book mark this page.

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